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중국이동통신산업중적복무질량(中国移动通信产业中的服务质量), 고객만의도화고객충성도(顾客满意度和顾客忠诚度) (Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty of Mobile Communication Industry in China)

  • Zhang, Ruijin;Li, Xiangyang;Zhang, Yunchang
    • 마케팅과학연구
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    • 제20권3호
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    • pp.269-277
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    • 2010
  • 现有文献表明, 影响服务业顾客忠诚的最重要因素是服务质量. 然而, 在服务质量是直接还是间接影响顾客忠诚方面, 学者们的观点有着明显的分歧. 目前, 中国国内专门针对移动通信行业服务质量与顾客忠诚之间关系的文章较少. 此外, 以往相关文献多是将顾客忠诚作为一个整体变量进行研究, 没有进一步将其细分为多个维度. 基于此, 本文拟通过实证研究来探析移动通信业服务质量各维度与顾客忠诚各维度之间的直接和间接影响机理, 其中选择顾客满意作为二者关系的中介变量, 希望研究结论能给国内移动通信企业的服务管理提供有效的理论指导. 为了使搜集到的数据有效, 本次调研范围仅限于黑龙江哈尔滨市, 调查对象为移动通信公司的用户. 本次调研采取随机抽样的方式, 共发放问卷350份, 收回问卷325份, 回收率为 92.9%. 剔除无效问卷, 有效问卷为289份, 即有效回收率为82.6%. 本文借鉴国内外现有文献所使用的量表, 这些量表已经在实证研究中得到验证. 本文提出六个假设, 总体而言, 只有四个假设没有得到支持. 为了验证服务质量构成要素量表的合理性, 本文对289份有效样本进行探索性因子分析. 同样, 对顾客忠诚的维度进行检验. 本研究采用Cronbach's ${\alpha}$系数来评价量表的信度. 本研究从内容效度, 结构效度和聚合效度三方面对问卷进行效度检验. 本研究对数据和模型的拟合优度进行检验, 以提高假设检验的准确程度. 通过文献资料的收集, 整理及数据处理, 本文提出了服务质量五维度模型以及服务质量与顾客忠诚度之间相互关系模型, 通过实证分析验证了有形性, 可靠性, 反应性, 保证性和关怀性是服务质量的五个构成要素, 验证了PZB对于服务质量的SERVQUAL的测量方法, 研究了移动通信服务质量各维度对顾客忠诚各维度的直接影响机理, 以及服务质量各维度如何通过顾客满意这一中介变量对顾客忠诚各维度的间接影响机理, 建立了相应的关系模型,并运用结构方程分析方法,对模型进行实证检验, 得出如下研究结论: 第一, 移动通信服务质量由有形性, 可靠性, 响应性, 保证性和移情性五个要素构成, 顾客忠诚由态度忠诚和行为忠诚两个维度构成. 在PZB设计的SERVQUAL量表基础上, 本文针对移动通信行业设计了服务质量测量量表, 通过探索性因子分析得出五个因子. 这五个因子与五构成要素基本一致, 说明服务质量五要素概念适用于移动通信行业. 同样, 对顾客忠诚量表进行因子分析, 得出两个因子, 与本文中的态度忠诚和行为忠诚相一致. 第二, 移动通信服务质量对顾客忠诚存在直接和间接的正向影响作用. 其中, 服务质量对态度忠诚有直接和间接的正向作用, 间接作用是通过顾客满意这一中介变量影响的; 服务质量对行为忠诚有直接和间接的正向作用, 间接作用是通过顾客满意和态度忠诚这两个中介变量影响的. 这说明移动通信服务质量越好, 顾客的满意度越高, 其对服务提供商的态度就越积极, 在行为上就越容易表现出对服务提供商的忠诚. 而且, 服务质量各维度对顾客忠诚各维度的影响机理是不同的, 比如: 有形性对顾客满意有直接的正向作用, 但对顾客忠诚却没有显著的直接作用; 保证性对顾客满意没有显著的直接作用, 但对顾客忠诚有直接和间接的正向作用. 第三, 顾客满意在移动通信服务质量与态度忠诚, 行为忠诚之间的具有显著的中介作用, 这说明服务质量的提高可以增加顾客的满意度, 而满意的顾客更容易成为忠诚的顾客; 而态度忠诚在移动通信服务质量与行为忠诚之间的具有显著的中介作用, 这说明顾客行为上表现出忠诚可能是虚假忠诚, 只有态度和行为都忠诚的顾客才是真正的忠诚顾客. 本文的研究结论对中国及其它国家的电信运营商如何提升服务质量有一定的借鉴意义. 本文存在两方面的局限性: 首先, 本研究仅在黑龙江哈尔滨地区进行问卷调研, 针对移动公司用户, 统计数据会存在一定的抽样误差, 影响最终的统计分析结果. 第二, 本研究主要探讨了服务质量对顾客忠诚的影响关系, 并引入了顾客满意作为中介变量, 但没有考虑其他可能影响顾客忠诚的因素, 例如顾客价值, 消费者特征等.

중등 가정과 1급 정교사 자격 연수 프로그램 운영 실태 분석 및 연수 참여자의 인식 (An Analysis on the Curricula and Recognitions of the Home Economics Teachers who were the Participants of the First-Grade Home Economics Regular Teacher Qualification Program)

  • 임일영;권리라;이혜숙;박미진;류상희
    • 한국가정과교육학회지
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    • 제19권4호
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    • pp.37-56
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    • 2007
  • 본 연구는 가정과 1급 정교사 자격 연수 프로그램의 발전적 운영 방안을 마련하기 위한 기초 자료를 제공하는데 목적이 있다. 이 목적을 위해 2000년 이후부터 실시되었던 6년간의 가정과 1급 정교사 자격 연수 프로그램을 분석하고, 연수에 참여한 가정과 교사를 대상으로 연수 전반에 대한 만족도와 요구 사항을 설문 조사하였다. 설문내용은 연수자의 일반적 사항, 참여한 연수에 대한 만족도, 자격 연수 프로그램에 대한 요구 사항으로 구성되었다. 수집된 자료의 통계 처리는 SPSS Win ver 10.0을 사용하여 기술통계와 카이검증, t-검증, 그리고 일원분산분석을 실시하였다. 본 연구의 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 가정과 1급 정교사 자격 연수는 최근 6년간 5개 연수 기관에서 총 10회 실시되었다. 개설된 전공 영역의 과목뿐만 아니라 강좌 수(11개${\sim}$29개)와 배정 시간(111시간${\sim}$136시간)이 연수 기관 및 동일 기관의 연수 실시 년도에 따라 크게 차이가 나타났다. 교사의 요구가 가장 높았던 교과교육에 대한 교과목(1개${\sim}$7개) 개설 역시 차이가 크다. 이것은 연수기관 및 동일 기관의 연수 실시 년도에 따라 자격연수 프로그램의 내용과 운영의 편차가 심한 것은 연수 프로그램의 개발 및 수행 담당자가 상이하기 때문이라고 볼 수 있다. 따라서 현직 교육을 통한 가정과 교사의 질적 수준 유지 및 전문성 향상을 위해서는 표준화된 자격연수 프로그램 개발 주체가 있어야 할 것이며, 이 주체는 가능한 한 연수 참여자 중심의 프로그램 개발 및 수행 그리고 지속적인 평가로 프로그램의 발전을 꾀해야 할 것이라고 본다. 둘째, 연수에 대한 만족도는 자격 연수 일반, 내용, 구성, 방법, 평가의 5개 영역으로 나누어 조사한 결과, 5점 만점에 최저 3.08점에서 최고 3.72점으로 나타났다. 특히 연수 내용을 잘 반영하지 못한 평가 내용 및 평가 방법(3.08)에 대하여 가장 만족하지 않았다. 셋째, 연수에 대한 요구는 가정과 교육 전문가에 의한 교육과정 편성과 현장에 도움이 될 수 있는 교과 교육 영역에 대한 교과목 개설이 있었다. 특히 교과 교육 영역의 가정과 교수 학습 방법과 교과 내용 영역에서의 인간 발달과 가족관계에 대한 요구가 높았다. 각 영역별로 요구가 높은 단원은 식생활에서는 식생활 관리, 의생활에서는 합리적인 의복 선택, 주생활에서는 새로운 주거문화, 인간발달과 가족 관계에서는 가족 문제, 자원관리와 소비자에서는 청소년과 소비생활이었다. 이외에도 학급당 $26{\sim}30$명 편성, 현장 학습으로 수업 진행, 수업 시 이론과 실습의 3:1 비율 운영, 절대 평가에 의한 합격여부 판정 등에 대한 요구가 있었다. 따라서 사회의 변화를 반영하고 교사의 현장 요구를 적극 수용한 프로그램 개발이 이루어져야 할 것이다. 넷째, 연수자의 일반적 특성 변인에 따른 만족도 차이를 분석한 결과, 연수 기관이 유의미한 변수로 작용하였다. 즉, 어느 연수 기관에서 연수를 받았느냐에 따라 연수에 대한 만족도가 다르게 나타났다(p<.05). 즉 교과교육을 가장 많이 개설하고 운영하였던 기관에서 만족도가 가장 높았다. 따라서 현직 교사들의 요구가 많았던 교과교육에 대한 교과 개설이 확대된 표준화된 자격연수 프로그램 개발되어야 할 것이다.

