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The recent essay of Bijeung - Study of III- (비증(痺證)에 대(對)한 최근(最近)의 제가학설(諸家學說) 연구(硏究) - 《비증전집(痺證專輯)》 에 대(對)한 연구(硏究) III -)

  • Yang, Tae-Hoon;Oh, Min-Suk
    • Journal of Haehwa Medicine
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    • 제9권1호
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    • pp.513-545
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    • 2000
  • I. Introduction Bi(痺) means blocking. It can reach at the joints or muscles or whole body and make pains. Numbness and movement disorders. BiJeung can be devided into SilBi and HeoBi. In SilBi there are PungHanSeupBi, YeolBi and WanBi. In HeoBi, there are GiHyeolHeoBi, EumHeoBi and YangHeoBi. The common principle for the treatment of BiJeung is devision of the chronic stage and the acute stage. In the acute stage, BiJeung is usually cured easily but in the chronic stage, it is difficult. In the terminal stage, BiJeung can reach at the internal organs. BiJeung is one kind of symptoms making muscles, bones and jonts feel pain, numbness or edema. For example it can be gout or SLE etc. Many famous doctors studied medical science by their fathers or teachers. So the history of medical science is long. So I studied ${\ll}Bijeungjujip{\gg}$. II. Final Decision 1. BanSuMun(斑秀文) thought that BiJeung can be cured by blocking of blood stream. So he insisted that the important thing to cure BiJeung is to improve the blood stream. He usually used DangGuiSaYeokTang(當歸四逆湯), DangGuiJakYakSanHapORyeongSan, DoHong-SaMulTang(桃紅四物湯), SaMyoSanHapHeuiDongTang and HwangGiGyeJiOMulTang. 2. JangGeonBu(張健夫) focused on soothing muscles and improving blood seam. So he used many herbs like WiRyeongSeon(威靈仙), GangHwal(羌活), DokHwal(獨活), WooSeul(牛膝), etc. Especially he pasted wastes of the boiled herbs. 3. OSeongNong(吳聖農) introduced four rules to treat arthritis. So he usually used SeoGak-SanGaGam(犀角散加減), BoYanHwanOTang(補陽還五湯), ODuTang(烏頭湯), HwangGiGyeJiOMulTang. 4. GongJiSin thought disk hernia as one kind of BiJeung. And he said that Pung can hurt upper limbs and Seup can hurt lower limbs. He used to use GyeJiJakYakJiMoTang(桂枝芍藥知母湯). 5. LoJiJeong(路志正) introduced four principles to treat BiJeung. He used BangPungTang(防風湯), DaeJinGuTang) for PungBi(風痺), OPaeTang(烏貝湯) for HanBi(寒痺), YukGunJaTang(六君子湯) for SeupBi(濕痺) and SaMyoTang(四妙湯), SeonBiTang(宣痺湯), BaekHoGaGyeTang(白虎加桂湯) for YeolBi(熱痺). 6. GangChunHwa(姜春華) discussed herbs. He said SaengJiHwang(生地黃) is effective for PungSeupBi and WiRyungSun(威靈仙) is effective for the joints pain. He usually used SipJeonDaeBoTang(十全大補湯), DangGuiDaeBoTang(當歸大補湯), YoukGunJaTang(六君子湯) and YukMiJiHwanTang(六味地黃湯). 