• Title/Summary/Keyword: $0_2$ Sensory

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The Sensory Characteristics of Brown Sauce by Adding Different Ratio of Chicken Bone (닭뼈 혼합비에 따른 Brown Sauce의 관능적 성질)

  • Lee, Jong-Pil
    • Culinary science and hospitality research
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    • v.12 no.1 s.28
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    • pp.82-92
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate sensory characteristics of brown sauce made with different ratio of chicken bone. Brown sauces made from chicken bone and beef bone respectively were evaluated by pH, viscosity, turbidity, Hunter's color and sensory evaluation. With chicken bone increased, pH of brown sauce changed from 5.11 to 5.72 (p<0.05) that was lower than optimal bacterial growth condition between 6.8 and 7.0. Viscosity increased with higher chicken bone ratio (p<0.05) and desired viscosity can be obtained by controlling chicken bone content. Turbidity increased with chicken bone (p<0.05), which might be caused by the thick chicken bone extract. Lower Hunter "L" value and higher "a" and "b" value were shown with increase of chicken bone (p<0.05). The sensory evaluation was performed with scoring tests for color, flavor, viscosity and taste by 20 professional panels who were professional cooks working in I hotel. Better scores of color, flavor, taste and overall evaluation except viscosity were observed with increase of cattle bone (p<0.05). There was not a significant difference between chicken bone and beef bone 0.0 : 10.0 and 2.5 : 7.5 (p>0.05). Brown sauce made with 2.5 : 7.5 can be prepared without reducing sensory quality.

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A Study on the Alkaline treatment of Polyester Fabric - The effect of correlation with the physical, sensory properties and handle- (폴리에스테르 직물의 알칼리가공에 관한 연구 -물리량, 관능량과 태와의 상호관계를 중심으로-)

  • Jeong Je Seok
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.9-16
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    • 1986
  • In this research, we tested the fertile physical and the sensory properties and the handle of the domestic polyester fabrics were treated with the varying alkaline concentrations and temperatures were tested. The tests were conducted to determine the effects of the alkaline treatment on the changes of the physical and the sensory chrateristics of the domestic polyester fabrics. The results were as follows; 1. When treated with the varying alkaline concentrations from $7.5\%$ to $15\%$ at temperatures from $60^{\circ}C$ to $90^{\circ}C$, the weight decreasing phenomena were shown to as a linear equations increase in that range. 2. As the weight loss increased, the softness and the smoothness were increased but the fullness and the tightness were decreased. 3. The positive correlations were found between the sensory and the physical properties, and the fullness ana the tightness, while a negative correlation was found between softness and the smoothness. 4. The regression equations obtained by the sensory chrateristics related with the physical chracteristics were as follows ; Softness: y=84.01-0.74x Fullness : y=0.06+0.78x Smoothness: y=88.67-0.82x Tightness : y= 0.34+0.79x

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Physicochemical and Sensory Properties of Sponge Cakes Incorporated with Ecklonia cava Powder (감태 분말을 대체하여 제조한 스펀지 케이크의 품질특성)

  • Lee, Jun Ho;Heo, Seon Ah
    • Food Engineering Progress
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.222-228
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    • 2010
  • Effect of baking on the physicochemical and sensory properties was investigated using a model system of sponge cakes incorporated with Ecklonia cava powder as a value-added food ingredient. Ecklonia cava powder was incorporated into cake batter at 5 levels (0%, 2%, 4%, 6%, and 8%, w/w) by replacing equivalent amount of wheat flour. After appropriate mixing, sponge cakes were baked at ${185^{\circ}C}$ for 20 min in an oven. The baked cakes were cooled to room temperature for 1 hr prior to all measurements. The specific gravity of batter increased gradually with increase in Ecklonia cava powder content. The specific volume of sponge cakes tended to decrease while baking loss increased. Volume of the cakes decreased with higher amount of Ecklonia cava powder in the formulation as indicated by the decrease in the volume index. Sponge cakes became darker and firmer with increase in Ecklonia cava powder content (p<0.05). Color, seaweeds smell, and taste were distinctively classified by the sensory analyses (p<0.05). Finally, correlation analysis indicated that level of Ecklonia cava powder incorporation was well-correlated with all the physicochemical and sensory properties studied except for $a^{*}$-value and sensory firmness (p<0.05, p<0.01 or p<0.001).