  • PDF

도입 사일리지용 옥수수의 품종과 식물체 부위에 대한 사료가치와 생산성 비교 (Comparison of the Forage Quality and Productivity According to Varieties and Plant Parts of Imported Silage Corn (Zea mays, L))

  • 김종근;;;정은찬;김학진
    • 한국초지조사료학회지
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    • 제40권2호
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    • pp.98-105
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    • 2020
  • 본 시험은 도입되는 사일리지용 옥수수의 품종과 식물체 부위에 따른 사료가치와 생산성을 비교하기 위하여 수행하였다. 시험에 이용된 옥수수 품종은 미국 Pioneer Hybrid Co.에서 도입된 8개 품종(P1184, P1151, P1194, P1543, P1345, P1429, P1443 및 P2105)으로 강원도 평창군에 위치한 서울대학교 평창캠퍼스 내에 있는 시험포에서 수행하였다. 수확한 옥수수는 전체 5개 부위(leaf, stem, cob, husk 및 grain)로 분리하여 건조한 후 각 부위별 비율을 산정하였고 사료가치를 분석하였다. 옥수수의 출현율은 P1151 및 P2105품종을 제외하고는 대체로 양호하였다. 출수기는 평균 7월 24일, 출사기는 7월 27일 이었으나 P2105 품종은 7월 28일 및 8월 1일로 늦었고 나머지 품종은 비숫하였다. 초장 및 착수고에 있어서는 P1345 품종이 가장 컸으며(289 및 123 cm), P1151 품종이 가장 작았다(267 및 101 cm). 질병 저항성은 P1184, P1443 및 P1429에서 낮았고 P1197 및 P1345는 높았다. 건물함량은 경엽의 경우 P1151 품종에서 19.6%로 가장 낮았으며 P1429 품종에서 24.9%로 가장 높게 나타났다. 암이삭은 만생 품종인 P2105 품종이 가장 높았고(55.5%) P1184(54.2%) 및 P1345(54.3%) 품종도 유의적으로 높게 나타났다 (p<0.05). P2105, P1429 및 P1194 품종의 경엽 건물수량이 유의적으로 높게 나타났으며 (p<0.05), P2105, P1345 및 P1443 품종의 암이삭 건물 수량이 높았다. 5개의 부위로 분리된 식물체(Leaf, Stem, Husk, Cob 및 Grain)의 각 부위별 비율을 살펴보면 대체적으로 암이삭에 해당하는 grain과 cob 합의 비율이 50~60%로 나타나 비교적 높은 비율을 보였다. 포엽(husk)와 속대(cob)의 비율은 대체적으로 비슷하였으며 잎과 줄기는 약 20% 내외의 비율을 보여주었다. 조단백질 함량은 잎이 가장 높았고 그 다음이 grain이었다. 줄기의 조단백질 함량은 가장 낮았으며 포엽(husk)은 품종간에 유의적인 차이가 없었다(P>0.05). ADF 함량은 곡실을 제외한 나머지 부분은 비슷하였지만 잎 부분이 더 낮은 경향을 나타내었으며 줄기와 잎을 제외한 다른 부위는 품종간에 유의적인 차이를 보이지 않았다(p>0.05). NDF 함량은 husk에서는 유의적인 차이가 없었으나 다른 부위는 품종간에 차이를 보였다(p<0.05). 또한 품종별로 부위에 따라 특별한 차이를 보였는데, 줄기는 P2015, 잎은 P1197, 속대는 P1151 포엽은 P1197 그리고 알곡은 P1197에서 NDF 함량이 높게 나타났다. 건물 소화율은 줄기와 알곡에서 유의적인 차이가 없었으나 잎과 암이삭을 구성하는 포엽과 속대에서는 품종간에 차이가 나타났다. 이상의 결과를 종합하여 볼 때 시험에 P2105 품종의 건물수량이 가장 우수하였으며 알곡의 비율은 P1543 및 P1345에서 우수하였다. 또한 사료가치는 잎과 곡실 부분이 높았으며 잎과 줄기가 husk나 cob보다는 사료가치가 높은 것을 알 수 있었다.

칠곡 심원정원림의 공간구성과 경관특성 - '심원정 25영(心遠亭 二十五詠)'과 「심원정수석기(心遠亭水石記)」를 중심으로 - (Spatial Composition and Landscape Characteristics of Shimwon-Pavilion Garden in Chilgok - Focusing on 'Shimwon-pavilion Poem of 25 Sceneries' and 「Shimwon-pavilion Soosukgi(心遠亭水石記)」 -)