7. DongGeonHwa(董建華) said that the most important thing to treat BiJeung is how to use herbs. He usually used CheonO(川烏), MaHwang(麻黃) for HanBi, SeoGak(犀角) for YeolBi, BiHae) or JamSa(蠶沙) for SeupBi, SukJiHwang(熟地黃) or Vertebrae of Pigs for improving the function of kidney and liver, deer horn or DuChung(杜沖) for improving strength of body and HwangGi(黃?) or OGaPi(五加皮) for improving the function of heart. 8. YiSuSan(李壽山) devided BiJeung into two types(PungHanSeupBi, PungYeolSeupBi). And he used GyeJiJakYakJiMoTang(桂枝芍藥知母湯) for the treatment of gout. And he liked to use HwanGiGyeJiOMulTangHapSinGiHwan 枝五物湯合腎氣丸) for the treat ment of WanBi(頑痺). 9. AnDukHyeong(顔德馨) made YongMaJeongTongDan(龍馬定痛丹)-(MaJeonJa(馬錢子) 30g, JiJaChung 3g, JiRyong(地龍) 3g, JeonGal(全蝎) 3g, JuSa(朱砂) 0.3g) 10. JangBaekYou(張伯臾) devided BiJeung into YeolBi and HanBi. And he focused on improving blood stream. 11. JinMuO(陳茂梧) introduced anti-wind and dampness prescription(HoJangGeun(虎杖根) 15g, CheonChoGeun 15g, SangGiSaeng(桑寄生) 15g, JamSa(蠶絲) 15g, JeMaJeonJa(制馬錢子) 3g). 12. YiChongBo(李總甫) explained basic prescriptions to treat BiJeung. He used SinJeongChuBiEum(新定推痺陰) for HaengBi(行痺), SinJeongHwaBiSan(新定化痺散) for TongBi(痛痺), SinJeongGaeBiTang(新定開痺湯) for ChakBi(着痺), SinJeongCheongBiEum(新定淸痺飮) for SeupYeolBi(濕熱痺), SinRyeokTang(腎瀝湯) for PoBi(胞痺), ORyeongSan for BuBi(腑痺), OBiTang(五痺湯) for JangBi(臟痺), SinChakTang(腎着湯) for SingChakByeong(腎着病). 13. HwangJeonGeuk(黃傳克) used SaMu1SaDeungHapJe(四物四藤合制) for the treatment of a acute arthritis, PalJinHpPalDeungTang(八珍合八藤湯) or BuGyeJiHwangTangHapTaDeungTang(附桂地黃湯合四藤湯) for the chronic stage and ByeolGapJeungAekTongRakEum(鱉甲增液通絡飮) for EumHeo(陰虛) 14. GaYeo(柯與參) used HwalRakJiTongTang(活絡止痛湯) for shoulder ache, SoJongJinTongHwalRakTank(消腫鎭痛活絡湯) for YeolBi(熱痺), LiGwanJeolTang(利關節湯) for ChakBi(着痺), SinBiTang(腎痺湯) for SinBi(腎痺) and SamGyoBoSinHwan(三膠補腎丸) for back ache. 15. JangGilJin(蔣길塵) liked to use hot-character herbs and insects. And he used SeoGeunLipAnTang(舒筋立安湯) as basic prescription. 16. RyuJangGeol(留章杰) used GuMiGangHwalTang(九味羌活湯) and BangPungTang(防風湯) at the acute stage, ODuTang(烏頭湯) or GyeJiJakYakJiMoTang(桂枝芍藥知母湯) for HanBi of internal organs, YangHwaHaeEungTang(陽和解凝湯) for HanBi, DokHwalGiSaengTang(獨活寄生湯), EuiYiInTang(薏苡仁湯) for SeupBi, YukGunJaTang(六君子湯) for GiHeoBi(氣虛痺) and SeongYouTang(聖兪湯) for HyeolHeoBi(血虛痺). 17. YangYuHak(楊有鶴) liked to use SoGyeongHwalHyelTang(疏經活血湯) and he would rather use DoIn(桃仁), HongHwa(紅花), DangGui(當歸), CheonGung(川芎) than insects. 18. SaHongDo(史鴻濤) made RyuPungSeupTang(類風濕湯)-((HwangGi 200g, JinGu 20g, BangGi(防己) 15g, HongHwa(紅花) 15g, DoIn(桃仁) 15g, CheongPungDeung(靑風藤) 20g, JiRyong(地龍) 15g, GyeJi(桂枝) 15g, WoSeul(牛膝) 15g, CheonSanGap(穿山甲) 15g, BaekJi(白芷) 15g, BaekSeonPi(白鮮皮) 15g, GamCho(甘草) 15g).