Consciousness and Sensory Characteristics on Commercial Kimchi (시판김치에 대한 의식과 관능적 특성)

  • Park Young-Hee;Jung Lan-Hee
    • Korean Journal of Human Ecology
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.85-92
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    • 2006
  • He purpose of this study was to provide basic data for improvement commercial kimchi quality. To examine the consciousness of commercial kimchi, college students residing in the Jeonnam area were selected and asked to questionnaires. Commercial kimchi samples used included a total of 7 kinds which were fermented for 2 week at $4^{\circ}C$. A sensory characteristics included 10 items with a 5-score scale: color, savory taste, carbonated taste, sour taste, hot taste, salty taste, bitter taste, off-flavor, texture, and overall preference. 76% of the whole student liked kimchi, especially well-fermented kimchi(43.2%) and kimchi with fermented fish(48.6%). Participants liked savory(21.6%), hot(17.1%), and crispy(14.4%) taste. Their most favorite kimchi was the whole cabbage kimchi(26.1%), wild lettuce kimchi(0.9%) and watery kimchi made of sliced radishes(1.8%) were low in preference. 56.8% of participants had no experience in making kimchi. They mainly bought commercial kimchi in grocery stores(37.8%) or shopping malls(29.7%). They pointed out the addition of artificial sweeter(35.1%), insanitation, and discredit of kimchi materials(21.6%) as problems of commercial kimchi. The sensory characteristics of commercial fresh kimchi was significantly different in color($2.6{\sim}4.1$), and hot($2.3{\sim}3.8$), and salty($2.6{\sim}3.5$) with p<0.001. The sensory characteristics of $4^{\circ}C$-fermented commercial kimchi for 2 week was significantly different in color($2.7{\sim}3.9$), and salty($2.1{\sim}4.0$) with p<0.001. It was found that color, and hot, and salty taste had the greatest effect on the overall preference in non-fermented kimchi, and color and salty taste, in 2 week fermented kimchi

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Nitrous Oxide Enhances the Level of Sensory Block by Epidural Lidocaine (리도카인을 이용한 경막외 마취시 Nitrous Oxide가 감각차단에 미친 영향)

  • Goo, Young-Gwon;Woo, Soo-Young;Cho, Kang-Hee
    • The Korean Journal of Pain
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.43-47
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    • 1999
  • Backgroud: Systemic administration of opioid can prolong the duration of epidural anesthesia. The authors examined the effect of nitrous oxide ($N_2O$) on the level of sensory block induced by epidural lidocaine. Methods: Twenty minutes after epidural injection of 2% lidocaine (below 70 years : 20 ml, 70 years and above : 15 ml), the level of sensory block was assessed (2nd stage). Patients were randomly assigned to receive either medical air (control group, n=15) or 50% $N_2O$ in oxygen ($N_2O$ group, n=15) for 10 minutes, the level of block was reassessed (3rd stage). Pateints were given room air (control group) or 100% oxygen for 5 minutes and room air for 5 minutes ($N_2O$ group), and the level of block was reassessed (4th stage). Results: At the 3rd stage, $N_2O$ group showed 4.3 cm cephalad increase in the level of sensory block (p=0.005), but control group revealed 1.43 cm regression. After discontinuation of gas, the level of block regressed in both group (p=0.000). At the 4th stage, $N_2O$ group revealed 3.5 cm cephalad increase (p=0.048) and control group 1.97 cm regression (p=0.001) as compared with the 2nd stage. Conclusions: The level of sensory block induced by epidural lidocaine was significantly increased cephalad by concommitant use of 50% $N_2O$ for 10 minutes.