  • 김화옥;박율진;노재현;신상섭;조호현
    • 한국전통조경학회지
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    • 제34권2호
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    • pp.27-34
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    • 2016
  • "기헌(寄軒)집"에 실린 "심원정수석기(心遠亭水石記)"의 '심원정 25영'을 바탕으로, 일제강점기인 1937년에 기헌 조병선에 의해 조성되고 향유된 칠곡 심원정원림의 공간구성과 경관특성을 고찰한 본 연구의 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 심원정원림은 북쪽으로는 송림이 있는 '임수형(林藪型)'이자 원림 내부로 구야천이 흐르는 '계류형 별서원림'의 입지 특성을 공유하며 본제(本第)와는 직선거리로 약 400m 이격되어 있다. 2. 북쪽에는 가산(假山)인 학림산을, 동쪽과 서쪽에는 만경류를 올린 취병(翠屛)을, 남쪽으로는 구야천변의 석벽(隱屛)을 포치시키는 등 사방에 '가림'시설을 조성함으로써 위요공간 속에 은일을 추구한 기헌의 정신을 표출하고 있다. 3. 심성을 수양하는 선비의 소우주이자 거처로 조성되고 향유된 심원정원림은 송림사의 경역 내에 위치함으로써 불교사상을 수용하며, 도연명의 전원사상과 시선(詩仙)이라 불리는 이백의 낭만주적 감성을 통한 도가적 삶의 추구 그리고 주자의 성리학적 가치를 실현하는 통섭(統攝)의 장으로서의 면모를 엿볼 수 있다. 4. 심원정 25영 중 5영은 정운루 암수실 위류재 이열당 등의 용도가 다른 부속실과 이를 아우르는 정각인 '장수지소(藏修之所)' 심원정에 의탁되었으며 외원에 부여된 20영은 자연에 이름을 붙인 것 9개, 조성한 것 11개로 나뉘며, 자연에서 얻은 9영은 "석경기"에 기술된 바를 바위에 각인시켰다. 5. 현존하는 실내경물 4영은 편액으로, 원림내 경물 중 5개소는 바위글씨로 그리고 8개소는 표지석으로 각 경물이 인식되도록 의도했으나, 8개 영의 표식은 유실 및 훼철 등으로 확인되지 않는다. 6. 심원정 25영 중 '괴강(槐岡)'에는 학자수를 상징하는 회화나무, '유제(柳堤)'에는 도연명과 줄기찬 생명력을 상징하는 버드나무, '기천(杞泉)'에는 '가족의 단란함'을 상징하는 구기자나무 그리고 '동 서취병(東 西翠屛)'과 '방원(芳園)'에는 만경류와 초본류 등 다채로운 의미를 담는 식물경관이 등장한다. 또한 폭포(은폭(隱瀑)), 소(군자소(君子沼)), 못(양지(湯池)), 샘(기천(杞泉)), 바위를 가운데 두고 갈라 흐르는 물(반타석(盤陀石)) 그리고 바위 사이로 흐르는 물(수구암(水口巖)) 등 다채로운 수경관이 기도되었다. 7. 심원정원림은 수계 인접형 원림임에도 불구하고 11개 영을 직접 조성하는 등의 적극적인 개입이 두드러진다. 기존의 여타 정자원림이 가깝고 먼 곳에 자연 중심의 경(景)과 곡(曲)의 경물 설정에 충실한 곳이었다면, 심원정원림은 정자를 시점으로 의미 강화된 경물을 취경(聚景)하도록 유도된 적극적인 수경(修景)이 두드러진다.

MA저장중 혼합비율에 따른 적로메인, 갯기름나물, 그리고 곤달비 혼합 어린잎채소의 엽색과 저장성 비교 (Comparison of Leaf Color and Storability of Mixed Baby Leaf Vegetables according to the Mixing Ratios of Red Romaine lettuces (Lactuca sativa), Peucedanum japoincum, and Ligularia stenocephala during MA Storage)

  • 최인이;이주환;왕립;박완근;강호민
    • 생물환경조절학회지
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    • 제30권1호
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    • pp.77-84
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    • 2021
  • 본 연구는 산채을 활용한 어린잎 혼합 포장 상품의 개발하기 위해 기존 어린잎채소에 많이 사용되고 있는 어린잎 적로메인상추(Lactuca sativa 'Red romaine')에 어린잎 산채로 갯기름나물(Peucedanum japoincum Thunberg)과 곤달비(Ligularia stenocephala)을 혼합하여 적합한 비율을 알아보고자 수행하였다. 적로메인과 산채의 혼합비율은 적로메인0 : 갯기름5 : 곤달비5(R0:P5:L5), 적로메인3.3 : 갯기름3.3 : 곤달비3.3(R3.3:P3.3:L3.3), 적로메인5 : 갯기름2.5 : 곤달비2.5(R5:P2.5:L2.5), 적로메인8 : 갯기름1 : 곤달비1(R8:P1:L1), 적로메인10 : 갯기름0 : 곤달비0(R10:P0:L0)으로 처리하였다. 모든 처리구는 OTR(Oxygen transmission rate) 10,000cc·m-2·day-1·atm-1 필름으로 포장하여 2℃/85%RH 저온고에서 27일간 저장하며 생체중 감소율, 포장내 이산화탄소/산소/에틸렌 농도, 외관, 엽록소 함량, 색도를 조사하였다. 생체중은 R8:P1:L1 처리구가 0.4% 미만의 가장 낮은 감소율을 보였고, 이를 제외한 나머지 처리구들은 0.5% 내외의 수치를 나타내었으나 통계적 유의성은 없었다. 포장내 산소와 이산화탄소 농도는 작물의 호흡률에 영향을 받았는데, 호흡률이 낮았던 상추의 혼합비율이 높아질수록 포장내 산소농도가 높았고, 이산화탄소 농도는 낮았다. 산소농도는 15일이후 크게 감소하였으나, 16%이상은 유지되었고, 이와 반대로 이산화탄소 농도의 경우 15일까지 1-4%로 유지되다가 서서히 증가하여 27일차에는 2-5%로 증가하였다. 에틸렌 농도는 저장 종료일까지 3-6µL·L-1 내외의 농도를 유지하였다. 저장 종료일의 외관상품질은 모든처리구가 상품성 한계점인 3점에 다소 못 미치는 정도를 보였다. 엽록소 함량(SPAD)은 처리구간 통계적 유의성은 없었으나, 적로메인과 곤달비의 경우 R8:P1:L1 처리구에서, 갯기름나물은 R5:P2.5:L2.5과 R8:P1:L1처리구에서 가장 적게 감소하였다. Heat map으로 비교한 3가지 작물의 엽색(L∗, a∗, b∗, chroma)은 R5:P2.5:L2.5와 R8:P1:L1 처리구에서 저장 후 가장 변화가 적었다. 이중 R8:P1:L1 처리구는 엽록소 함량도 가장 높게 유지되었으며 포장내 에틸렌 농도도 2번째로 낮았고 이산화탄소 농도는 2-3% 수준을 유지하였다. 따라서 적로메인 8, 곤달비 1, 갯기름 1(R8:P1:L1)의 혼합한 비율이 이 3가지 작물의 어린잎 혼합 포장에 가장 적합한 것으로 판단된다.

경북(慶北) 봉화군(奉化郡) 장군광산산(將軍鑛山産) 신종광물(新種鑛物) 장군석(將軍石)에 대(對)한 광물학적(鑛物學的) 연구(硏究) (Janggunite, a New Mineral from the Janggun Mine, Bonghwa, Korea)