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Study of BiJeung by 18 doctors - Study of II - (18인(人)의 비증(痺證) 논술(論述)에 대(對)한 연구(硏究) - 《비증전집(痺證專輯)》 에 대(對)한 연구(硏究) II -)

  • Sohn, Dong Woo;Oh, Min Suk
    • Journal of Haehwa Medicine
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    • 제9권1호
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    • pp.595-646
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    • 2000
  • I. Introduction Bi(痺) means blocking. BiJeung is one kind of symptoms making muscles, bones and jonts feel pain, numbness or edema. For example it can be gout or SLE etc. says that Bi is combination of PungHanSeup. And many doctors said that BiJeung is caused by food, fatigue, sex, stress and change of weather. Therefore we must treat BiJeung by character of patients and characteristic of the disease. Many famous doctors studied medical science by their fathers or teachers. So the history of medical science is long. So I studied ${\ll}Bijeungjujip{\gg}$. II. Final Decision 1. JoGeumTak(趙金鐸) devided BiJeung into Pung, Han, Seup and EumHeo, HeulHeo, YangHeo, GanSinHeo by charcter or reaction of pain. And he use DaeJinGyoTang, GyegiGakYakJiMoTang, SamyoSan, etc. 2. JangPaeGyeu(張沛圭) focused on division of HanYeol(寒熱; coldness and heat) in spite of complexity of BiJeung. He also used insects for treatment. They are very useful for treatment of BiJeung because they can remove EoHyeol(瘀血). 3. SeolMaeng(薛盟) said that the actual cause of BiJeung is Seup. So he thought that BiJeung can be divided into PungSeup, SeupYeol, HanSeup. And he established 6 rules to treat BiJeung and he studied herbs. 4. JangGi(張琪) introduced 10 prescriptions and 10 rules to cure BiJeung. The 1st prescription is for OyeSa, 2nd for internal Yeol, 3rd for old BiJeung, 4th for Soothing muscles, 5th for HanSeup, 6th for regular BiJeung, 7th for functional disorder, 8th for YeolBi, 9th for joint pain and 10th for pain of lower limb. 5. GangSeYoung(江世英) used PungYeongTang(風靈湯) for the treatment of PungBi, OGyeHeukHoTang(烏桂黑虎湯) for HanBi, BangGiMokGwaTang(防己木瓜湯) for SeupBi, YeolBiTang(熱痺湯) for YeolBi, WoDaeRyeokTang(牛大力湯) for GiHei, HyeolPungGeunTang(血楓根湯) for HyeolHeo, ToJiRyongTang(土地龍湯) for the acute stage of SeupBi, OJoRyongTang(五爪龍湯) for the chronic stage of SeupBi, and so on. 6. ShiGeumMook(施今墨) devided BiJeung into four types. They are PungSeupYeol, PungHanSeup, GiHyeolSil(氣血實) and GiHyeolHeo(氣血虛). And he introduced the eight rules of the treatment(SanPun(散風), ChukHan(逐寒), GeoSeuP(, CheongYeol(淸熱), TongRak(通絡), HwalHyeol(活血), HaengGi(行氣), BoHeo(補虛)). 7. WangYiYou(王李儒) explained the acute athritis and said that it can be applicable to HaneBi(行痺). And he used GyeJiJakYakJiMoTang(桂枝芍蘂知母湯) for HanBi and YeolBiJinTongTang(熱痺鎭痛湯) for YeolBi. 8. JangJinYeo(章眞如) said that YeolBi is more common than HanBi. The sympthoms of YeolBi are severe pain, fever, dried tongue, insomnia, etc. And he devided YeolBi into SilYeol and HeoYeol. In case of SilYeol, he used GyeoJiTangHapBaekHoTang(桂枝湯合白虎湯) and in case of HeoYeol he used JaEumYangAekTang(滋陰養液湯). 9. SaHaeJu(謝海洲) introduced three important rules of treatment and four appropriate rules of treatment of BiJeung. 10. YouDoJu(劉渡舟) said that YeolBi is more common than HanBi. He used GaGamMokBanGiTang(加減木防已湯) for YeolBi, GyeJiJakYakJiMoTang or GyeJiBuJaTang(桂枝附子湯) for HanBi and WooHwangHwan(牛黃丸) for the joint pain. 11. GangYiSon(江爾遜) focused on the internal cause. The most important internal cause is JeongGiHeo(正氣虛). So he tried to treat BiJeung by means of balance of Gi and Hyeol. So he ususlly used ODuTang(烏頭湯) and SamHwangTang(三黃湯) for YeolBi, OJeokSan(五積散) for HanBi, SamBiTang(三痺湯) for the chronic BiJeung. 12. HoGeonHwa(胡建華) said that to distinguish YeolBi from Hanbi is very difficult. So he used GyeJiJakYakJiMoTang in case of mixture of HanBi and YeoBi. 13. PiBokGo(畢福高) said that the most common BiJeung is HanBi. He usually used acupuncture with medicine. He followed the theory of EumYongHwa(嚴用和)-he focused on SeonBoHuSa(先補後瀉). 14. ChoiMunBin(崔文彬) used GeoPungHwalHyeolTang(祛風活血湯) for HanBi, SanHanTongRakTang(散寒通絡湯) for TongBi(痛痺), LiSeupHwaRakTang(利濕和絡湯) for ChakBi(着痺), CheongYeolTongGyeolChukBiTang(淸熱通經逐痺湯) for YeolBi(熱痺) and GeoPungHwalHyeolTang(祛風活血湯) for PiBi(皮痺). 15. YouleokSeon(劉赤選) introduced the common principle for the treatment of BiJeung. He used HaePuneDeungTang(海風藤湯) for HaengBi(行痺), SinChakTang(腎着湯), DokHwalGiSaengTang(獨活寄生湯) for TongBi(痛痺), TongPungBang(痛風方) for ChakBi(着痺) and SangGiYiMiTangGaYeongYangGakTang(桑枝苡米湯加羚羊角骨) for YeolBi(熱痺). 16. LimHakHwa(林鶴和) said about TanTan(movement disorders or numbness) and devided TanTan into the acute stage and the chronic stage. He used acupuncture at the meridian spot like YeolGyeol(列缺), HapGok(合谷), etc. And he also used MaHwangBuJaSeSinTang(麻黃附子細辛湯) in case of the acute stage. In the chronic stage he used BangPungTang(防風湯). 17. JinBaekGeun(陳伯勤) liked to use three rules(HwaHyeol(活血), ChiDam(治痰), BoSin(補腎)) to treat BiJeung. He used JinTongSan(鎭痛散) for the purpose of HwalHyeol(活血), SoHwalRakDan(小活絡丹) for ChiDam(治痰) and DokHwalGiSaengTang(獨活寄生湯) for BoSin(補腎). 18. YimGyeHak(任繼學) focused on YangHyeolJoGi(養血調氣) if the stage of BiJeung is chronic. And in the chronic stage he insisted on not using GalHwal(羌活), DokHwal(獨活) and BangPung(防風).