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Consumer Perception and Sensory Characteristics of Cookies Incorporated with Strawberry Powder

  • Lee, Jun-Ho;Kim, In-Young
    • Preventive Nutrition and Food Science
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.66-70
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    • 2009
  • The effect of baking on the consumer perception and sensory characteristics was investigated using a model system of cookies incorporated with strawberry powder as a value-added food ingredient. Strawberry powder was incorporated into cookie dough at 4 levels (0%, 2%, 4%, and 6%, w/w) by replacing equivalent amount of wheat flour of the cookie dough. After aging and sheeting, cookies were baked at $170^{\circ}C$ for 15 min in an oven. The baked cookies were cooled to room temperature for 1 h and packed in airtight bags prior to all measurements. In terms of color, control received the most favorable mean score, which is significantly higher than others (p<0.05) followed by the 4% sample. The consumer preference on taste and aftertaste was not significantly affected by the amount of strawberry powder incorporated in the formulation (p>0.05). Samples with 4% strawberry powder received the highest mean flavor score of 6.28 which is significantly higher than that of 6% sample (p<0.05). In overall, substitution of 4% strawberry powder in the formulation would result in the most favorable strawberry cookies by the consumers with taking advantages of health benefits of strawberry. Correlation analysis indicated that strawberry powder concentration was significantly correlated positively with sensory color and hardness and negatively correlated with consumers' overall acceptability (p<0.05). Consumers' aftertaste was significantly correlated with overall acceptability which was negatively correlated with sensory hardness (p<0.05). Sensory hardness was highly correlated with sensory color attribute (p<0.05).

Physicochemical and Sensory Textural Properties of Rice Extrudate Depending on Extrusion Conditions

  • Chung, Kang-Hyun
    • Preventive Nutrition and Food Science
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.25-31
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    • 2000
  • Extrusion conditions for production of rice extrudate were studied. The optimal production conditions of rice extrudate were determined by the relationship between dependent variables such as expansion ratio, shear strength and color change and independent variables such as moisture content of raw material, screw speed, and die tem-perature of extruder. The textural quality of rice exturdate was significantly affected by the moisture content of raw material (x1), screw speed (x2), and die temperature (x3) of extruder. The expansion ratio of rice extrudate showed the highest value at the moisture content of 18% of raw material, and the lowest at 24%, and whose regression equation was Y=34.8967 - 3.219X1 - (0.623$\times$10-2)X2 + 0.136X3 + (0.648$\times$10-1)X12 + (0.138$\times$10-3)X1X2 + (0.456$\times$10-4)X22 + (0.719$\times$10-3)X1X3 -(0.515$\times$10-3)X2X3- (0.552$\times$10-3)X32. The most desirable texture of rice extrudate determined by shear test and sensory evaluation was obtained at the following conditions : mois-ture content of 18% of raw material, screw speed of 210 rpm and die temperature of 11$0^{\circ}C$. The rice extrudate prepared under the above conditions showed the lowest shear force of 954g at which the highest sensory score was obtained.

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Studies of Gangjung(I) -Effect of dried Insam on the Lipid Oxidation and Sensory Evaluation of Gangjung- (강정에 관한 연구(I) -인삼이 강정의 지방산화와 기호도에 미치는 영향)

  • 이숙경;백남현;손종성
    • Journal of Food Hygiene and Safety
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.334-339
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    • 2000
  • The antioxidant effect and sensory evaluation of various concentration of dried insam on gangjung was investigated far 6 months. The results were as follows: 1. The antioxidant effect of each sample were in the rank order of 0>0.5>1.0>1.5>2.0>2.5% of dried insam at 2$0^{\circ}C$ by acid and peroxide value but the effect did not increase pro-portionally with increasing concentration.2. In 3 months, acid and peroxide values increased slowly showing, but after 3 months, acid and peroxide values increased remarkably. 3. The acid value(AV) and the peroxide value(POV) of dried insam gangjung increased according to storage term but there was no significant difference with the kinds of adding methods of dried insam. 4. Sensory evaluation of preference for flavor, texture, taste and total quality of six samples by multiple paired comparison test indicated that gangjung with 1.5% dried insam In maltose was the best among samples.