  • 김수진
    • 자원환경지질
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    • 제8권3호
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    • pp.117-124
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    • 1975
  • 경북(慶北) 봉화군(奉化郡) 소재(所在) 장군광산(將軍鑛山)의 표성산화(表成酸化)망간광석중(鑛石中)에서 필자(筆者)에 의(依)하여 발견명명(發見命名)된 신종건물(新種鍵物) 장군석(將軍石)은 국제(國際) 광물학회내연합(鑛物學會內聯合)에 있는 "신종광물(新種鑛物) 및 광물명위원회(鑛物名委員會)"의 공인(公認)을 받았는바 이에 대(對)한 광물학적(鑛物學的)인 연구결과(硏究結果)를 요약(要約)하면 다음과 같다. (1) 장군석(將軍石)은 표성산화(表成酸化)망간 광석중(鑛石中) cementation zone에서 산출(産出)되며, 엔소타이트, 토도로카이트, 방해석(方解石)을 수반(隨伴)한다. 대체로 공동(空洞)에서 수기상(樹技狀) 또는 방사상(放射狀)을 이루는 엽편상(葉片狀) 세립집합체(細粒集合體)(입자(粒子)의 크기 <0.05mm)로 또는 교질상대(膠質狀帶)로 산출(産出)한다. (2) 색(色)은 흑색(黑色)이며 광택(光澤)은 무염(無艶), 조흔(條痕)은 흑갈(黑褐)~암갈(暗褐色)이다. 벽개(劈開)는 한방향(方向)으로 완전(完全)하다. 경도(硬度)(H)=2-3이며 역쇄성(易碎性)이다. 비중(比重)(G)=3.59(실측시(實測植)), 3.58이론치(理論値)이다. (5) 화학분석치(化學分析値)로부터 계산(計算)된 장군석(將軍石)의 화학식(化學式)은 $Mn^{4+}{_{4.85}}(Mn^{2+}{_{0.90}}Fe^{3+}{_{0.30}})_{1.20}O_{8.09}(OH)_{5.91}$이며, 이상식(理想式)은 $Mn^{4+}{_{5-x}}(Mn^{2+},\;Fe^{3+}){_{1+x}}O_8(OH)_6$ ($x{\approx}0.2$)이다. (6) 장군석(將軍石)은 사방정사 속(屬)하며 X선(線) 분말회절분석(粉末廻折分析) 결과(結果), 단위포(單位胞)의 크기는 $a=9.324{\AA}$, $b=14.05{\AA}$, $c=7.956{\AA}$이며, 단위포(單位胞)의 체적(體積)은 $1042.25{\times}10^{-24}cm$이다. 보솔(輔率) a : b : c=0.663 : 1 : 0.566. 단위포함유수(單位胞含有數) (Z)=4. (7) 시차열분석곡선(示差熱分析曲線)은 $250{\sim}370^{\circ}C$$955^{\circ}C$에서 흡열(吸熱)피크를 보여준다. 전자(前者)는 장군석(將軍石)이 탈수(脫水) 및 산화(酸化)를 받아 $(Mn,\;Fe)_2O_3$이 생성(生成)된데 기인(基因)하며 후자(後者)는 hausmannite 형(型)의 구조(構造)를 갖는 $(Mn,\;Fe)_3O_4$의 생성(生成)에 기인(基因)하는 것이다. $(Mn,\;Fe)_2O_3$는 등보정사이고 $a=9.417{\AA}$이었고 $(Mn,\;Fe)_3O_4$는 정방정사이고 $a=5.76{\AA}$, $c=9.51{\AA}$이었다. (6) 장군석(將軍石)의 적외선흡수분광(赤外線吸收分光)스펙트럼은 $515cm^{-1}$$545cm^{-1}$에서 Mn-O stretching 진동(振動)을, $1025cm^{-1}$에서 O-H bending 진동(振動)을 그리고 $3225cm^{-1}$에서 O-H stretching 진동(振動)을 보여준다. (3) 장군석(將軍石)은 불투명광물(不透明鑛物)이며 현미경하(顯微鏡下)에서 반사도(反射度)는 13~15%이고 복반사율(複反射率)은 공기중(空氣中)에서 현저(顯著)하며 침액중(浸液中)에서 강(强)하다. 반사다색성(反射多色性)은 백색(白色)~담회색(淡灰色)이다. 십자(十字)니콜하(下)에서의 편광색(偏光色)은 공기중(空氣中)에서 청색(靑色)을 띈 황갈(黃褐)~회색(灰色)이고 침액중(浸液中)에서는 黃褐(황갈)~청갈(靑褐)~회색(灰色)이다. 내부반사(內部反射)는 없다. (4) 연마면(硏磨面)에 대(對)한 에칭반응(反應)은 HCl(conc.)와 $H_2SO_4+H_2O_2$ 회색(灰色), 퇴색(褪色), SnCl(sat.): 암색(暗色), $HNO_3$ (conc.) : 회색(灰色), $H_2O_2$ : 거품을 내며 퇴색(褪色). (9) 신종광물(新種鑛物) 장군석(將軍石)은 독특(獨特)한 화학조성(化學組成)과 단위포(單位胞)를 가지고 있어서 이의 발견(發見)은 산화(酸化)망간광물(鑛物)의 분류(分類)와 연구(硏究)에 새로운 방향(方向)과 지침(指針)이 되었다.

  • PDF

Brief Introduction of Research Progresses in Control and Biocontrol of Clubroot Disease in China

  • He, Yueqiu;Wu, Yixin;He, Pengfei;Li, Xinyu
    • 한국균학회소식:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국균학회 2015년도 춘계학술대회 및 임시총회
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    • pp.45-46
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    • 2015
  • Clubroot disease of crucifers has occurred since 1957. It has spread to the whole China, especially in the southwest and nourtheast where it causes 30-80% loss in some fields. The disease has being expanded in the recent years as seeds are imported and the floating seedling system practices. For its effective control, the Ministry of Agriculture of China set up a program in 2010 and a research team led by Dr. Yueqiu HE, Yunnan Agricultural University. The team includes 20 main reseachers of 11 universities and 5 institutions. After 5 years, the team has made a lot of progresses in disease occurrence regulation, resources collection, resistance identification and breeding, biological agent exploration, formulation, chemicals evaluation, and control strategy. About 1200 collections of local and commercial crucifers were identified in the field and by artificiall inoculation in the laboratories, 10 resistant cultivars were breeded including 7 Chinese cabbages and 3 cabbages. More than 800 antagostic strains were isolated including bacteria, stretomyces and fungi. Around 100 chemicals were evaluated in the field and greenhouse based on its control effect, among them, 6 showed high control effect, especially fluazinam and cyazofamid could control about 80% the disease. However, fluzinam has negative effect on soil microbes. Clubroot disease could not be controlled by bioagents and chemicals once when the pathogen Plasmodiophora brassicae infected its hosts and set up the parasitic relationship. We found the earlier the pathogent infected its host, the severer the disease was. Therefore, early control was the most effective. For Chinese cabbage, all controlling measures should be taken in the early 30 days because the new infection could not cause severe symptom after 30 days of seeding. For example, a biocontrol agent, Bacillus subtilis Strain XF-1 could control the disease 70%-85% averagely when it mixed with seedling substrate and was drenching 3 times after