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Solution Phase Photolyses of Substituted Diphenyl Ether Herbicides under Simulated Environmental Conditions (모조(模造) 환경조건하(環境條件下)에서의 치환(置換) Diphenyl Ether 제초제(除草劑)의 광분해(光分解)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Lee, Jae-Koo
    • Applied Biological Chemistry
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    • 제17권3호
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    • pp.149-176
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    • 1974
  • Eight substituted diphenyl ether herbicides and some of their photoproducts were studied in terms of solution phase photolysis under simulated environmental conditions by using a Rayonet photochemical reactor. The test compounds absorbed sufficient light energy at the wavelength of 300 nm to undergo various photoreactions. All the photoproducts were confirmed by means of tlc, glc, ir, ms, and/or nmr spectrometry. The results obtained are summarized as follows: Solution phase photolysis of C-6989: An exceedingly large amount of p-nitrophenol formed strongly indicates the readiness of the ether linkage cleavage of this compound as the main reaction in all solvents used. Photoreduction of nitro to amino group(s) and photooxidation of trifluoromethyl to carboxyl group were recognized as minor reactions. Aqueous photolysis of p-nitrophenol: Quinone(0.28%), hydroquinone (0.66%), and p-aminophenol (0.42%) were confirmed as photoproducts, in addition to a relatively small amount of an unknown compound. The mechanisms of formation of these products were proposed to be the nitro-nitrite rearrangement via $n{\rightarrow}{\pi}^*$ excitation and the photoreduction through hydrogen abstractions by radicals, respectively. Solution phase photolysis of Nitrofen: Photochemical reduction leading to the p-amino derivative was the main reaction in n-hexane. In aqueous solution, the photoreduction of nitro to amino group and hydroxylation predominated over the ether linkage cleavage. Nucleophilic displacement of the nitro group by hydroxide ion and replacement of chlorine substituents by hydroxyl group or, to a lesser extent, hydrogen were also observed as minor reactoins. Solution phase photolysis of MO-338: Photoreduction of the nitro to amino group was marked in the n-hexane solution photolysis. In the aqueous solution, photoreduction of the nitro substituent and hydroxylation were the main reactions with replacement of chlorine substituents by the hydroxyl group and hydrogen, and cleavage of the ether linkage as minor reactions. Photolyses of MC-4379, MC-3761, MC-5127, MC-6063, and MC-7181 in n-hexane and cyclohexane: Photoreduction of the nitro group leading to the corresponding amino derivative and replacement of one of the halogen substituents by hydrogen from the solvent used were the key reactions in each compound. Aqueous photolysis of MC-4379: Cleavage of the ether linkage, replacement of the carboxymethyl by hydroxyl group, hydroxylation, and replacement of the nitro by hydroxy group were prominent with photoreduction and dechlorination as minor reactions. Aqueous photolysis of MC-3761: Cleavage of the ether linkage, replacement of the carboxymethyl by hydroxyl group, and photoreduction followed by hydroxylation were the main reactions. Aqueous photolysis of MC-5127: Replacement of carboxyethyl by hydrogen was predominant with ether linkage cleavage, photoreduction, and dechlorination as minor reactions. It was obvious that the decarboxyethylation proceeded more readily than decarboxymethylation occurring in the other compounds. Aqueous photolysis of MC-6063: Cleavage of the ether linkage and photodechlorination were the main reactions. Aqueous photolysis of MC-7181: Replacement of the carboxymethyl group by hydrogen and monodechlorination were the remarkable reactions. Cleavage of the ether linkage and hydroxylation were thought to be the minor reactions. Aqueous photolysis of 3-carboxymethyl-4-nitrophenol: The photo-induced Fries rearrangement common to aromatic esters did not appear to occur in the carboxymethyl group of this type of compound. Conversion of nitro to nitroso group was the main reaction.