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Effect of Quality Grade on the Physicochemical and Sensory Properties of Hanwoo (육질등급별 한우의 물리화학적 및 관능적 특성)

  • Kim, Bum-Keun;Park, Chan-Eun;Lee, Eun-Ji;Kim, Yun-Sook;Kim, Byung-Sam;Kim, Jong-Chan
    • Food Science of Animal Resources
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.287-293
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    • 2013
  • This study was conducted to investigate the effect of quality grade on the physicochemical and sensory properties of Hanwoo beef on the basis of four quality grades (grade $1^{{+}{+}}$, $1^{+}$, 1, and 2). Significantly decreased levels of myoglobin content (from 12.73 mg/g to 7.90 mg/g) and Warner-Bratzler shear force (WBs) (from 28.01 kg to 14.03 kg) were found with reduction in quality grade (p<0.05). In contrast, increasing quality grade correlated with significant increase in crude fat contents (from 8.18% to 19.55%). Crude fat contents showed a negative correlation with moisture content (r=-0.966), myoglobin content (r=-0.998), and WBs (r=-0.969). In sensory evaluation experiments it was revealed that quality grades were associated with significantly altered (all p<0.05) flavor, taste, juiciness, tenderness, and overall acceptability. Moisture contents showed negative correlation with taste (r=-0.969) and overall acceptability (r=-0.988). Crude fat contents showed significant correlation with taste (r=0.971), tenderness (r=0.983) and overall acceptability (r=0.968). WBs showed negative correlation with taste (r=-0.957) and overall acceptability (-0.978). The marbling score of fresh meat showed significant correlation with taste (r=0.958), juiciness (r=0.953), and overall acceptance of cooked meat. These results could be used as a fundamental dataset to evaluate the effect of quality grade on the physicochemical and sensory characteristics of Hanwoo beef.

Rheological Properties of White Bread Supplemented with Ligularia stenocephala Leaf Powder and Its Sensory Characteristics according to Survey Panel Members (곤달비 분말이 첨가된 식빵의 물성 및 패널요원에 따른 관능적 특성)

  • Jung In-Chang
    • The Korean Journal of Food And Nutrition
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.207-218
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    • 2006
  • This study was designed to investigate the possible utilization of Ligularia stenocephala as a source of functional ingredients in white bread. In terms of color values, as more Ligularia stenocephala leaf powder was added, 'lightness,' 'redness,' and 'yellowness' decreased in the crust, while in the bread crumb 'lightness' and 'yellowness' decreased, but 'redness' increased. When 5.0%, 7.5%, or 10.0% Ligularia stenocephala leaf powder was substituted for an equivalent amount of strong flour, the ratio of the volume and specific volume of white bread decreased while its weight increased. In the texture measurements for the white breads, the hardness decreased slightly with the addition of 2.5% Ligularia stenocephala leaf powder, but increased with the addition of 5.0%, 7.5%, or 10.0% Ligularia stenocephala leaf powder. The addition of the Ligularia stenocephala leaf powder also increased the springiness and gumminess of the white bread. The highest sensory scores for color, flavor, taste, texture, and overall acceptance for both the student group and the baker group were obtained from white bread with 5.0% Ligularia stenocephala leaf powder. The highest sensory scores for the housewife group for taste, texture, and overall acceptance were obtained from control bread. Through the results of these experiments, we conclude that the highest quantity of Ligularia stenocephala leaf powder content should be no more than 5.0% when making bread with added Ligularia stenocephala leaf powder.