transplanting, i.e. immediately, 7 days, 14 days. XF-1 has been deeply researched in control mechanisms, its genome, and development and application of biocontrol formulate. It could produce antagonistic protein, enzyme, antibiotics and IAA, which promoted rhizogenesis and growth. Its The genome was sequenced by Illumina/Solexa Genome Analyzer to assembled into 20 scaffolds then the gaps between scaffolds were filled by long fragment PCR amplification to obtain complet genmone with 4,061,186 bp in size. The whole genome was found to have 43.8% GC, 108 tandem repeats with an average of 2.65 copies and 84 transposons. The CDSs were predicted as 3,853 in which 112 CDSs were predicted to secondary metabolite biosynthesis, transport and catabolism. Among those, five NRPS/PKS giant gene clusters being responsible for the biosynthesis of polyketide (pksABCDEFHJLMNRS in size 72.9 kb), surfactin(srfABCD, 26.148 kb, bacilysin(bacABCDE 5.903 kb), bacillibactin(dhbABCEF, 11.774 kb) and fengycin(ppsABCDE, 37.799 kb) have high homolgous to fuction confirmed biosynthesis gene in other strain. Moreover, there are many of key regulatory genes for secondary metabolites from XF-1, such as comABPQKX Z, degQ, sfp, yczE, degU, ycxABCD and ywfG. were also predicted. Therefore, XF-1 has potential of biosynthesis for secondary metabolites surfactin, fengycin, bacillibactin, bacilysin and Bacillaene. Thirty two compounds were detected from cell extracts of XF-1 by MALDI-TOF-MS, including one Macrolactin (m/z 441.06), two fusaricidin (m/z 850.493 and 968.515), one circulocin (m/z 852.509), nine surfactin (m/z 1044.656~1102.652), five iturin (m/z 1096.631~1150.57) and forty fengycin (m/z 1449.79~1543.805). The top three compositions types (contening 56.67% of total extract) are surfactin, iturin and fengycin, in which the most abundant is the surfactin type composition 30.37% of total extract and in second place is the fengycin with 23.28% content with rich diversity of chemical structure, and the smallest one is the iturin with 3.02% content. Moreover, the same main compositions were detected in Bacillus sp.355 which is also a good effects biocontol bacterial for controlling the clubroot of crucifer. Wherefore those compounds surfactin, iturin and fengycin maybe the main active compositions of XF-1 against P. brassicae. Twenty one fengycin type compounds were evaluate by LC-ESI-MS/MS with antifungal activities, including fengycin A $C_{16{\sim}C19}$, fengycin B $C_{14{\sim}C17}$, fengycin C $C_{15{\sim}C18}$, fengycin D $C_{15{\sim}C18}$ and fengycin S $C_{15{\sim}C18}$. Furthermore, one novel compound was identified as Dehydroxyfengycin $C_{17}$ according its MS, 1D and 2D NMR spectral data, which molecular weight is 1488.8480 Da and formula $C_{75}H_{116}N_{12}O_{19}$. The fengycin type compounds (FTCPs $250{\mu}g/mL$) were used to treat the resting spores of P. brassicae ($10^7/mL$) by detecting leakage of the cytoplasm components and cell destruction. After 12 h treatment, the absorbencies at 260 nm (A260) and at 280 nm (A280) increased gradually to approaching the maximum of absorbance, accompanying the collapse of P. brassicae resting spores, and nearly no complete cells were observed at 24 h treatment. The results suggested that the cells could be lyzed by the FTCPs of XF-1, and the diversity of FTCPs was mainly attributed to a mechanism of clubroot disease biocontrol. In the five selected medium MOLP, PSA, LB, Landy and LD, the most suitable for growth of strain medium is MOLP, and the least for strains longevity is the Landy sucrose medium. However, the lipopeptide highest yield is in Landy sucrose medium. The lipopeptides in five medium were analyzed with HPLC, and the results showed that lipopeptides component were same, while their contents from B. subtilis XF-1 fermented in five medium were different. We found that it is the lipopeptides content but ingredients of XF-1 could be impacted by medium and lacking of nutrition seems promoting lipopeptides secretion from XF-1. The volatile components with inhibition fungal Cylindrocarpon spp. activity which were collect in sealed vesel were detected with metheds of HS-SPME-GC-MS in eight biocontrol Bacillus species and four positive mutant strains of XF-1 mutagenized with chemical mutagens, respectively. They have same main volatile components including pyrazine, aldehydes, oxazolidinone and sulfide which are composed of 91.62% in XF-1, in which, the most abundant is the pyrazine type composition with 47.03%, and in second place is the aldehydes with 23.84%, and the third place is oxazolidinone with 15.68%, and the smallest ones is the sulfide with 5.07%.