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Protective Effect of Rehmanniae Radix Preparata Extract on $H_2O_2$-induced Apoptosis of ECV304 Cells (숙지황(熟地黃) 추출물이 $H_2O_2$에 의해 유도된 ECV304 세포의 apoptosis에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, In-Gyu;Ju, Sung-Min;Park, Jin-Mo;Jeon, Byung-Jae;Yang, Hyun-Mo;Kim, Won-Sin;Jeon, Byung-Hun
    • Journal of Physiology & Pathology in Korean Medicine
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    • 제23권1호
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    • pp.76-83
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    • 2009
  • Rehmannia Radix Preparata (RRP) used to nourish Eum and enrich blood for consumptive fever, aching, and limpness of the loins and knees, and to replenish essence for tinnitus, premature greying of beard and hair. In the present study, we studied about the protective effect of RRP on hydrogen peroxide-induced oxidative stress in human vascular endothelial cells. ECV304 cells were preincubated with RRP (100, 200, 300 and $400{\mu}g/m{\ell}$) for 12hr and then treated with $600{\mu}M$ $H_2O_2$ for 12hr. The protective effects of RRP on $H_2O_2$-induced apoptosis in ECV304 cells was determined by using MTT assay, FDA-PI staining, flow cytometric analysis, caspase-3 activity assay, ROS assay and western blot. The results of this experiment showed that RRP inhibited $H_2O_2$-induced apoptosis and ROS production in ECV304 cells. Moreover, RRP increased ERK activation that decreased in $H_2O_2$-treated ECV304 cells, and inhibited p38 and JNK activation. Furthermore, RRP increased expression of heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1) in $H_2O_2$-treated ECV304 cells. Also, HO-1 protein expression induced by RRP was reduced by the addition of ERK inhibitor (PD98059) in $H_2O_2$-treated ECV304 cells. These results suggest that protective effect of RRP on $H_2O_2$-induced oxidative stress in ECV304 cells may be associated with increase of ERK activation and HO-1 protein, and reduction of p38 and JNK activation.