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비증(痺證)에 대(對)한 최근(最近)의 제가학설(諸家學說) 연구(硏究) - 《비증전집(痺證專輯)》 에 대(對)한 연구(硏究) III - (The recent essay of Bijeung - Study of III-)

  • 양태훈;오민석
    • 혜화의학회지
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    • 제9권1호
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    • pp.513-545
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    • 2000
  • I. Introduction Bi(痺) means blocking. It can reach at the joints or muscles or whole body and make pains. Numbness and movement disorders. BiJeung can be devided into SilBi and HeoBi. In SilBi there are PungHanSeupBi, YeolBi and WanBi. In HeoBi, there are GiHyeolHeoBi, EumHeoBi and YangHeoBi. The common principle for the treatment of BiJeung is devision of the chronic stage and the acute stage. In the acute stage, BiJeung is usually cured easily but in the chronic stage, it is difficult. In the terminal stage, BiJeung can reach at the internal organs. BiJeung is one kind of symptoms making muscles, bones and jonts feel pain, numbness or edema. For example it can be gout or SLE etc. Many famous doctors studied medical science by their fathers or teachers. So the history of medical science is long. So I studied ${\ll}Bijeungjujip{\gg}$. II. Final Decision 1. BanSuMun(斑秀文) thought that BiJeung can be cured by blocking of blood stream. So he insisted that the important thing to cure BiJeung is to improve the blood stream. He usually used DangGuiSaYeokTang(當歸四逆湯), DangGuiJakYakSanHapORyeongSan, DoHong-SaMulTang(桃紅四物湯), SaMyoSanHapHeuiDongTang and HwangGiGyeJiOMulTang. 2. JangGeonBu(張健夫) focused on soothing muscles and improving blood seam. So he used many herbs like WiRyeongSeon(威靈仙), GangHwal(羌活), DokHwal(獨活), WooSeul(牛膝), etc. Especially he pasted wastes of the boiled herbs. 3. OSeongNong(吳聖農) introduced four rules to treat arthritis. So he usually used SeoGak-SanGaGam(犀角散加減), BoYanHwanOTang(補陽還五湯), ODuTang(烏頭湯), HwangGiGyeJiOMulTang. 4. GongJiSin thought disk hernia as one kind of BiJeung. And he said that Pung can hurt upper limbs and Seup can hurt lower limbs. He used to use GyeJiJakYakJiMoTang(桂枝芍藥知母湯). 5. LoJiJeong(路志正) introduced four principles to treat BiJeung. He used BangPungTang(防風湯), DaeJinGuTang) for PungBi(風痺), OPaeTang(烏貝湯) for HanBi(寒痺), YukGunJaTang(六君子湯) for SeupBi(濕痺) and SaMyoTang(四妙湯), SeonBiTang(宣痺湯), BaekHoGaGyeTang(白虎加桂湯) for YeolBi(熱痺). 6. GangChunHwa(姜春華) discussed herbs. He said SaengJiHwang(生地黃) is effective for PungSeupBi and WiRyungSun(威靈仙) is effective for the joints pain. He usually used SipJeonDaeBoTang(十全大補湯), DangGuiDaeBoTang(當歸大補湯), YoukGunJaTang(六君子湯) and YukMiJiHwanTang(六味地黃湯). 7. DongGeonHwa(董建華) said that the most important thing to treat BiJeung is how to use herbs. He usually used CheonO(川烏), MaHwang(麻黃) for HanBi, SeoGak(犀角) for YeolBi, BiHae) or JamSa(蠶沙) for SeupBi, SukJiHwang(熟地黃) or Vertebrae of Pigs for improving the function of kidney and liver, deer horn or DuChung(杜沖) for improving strength of body and HwangGi(黃?) or OGaPi(五加皮) for improving the function of heart. 8. YiSuSan(李壽山) devided BiJeung into two types(PungHanSeupBi, PungYeolSeupBi). And he used GyeJiJakYakJiMoTang(桂枝芍藥知母湯) for the treatment of gout. And he liked to use HwanGiGyeJiOMulTangHapSinGiHwan 枝五物湯合腎氣丸) for the treat ment of WanBi(頑痺). 9. AnDukHyeong(顔德馨) made YongMaJeongTongDan(龍馬定痛丹)-(MaJeonJa(馬錢子) 30g, JiJaChung 3g, JiRyong(地龍) 3g, JeonGal(全蝎) 3g, JuSa(朱砂) 0.3g) 10. JangBaekYou(張伯臾) devided BiJeung into YeolBi and HanBi. And he focused on improving blood stream. 11. JinMuO(陳茂梧) introduced anti-wind and dampness prescription(HoJangGeun(虎杖根) 15g, CheonChoGeun 15g, SangGiSaeng(桑寄生) 15g, JamSa(蠶絲) 15g, JeMaJeonJa(制馬錢子) 3g). 12. YiChongBo(李總甫) explained basic prescriptions to treat BiJeung. He used SinJeongChuBiEum(新定推痺陰) for HaengBi(行痺), SinJeongHwaBiSan(新定化痺散) for TongBi(痛痺), SinJeongGaeBiTang(新定開痺湯) for ChakBi(着痺), SinJeongCheongBiEum(新定淸痺飮) for SeupYeolBi(濕熱痺), SinRyeokTang(腎瀝湯) for PoBi(胞痺), ORyeongSan for BuBi(腑痺), OBiTang(五痺湯) for JangBi(臟痺), SinChakTang(腎着湯) for SingChakByeong(腎着病). 13. HwangJeonGeuk(黃傳克) used SaMu1SaDeungHapJe(四物四藤合制) for the treatment of a acute arthritis, PalJinHpPalDeungTang(八珍合八藤湯) or BuGyeJiHwangTangHapTaDeungTang(附桂地黃湯合四藤湯) for the chronic stage and ByeolGapJeungAekTongRakEum(鱉甲增液通絡飮) for EumHeo(陰虛) 14. GaYeo(柯與參) used HwalRakJiTongTang(活絡止痛湯) for shoulder ache, SoJongJinTongHwalRakTank(消腫鎭痛活絡湯) for YeolBi(熱痺), LiGwanJeolTang(利關節湯) for ChakBi(着痺), SinBiTang(腎痺湯) for SinBi(腎痺) and SamGyoBoSinHwan(三膠補腎丸) for back ache. 15. JangGilJin(蔣길塵) liked to use hot-character herbs and insects. And he used SeoGeunLipAnTang(舒筋立安湯) as basic prescription. 16. RyuJangGeol(留章杰) used GuMiGangHwalTang(九味羌活湯) and BangPungTang(防風湯) at the acute stage, ODuTang(烏頭湯) or GyeJiJakYakJiMoTang(桂枝芍藥知母湯) for HanBi of internal organs, YangHwaHaeEungTang(陽和解凝湯) for HanBi, DokHwalGiSaengTang(獨活寄生湯), EuiYiInTang(薏苡仁湯) for SeupBi, YukGunJaTang(六君子湯) for GiHeoBi(氣虛痺) and SeongYouTang(聖兪湯) for HyeolHeoBi(血虛痺). 17. YangYuHak(楊有鶴) liked to use SoGyeongHwalHyelTang(疏經活血湯) and he would rather use DoIn(桃仁), HongHwa(紅花), DangGui(當歸), CheonGung(川芎) than insects. 18. SaHongDo(史鴻濤) made RyuPungSeupTang(類風濕湯)-((HwangGi 200g, JinGu 20g, BangGi(防己) 15g, HongHwa(紅花) 15g, DoIn(桃仁) 15g, CheongPungDeung(靑風藤) 20g, JiRyong(地龍) 15g, GyeJi(桂枝) 15g, WoSeul(牛膝) 15g, CheonSanGap(穿山甲) 15g, BaekJi(白芷) 15g, BaekSeonPi(白鮮皮) 15g, GamCho(甘草) 15g).

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일본 '고증파(考證派)' 의학에 관한 연구 (A Study on The 'Kao Zheng Pai'(考證派) of The Traditional Medicine of Japan)

  • 박현국;김기욱
    • 대한한의학원전학회지
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    • 제20권4호
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    • pp.211-250
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    • 2007
  • 1. The 'Kao Zheng Pai(考證派) comes from the 'Zhe Zhong Pai' and is a school that is influenced by the confucianism of the Qing dynasty. In Japan Inoue Kinga(井上金娥), Yoshida Koton(吉田篁墩) became central members, and the rise of the methodology of historical research(考證學) influenced the members of the 'Zhe Zhong Pai', and the trend of historical research changed from confucianism to medicine, making a school of medicine based on the study of texts and proving that the classics were right. 2. Based on the function of 'Nei Qu Li '(內驅力) the 'Kao Zheng Pai', in the spirit of 'use confucianism as the base', researched letters, meanings and historical origins. Because they were influenced by the methodology of historical research(考證學) of the Qing era, they valued the evidential research of classic texts, and there was even one branch that did only historical research, the 'Rue Xue Kao Zheng Pai'(儒學考證派). Also, the 'Yi Xue Kao Zheng Pai'(醫學考證派) appeared by the influence of Yoshida Kouton and Kariya Ekisai(狩谷掖齋). 3. In the 'Kao Zheng Pai(考證派)'s theories and views the 'Yi Xue Kao Zheng Pai' did not look at medical scriptures like the "Huang Di Nei Jing"("黃帝內經") and did not do research on 'medical' related areas like acupuncture, the meridian and medicinal herbs. Since they were doctors that used medicine, they naturally were based on 'formulas'(方劑) and since their thoughts were based on the historical ideologies, they valued the "Shang Han Ja Bing Lun" which was revered as the 'ancestor of all formulas'(衆方之祖). 4. The lives of the important doctors of the 'Kao Zheng Pai' Meguro Dotaku(目黑道琢) Yamada Seichin(山田正珍), Yamada Kyoko(山田業廣), Mori Ritsi(森立之) Kitamura Naohara(喜多村直寬) are as follows. 1) Meguro Dotaku(目黑道琢 1739${\sim}$1798) was born of lowly descent but, using his intelligence and knowledge, became a professor as a Shi Jing Yi(市井醫) and as a professor for 34 years at Ji Shou Guan mastered the "Huang Di Nei Jing" after giving over 300 lectures. Since his pupil, Isawara Ken taught the Lan Men Wu Zhe(蘭門五哲) and Shibue Chusai, Mori Ritsi(森立之), Okanishi Gentei(岡西玄亭), Kiyokawa Gendoh(淸川玄道) and Yamada Kyoko(山田業廣), Meguro Dotaku is considered the founder of the 'Yi Xue Kao Zheng Pai'. 2) The family of Yamada Seichin(山田正珍 1749${\sim}$1787) had been medical officials in the Makufu(幕府) and the many books that his ancestors had left were the base of his art. Seichin learned from Shan Ben Bei Shan(山本北山), a 'Zhe Zhong Pai' scholar, and put his efforts into learning, teaching and researching the "Shang Han Lun"("傷寒論"). Living in a time between 'Gu Fang Pai'(古方派) member Nakanishi Goretada(中西惟忠) and 'Kao Zheng Pai' member Taki Motohiro(多紀元簡), he wrote 11 books, 2 of which express his thoughts and research clearly, the "Shang Han Lun Ji Cheng"("傷寒論集成") and "Shang Han Kao"("傷寒考"). His comparison of the 'six meridians'(3 yin, 3 yang) between the "Shang Han Lun" and the "Su Wen Re Lun"("素問 熱論) and his acknowledgement of the need and rationality of the concept of Yin-Yang and Deficient-Replete distinguishes him from the other 'Gu Fang Pai'. Also, his dissertation of the need for the concept doesn't use the theories of latter schools but uses the theory of the "Shang Han Lun" itself. He even researched the historical parts, such as terms like 'Shen Nong Chang Bai Cao'(神農嘗百草) and 'Cheng Qi Tang'(承氣湯) 3) The ancestor of Yamada Kyoko(山田業廣) was a court physician, and learned confucianism from Kao Zheng Pai 's Ashikawa Genan(朝川善庵) and medicine from Isawa Ranken and Taki Motokata(多紀元堅), and the secret to smallpox from Ikeda Keisui(池田京水). He later became a lecturer at the Edo Yi Xue Guan(醫學館) and was invited as the director to the Ji Zhong(濟衆) hospital. He also became the first owner of the Wen Zhi She(溫知社), whose main purpose was the revival of kampo, and launched the monthly magazine Wen Zi Yi Tan(溫知醫談). He also diagnosed and prescribed for the prince Ming Gong(明宮). His works include the "Jing Fang Bian"("經方辨"), "Shang Han Lun Si Ci"("傷寒論釋司"), "Huang Zhao Zhu Jia Zhi Yan Ji Yao"("皇朝諸家治驗集要") and "Shang Han Ja Bing Lun Lei Juan"("傷寒雜病論類纂"). of these, the "Jing Fang Bian"("經方辨") states that the Shi Gao(石膏) used in the "Shang Han Lun" had three meanings-Fa Biao(發表), Qing Re(淸熱), Zi Yin(滋陰)-which were from 'symptoms', and first deducted the effects and then told of the reason. Another book, the "Jiu Zhe Tang Du Shu Ji"("九折堂讀書記") researched and translated the difficult parts of the "Shang Han Lun", "Jin Qui Yao Lue", "Qian Jin Fang"("千金方"), and "Wai Tai Mi Yao"("外臺秘要"). He usually analyzed the 'symptoms' of diseases but the composition, measurement, processing and application of medicine were all in the spectrum of 'analystic research' and 'researching analysis'. 4) The ancestors of Mori Rits(森立之 1807${\sim}$ 1885) were warriors but he became a doctor by the will of his mother, and he learned from Shibue Chosai(澁江抽齋) and Isawaran Ken and later became a pupil of Shou Gu Yi Zhai, a historical research scholar. He then became a lecturer of medical herbs at the Yi Xue Guan, and later participated in the proofreading of "Yi Xin Fang"("醫心方") and with Chosai compiled the "Jing Ji Fang Gu Zhi"("神農本草經"). He visited the Chinese scholar Yang Shou Jing(楊守敬) in 1881 and exchanged books and ideas. Of his works, there are the collections(輯複本) of "Shen Nong Ben Cao Jing"(神農本草經) and "You Xiang Yi Hwa"("遊相醫話") and the records, notes, poems, and diaries such as "Zhi Yuan Man Lu"("枳園漫錄") and "Zhi Yuan Sui Bi"("枳園隨筆") that were not published. His thoughts were that in restoring the "Shen Nong Ben Cao Jing", "the herb to the doctor is like the "Shuo Wen Jie Zi"("說文解字") to the scholar", and he tried to restore the ancient herbal text using knowledge of medicine and investigation(考據). Also with Chosai he compiled the "Jing Ji Fang Gu Zhi"("經籍訪古志") using knowledge of ancient text. Ritzi left works on pure investigation, paid much attention to social problems, and through 12 years of poverty treated all people and animals in all branches of medicine, so he is called a 'half confucianist half doctor'(半儒半醫). 5) Kitamurana Ohira(喜多村直寬 1804${\sim}$1876) learned scriptures and ancient texts from confucian scholar Asaka Gonsai, and learned medicine from his father Huai Yaun(槐園). He became a teacher in the Yi Xue Guan in his middle ages, and to repay his country, he printed 266 volumes of "Yi Fang Lei Ju("醫方類聚") and 1000 volumes of "Tai Ping Yu Lan"("太平禦覽") and devoted it to his country to be spread. His works are about 40 volumes including "Jin Qui Yao Lue Shu Yi" and "Lao Yi Zhi Yan" but most of them are researches on the "Shang Han Za Bing Lun". In his "Shang Han Lun Shu Yi"("傷寒論疏義") he shows the concept of the six meridians through the Yin-Yang, Superficial or internal, cold or hot, deficient or replete state of diseases, but did not match the names with the six meridians of the meridian theory, and this has something in common with the research based on the confucianism of Song(宋儒). In clinical treatment he was positive toward old and new methods and also the experience of civilians, but was negative toward western medicine. 6) The ancestor of the Taki family Tanbano Yasuyori(丹波康賴 912-955) became a Yi Bo Shi(醫博士) by his medical skills and compiled the "Yi Xin Fang"("醫心方"). His first son Tanbano Shigeaki(丹波重明) inherited the Shi Yao Yuan(施藥院) and the third son Tanbano Masatada(丹波雅忠) inherited the Dian You Tou(典藥頭). Masatada's descendents succeeded him for 25 generations until the family name was changed to Jin Bao(金保) and five generations later it was changed again to Duo Ji(多紀). The research scholar Taki Motohiro was in the third generation after the last name was changed to Taki, and his family kept an important part in the line of medical officers in Japan. Taki Motohiro(多紀元簡 1755-1810) was a teacher in the Yi Xue Guan where his father was residing, and became the physician for the general Jia Qi(家齊). He had a short temper and was not good at getting on in the world, and went against the will of the king and was banished from Ao Yi Shi(奧醫師). His most famous works, the "Shang Han Lun Ji Yi" and "Jin Qui Yao Lue Ji Yi" are the work of 20 years of collecting the theories of many schools and discussing, and is one of the most famous books on the "Shang Han Lun" in Japan. "Yi Sheng" is a collection of essays on research. Also there are the "Su Wen Shi"("素問識"), "Ling Shu Shi"("靈樞識"), and the "Guan lu Fang Yao Bu"("觀聚方要補"). Taki Motohiro(多紀元簡)'s position was succeeded by his third son Yuan Yin(元胤 1789-1827), and his works include works of research such as "Nan Jing Shu Jeng"("難經疏證"), "Ti Ya"("體雅"), "Yao Ya"("藥雅"), "Ji Ya"("疾雅"), "Ming Yi Gong An"("名醫公案"), and "Yi Ji Kao"("醫籍考"). The "Yi Ji Kao" is 80 volumes in length and lists about 3000 books on medicine in China before the Qing Dao Guang(道光), and under each title are the origin, number of volumes, state of existence, and, if possible, the preface, Ba Yu(跋語) and biography of the author. The younger sibling of Yuan Yin(元胤 1789-1827), Yuan Jian(元堅 1795-1857) expounded ancient writings at the Yi Xue Guan only after he reached middle age, was chosen for the Ao Yi Shi(奧醫師) and later became a Fa Yan(法眼), Fa Yin(法印) and Yu Chi(樂匙). He left about 15 texts, including "Su Wen Shao Shi"("素間紹識"), "Yi Xin Fang"("醫心方"), published in school, "Za Bing Guang Yao"("雜病廣要"), "Shang Han Guang Yao"(傷寒廣要), and "Zhen Fu Yao Jue"("該腹要訣"). On the Taki family's founding and working of the Yi Xue Guan Yasuka Doumei(失數道明) said they were "the people who took the initiative in Edo era kampo medicine" and evaluated their deeds in the fields of 'research of ancient text', 'the founding of Ji Shou Guan and medical education', 'publication business', 'writing of medical text'. 5. The doctors of the 'Kao Zheng Pai ' based their operations on the Edo Yi Xue Guan, and made groups with people with similar ideas to them, making a relationship 'net'. For example the three families of Duo Ji(多紀), Tang Chuan(湯川) and Xi Duo Cun(喜多村) married and adopted with and from each other and made prefaces and epitaphs for each other. Thus, the Taki family, the state science of the Makufu, the tendency of thinking, one's own interests and glory, one's own knowledge, the need of the society all played a role in the development of kampo medicine in the 18th and 19th century.