The Treatise Research on Hua-Tuo-Jia-Ji-Xue(華佗夾脊穴) (화타협척혈에 대한 문헌적 고찰)

  • Ahn, Soo-Gi;Lee, Sam-Ro;Yang, You-Sun
    • Journal of Acupuncture Research
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    • 제17권4호
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    • pp.139-148
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    • 2000
  • Objectives : Hua-Tuo-Jia-Ji-Xue(華佗夾脊穴) is the Jing-Wai-Qi-Xue(經外奇穴) that is widely used in clinic and effective in Acupuncture and Moxibustion. But the location, number, acupuncture method, clinical application of Hua-Tuo-Jia-Ji-Xue have not been explained clearly and consistently; moreover, studies or clinical reports about this are insufficient. The purpose of this study is to investigate the location, number, acupuncture method, clinical apptication of Hua-Tuo-Jia-Ji-Xue. Methods : We investigated Hua-Tuo-Jia-Ji-Xue through survey of 11 books and 26 relevant journals published in China Results : 1. Hua-Tuo-Jia-Ji-Xue is located in about 0.5 Cun(寸) at both sides of spinous process of each vertebra. 2. There is differ as the number of Hua-Tuo-Jia-Ji-Xue is 34, 48, 56, 58 in each documents. Hua-Tuo-Jia-Ji-Xue located in first, second cervical vertebra and first sacrum is low in application frequency, Hua-Tuo-Jia-Ji-Xue located from third cervical vertebra to fourth lumbar vertebra is high in apptication frequency. Therefore, all of the acupoints located in about 0.5 Cun(寸) both sides of spinous process of cervical, thoracic, lumbar and sacral vertebrae are regarded as Hua-Tuo-Jia-Ji-Xue in wide meaning. 3. There are Kou-Ci-Fa(叩刺法), Qian-Ci-Fa(淺刺法), Yan-Pi-Ci-Fa(沿皮刺法), Shen-Ci-Fa(深刺法) in acupuncture method of Hua-Tuo-Jia-Ji-Xue. Acupuncturing depths, directions is differ in each location(cervical, thoracic, lumbar vertebra, sacrum) and have something to do with therapeutic effect of Hua-Tuo-Jia-Ji-Xue. The feeling that patient receive after acupuncture is the key to the treatment of disease. 4. The clinical application of each Hua-Tuo-Jia-Ji-Xue is mainly selected by distribution of meridians, nerve roots, vertebral segments which are attacked with a disease. The musculoskeletal diseases in treatment of disease by Hua-Tuo-Jia-Ji-Xue are the most common as 12 cases. Second, there are many reports about nervous system diseases. In addition, good therapeutic results by application of Hua-Tuo-Jia-Ji-Xue are reported in some diseases, for instance, diseases of five viscera and six entrails, organ, tissue Conclusions : Hua-Tuo-Jia-Ji-Xue is located in about 0.5 Cun(寸) at both sides of spinous process of each cervical, thoracic lumbar and sacral vertebra. Therapeutic effect of Hua-Tuo-Jia-Ji-Xue has something to do with acupuncturing depths, directions and feelings. Hua-Tuo-Jia-Ji-Xue is mainly selected by distribution of meridians, nerve roots, vertebral segments which are attacked with a disease and is mainly applied musculoskeletal diseases, nervous system diseases.

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Molecular Cloning and Characterization of the Yew Gene Encoding Squalene Synthase from Taxus cuspidata

  • Huang, Zhuoshi;Jiang, Keji;Pi, Yan;Hou, Rong;Liao, Zhihua;Cao, Ying;Han, Xu;Wang, Qian;Sun, Xiaofen;Tang, Kexuan
    • BMB Reports
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    • 제40권5호
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    • pp.625-635
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    • 2007
  • The enzyme squalene synthase (EC catalyzes a reductive dimerization of two farnesyl diphosphate (FPP) molecules into squalene, a key precursor for the sterol and triterpene biosynthesis. A full-length cDNA encoding squalene synthase (designated as TcSqS) was isolated from Taxus cuspidata, a kind of important medicinal plants producing potent anti-cancer drug, taxol. The full-length cDNA of TcSqS was 1765 bp and contained a 1230 bp open reading frame (ORF) encoding a polypeptide of 409 amino acids. Bioinformatic analysis revealed that the deduced TcSqS protein had high similarity with other plant squalene synthases and a predicted crystal structure similar to other class I isoprenoid biosynthetic enzymes. Southern blot analysis revealed that there was one copy of TcSqS gene in the genome of T. cuspidata. Semi-quantitative RT-PCR analysis and northern blotting analysis showed that TcSqS expressed constitutively in all tested tissues, with the highest expression in roots. The promoter region of TcSqS was also isolated by genomic walking and analysis showed that several cis-acting elements were present in the promoter region. The results of treatment experiments by different signaling components including methyl-jasmonate, salicylic acid and gibberellin revealed that the TcSqS expression level of treated cells had a prominent diversity to that of control, which was consistent with the prediction results of TcSqS promoter region in the PlantCARE database.

Purification and Identification of Apoptosis Modulator Pipernonaline from Piper longum Linn. against Prostate Cancer Cells (필발(Piper longum Linn.)로부터 전립선암 세포사멸물질 pipernonaline의 분리 및 동정)

  • Kim, Kwang-Youn;Kim, Yun-Jin;Lee, Wan;Yu, Sun-Nyoung;Cho, Hyo-Jin;Lee, Sun-Yi;Lee, Han-Seung;Sohn, Jae-Hak;Oh, Hyuncheol;Ahn, Soon-Cheol
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • 제19권5호
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    • pp.671-675
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    • 2009
  • Prostate cancer has been a critical health problem due to an increase of prostate cancer-related deaths worldwide. Also, a frequent treatment option for prostate cancer is androgen ablation, but this treatment has a limited scope, especially for hormone-refractory cancer. There is an urgent need for the identification of alternative therapeutic strategies for prostate cancer. Previously, over one hundred species of dried-plant methanol extracts were tested for inhibitory effects on proliferation. One of them, Piper longum Linn. was selected based on its potent anti-proliferation effect. The dried root of P. longum Linn. was extracted with 100% methanol for 2-3 days and its extract was fractionated using chloroform. The chloroform layer was then subjected to column chromatography on silica gel, reverse phase-18 (RP-18) and Sephadex LH-20, in turn. Finally, the pure compound was obtained and identified as pipernonaline by NMR spectroscopic and physico-chemical analysis. In this study, anti-proliferation and cell cycle arrest effects of pipernonaline on human prostate cancer PC-3 cells were investigated using the MTT and PI staining, respectively. Our findings suggest that pipernonaline represents a dose-dependent growth inhibition pattern on PC-3 cells and, moreover, its growth inhibition is associated with sub-G1 and G0/G1 cell cycle accumulation in PC-3 cells. Also, these results provide an anticancer candidate for human prostate cancer.

Effect of Transition Metal Ion on the Reaction of Benzylbromide with Grignard Reagent (Grignard 시약과 브로모벤질과의 반응에서 첨가전이 금속이온의 영향 연구)

  • Jack C. Kim;Young-Sim Koh;Ung-Chan Yoon;Min-Sook Kim
    • Journal of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • 제37권2호
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    • pp.228-236
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    • 1993
  • The effect of ferric ion on the reaction of CH_3$MgI with benzylbromide was investigated by determining the product ratio between cross-coupling product, ethylbenzene (A) and homocoupling product, bibenzyl (B) in the presence of ferric ion. When CH_3$MgI prepared with pure magnesium was used, the ratio of A to B was 22 to 78 and with reagent grade magnesium, the ratio became 33 to 67 indicating that metallic impurities in magnesium affect the reaction mechanism to lead less homocoupling product, B. The ratio changes became significant when ferric chloride was added in the reaction mixture in catalytic amounts and the ratio of A to B reached to 80 to 20 at maximum. The reaction in the presence of ferric ion seems to follow mainly an ionic mechanism which involves iron-benzyl bromide ${\pi}$-complex formation. The complex formation is expected to be able to enhance ionic attack of CH_3$MgI on benzyl carbon to give more A.

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Transcriptional Upregulation of Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor-1 in Rat Primary Astrocytes by a Proteasomal Inhibitor MG132

  • Cho, Kyu Suk;Kwon, Kyoung Ja;Jeon, Se Jin;Joo, So Hyun;Kim, Ki Chan;Cheong, Jae Hoon;Bahn, Geon Ho;Kim, Hahn Young;Han, Seol Heui;Shin, Chan Young;Yang, Sung-Il
    • Biomolecules & Therapeutics
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    • 제21권2호
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    • pp.107-113
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    • 2013
  • Plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) is a member of serine protease inhibitor family, which regulates the activity of tissue plasminogen activator (tPA). In CNS, tPA/PAI-1 activity is involved in the regulation of a variety of cellular processes such as neuronal development, synaptic plasticity and cell survival. To gain a more insights into the regulatory mechanism modulating tPA/PAI-1 activity in brain, we investigated the effects of proteasome inhibitors on tPA/PAI-1 expression and activity in rat primary astrocytes, the major cell type expressing both tPA and PAI-1. We found that submicromolar concentration of MG132, a cell permeable peptide-aldehyde inhibitor of ubiquitin proteasome pathway selectively upregulates PAI-1 expression. Upregulation of PAI-1 mRNA as well as increased PAI-1 promoter reporter activity suggested that MG132 transcriptionally increased PAI-1 expression. The induction of PAI-1 downregulated tPA activity in rat primary astrocytes. Another proteasome inhibitor lactacystin similarly increased the expression of PAI-1 in rat primary astrocytes. MG132 activated MAPK pathways as well as PI3K/Akt pathways. Inhibitors of these signaling pathways reduced MG132-mediated upregulation of PAI-1 in varying degrees and most prominent effects were observed with SB203580, a p38 MAPK pathway inhibitor. The regulation of tPA/PAI-1 activity by proteasome inhibitor in rat primary astrocytes may underlie the observed CNS effects of MG132 such as neuroprotection.

Developing a Convergent Class Model of Augmented Reality and Art (증강현실과 예술의 융복합 수업모형 개발)

  • Pi, Su-Young;Lee, Myung-Suk
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • 제14권5호
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    • pp.85-93
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    • 2016
  • Convergent education is essential to develop consilient thinking skills, ability to recreate information and knowledge, and problem-solving skills which are demanded in society of convergent knowledge. Accordingly, this study is going to develop a convergent class model of augmented reality and art based on consilient knowledge. Teaching model is designed based on the ADDIE model, which was operated by opening a real class in order to verify the validity. The result showed a high satisfaction of learners showed the ability to adapt to the major areas associated with the cultivation of learners. Characteristics of augmented reality medium were found to enable learners to analyze a new phenomenon and to fuse the necessary knowledge by inducing them to actively interact by the their intention in learning. Therefore, it is possible to cultivate creative and convergent persons of ability equipped with more flexible and creative thinking ability and discernment through deepened education for recognizing and understanding convergent cases between art and scientific technology. There is a study on the validation and the convergence of different subjects in terms of a variety of aspects, left behind of this study.