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일본 '고증파(考證派)' 의학에 관한 연구 (A Study on The 'Kao Zheng Pai'(考證派) of The Traditional Medicine of Japan)

  • 박현국;김기욱
    • 동국한의학연구소논문집
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    • 제10권
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    • pp.1-40
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    • 2008
  • 1.The 'Kao Zheng Pai'(考證派) comes from the 'Zhe Zhong Pai(折衷派)' and is a school that is influenced by the confucianism of the Qing dynasty. In Japan Inoue Kinga(井上金峨), Yoshida Koton(古田篁墩 $1745{\sim}1798$) became central members, and the rise of the methodology of historical research(考證學) influenced the members of the 'Zhe Zhong Pai', and the trend of historical research changed from confucianism to medicine, making a school of medicine based on the study of texts and proving that the classics were right. 2. Based on the function of 'Nei Qu Li'(內驅力) the 'Kao Zheng Pai', in the spirit of 'use confucianism as the base', researched letters, meanings and historical origins. Because they were influenced by the methodology of historical research(考證學) of the Qing era, they valued the evidential research of classic texts, and there was even one branch that did only historical research, the 'Rue Xue Kao Zheng Pai'(儒學考證派). Also, the 'Yi Xue Kao Zheng Pai'(醫學考證派) appeared by the influence of Yoshida Kouton and Kariya Ekisai(狩谷掖齋). 3. In the 'Kao Zheng Pai(考證派)'s theories and views the 'Yi Xue Kao Zheng Pai' did not look at medical scriptures like the "Huang Di Nei Jing"("黃帝內經") and did not do research on 'medical' related areas like acupuncture, the meridian and medicinal herbs. Since they were doctors that used medicine, they naturally were based on 'formulas'(方劑) and since their thoughts were based on the historical ideologies, they valued the "Shang Han Ja Bing Lun" which was revered as the 'ancestor of all formulas'(衆方之祖). 4. The lives of the important doctors of the 'Kao Zheng Pai' Meguro Dotaku(目黑道琢) Yamada Seichin(山田正珍), Yamada Kyoko(山田業廣), Mori Ritsi(森立之) Kitamura Naohara(喜多村直寬) are as follows. 1) Meguro Dotaku(目黑道琢 $1739{\sim}1798$) was born of lowly descent but, using his intelligence and knowledge, became a professor as a Shi Jing Yi(市井醫) and as a professor for 34 years at Ji Shou Guan(躋壽館) mastered the "Huang Di Nei Jing" after giving over 300 lectures. Since his pupil, Isawara Ken(伊澤蘭軒) taught the Lan Men Wu Zhe(蘭門五哲) and Shibue Chusai(澀江抽齋), Mori Ritsi(森立之), Okanishi Gentei(岡西玄亭), Kiyokawa Gendoh(淸川玄道) and Yamada Kyoko(山田業廣), Meguro Dotaku is considered the founder of the 'Yi Xue Kao Zheng Pai'. 2) The family of Yamada Seichin(山田正珍 $1749{\sim}1787$) had been medical officials in the Makufu(幕府) and the many books that his ancestors had left were the base of his art. Seichin learned from Shan Ben Bei Shan(山本北山), a 'Zhe Zhong Pai' scholar, and put his efforts into learning, teaching and researching the "Shang Han Lun"("傷寒論"). Living in a time between 'Gu Fang Pai'(古方派) member Nakanishi Goretada(中西惟忠) and 'Kao Zheng Pai' member Taki Motohiro(多紀元簡), he wrote 11 books, 2 of which express his thoughts and research clearly, the "Shang Han Lun Ji Cheng"("傷寒論集成") and "Shang Han Kao"("傷寒考"). His comparison of the 'six meridians'(3 yin, 3 yang) between the "Shang Han Lun" and the "Su Wen Re Lun"("素問 熱論") and his acknowledgement of the need and rationality of the concept of Yin-Yang and Deficient-Replete distinguishes him from the other 'Gu Fang Pai'. Also, his dissertation of the need for the concept doesn't use the theories of latter schools but uses the theory of the "Shang Han Lun" itself. He even researched the historical parts, such as terms like 'Shen Nong Chang Bai Cao'(神農嘗百草) and 'Cheng Qi Tang'(承氣湯). 3) The ancestor of Yamada Kyoko(山田業廣) was a court physician, and learned confucianism from Kao Zheng Pai's Ashikawa Genan(朝川善庵) and medicine from Isawa Ranken(伊澤蘭軒) and Taki Motokata(多紀元堅), and the secret to smallpox from Ikeda Keisui(池田京水). He later became a lecturer at the Edo Yi Xue Guan(醫學館) and was invited as the director to the Ji Zhong(濟衆) hospital. He also became the first owner of the Wen Zhi She(溫知社), whose main purpose was the revival of kampo, and launched the monthly magazine Wen Zi Yi Tan(溫知醫談). He also diagnosed and prescribed for the prince Ming Gong(明宮). His works include the "Jing Fang Bian"("經方辨"), "Shang Han Lun Si Ci"("傷寒論釋詞"), "Huang Zhao Zhu Jia Zhi Yan Ji Yao"("皇朝諸家治驗集要") and "Shang Han Ja Bing Lun Lei Juan"("傷寒雜病論類纂"). of these, the "Jing Fang Bian"("經方辨") states that the Shi Gao(石膏) used in the "Shang Han Lun" had three meanings-Fa Biao(發表), Qing Re(淸熱), Zi Yin(滋陰)-which were from 'symptoms', and first deducted the effects and then told of the reason. Another book, the "Jiu Zhe Tang Du Shu Ji"("九折堂讀書記") researched and translated the difficult parts of the "Shang Han Lun", "Jin Qui Yao Lue"("金匱要略"), "Qian Jin Fang"("千金方"), and "Wai Tai Mi Yao"("外臺秘要"). He usually analyzed the 'symptoms' of diseases but the composition, measurement, processing and application of medicine were all in the spectrum of 'analystic research' and 'researching analysis'. 4) The ancestors of Mori Ritsi(森立之 $1807{\sim}1885$) were warriors but he became a doctor by the will of his mother, and he learned from Shibue Chosai(澁江抽齋) and Isawaran Ken(伊澤蘭軒) and later became a pupil of Shou Gu Yi Zhai(狩谷掖齋), a historical research scholar. He then became a lecturer of medical herbs at the Yi Xue Guan, and later participated in the proofreading of "Yi Xin Fang"("醫心方") and with Chosai compiled the "Jing Ji Fang Gu Zhi"("經籍訪古志"). He visited the Chinese scholar Yang Shou Jing(楊守敬) in 1881 and exchanged books and ideas. Of his works, there are the collections(輯複本) of "Shen Nong Ben Cao Jing"("神農本草經") and "You Xiang Yi Hwa"("遊相醫話") and the records, notes, poems, and diaries such as "Zhi Yuan Man Lu"("枳園漫錄") and "Zhi Yuan Sui Bi"(枳園隨筆) that were not published. His thoughts were that in restoring the "Shen Nong Ben Cao Jing", "the herb to the doctor is like the "Shuo Wen Jie Zi"(說文解字) to the scholar", and he tried to restore the ancient herbal text using knowledge of medicine and investigation(考據), Also with Chosai he compiled the "Jing Ji Fang Gu Zhi"("經籍訪古志") using knowledge of ancient text. Ritzi left works on pure investigation, paid much attention to social problems, and through 12 years of poverty treated all people and animals in all branches of medicine, so he is called a 'half confucianist half doctor'(半儒半醫). 5) Kitamurana Ohira(喜多村直寬, $1804{\sim}1876$) learned scriptures and ancient texts from confucian scholar Asaka Gonsai(安積艮齋), and learned medicine from his father Huai Yaun(槐園), He became a teacher in the Yi Xue Guan in his middle ages, and to repay his country, he printed 266 volumes of "Yi Fang Lei Ju"("醫方類聚") and 1000 volumes of "Tai Ping Yu Lan"("太平禦覽") and devoted it to his country to be spread. His works are about 40 volumes including "Jin Qui Yao Lue Shu Yi"("金匱要略疏義") and "Lao Yi Zhi Yan"(老醫巵言) but most of them are researches on the "Shang Han Za Bing Lun". In his "Shang Han Lun Shu Yi"("傷寒論疏義") he shows the concept of the six meridians through the Yin-Yang, Superficial or internal, cold or hot, deficient or replete state of diseases, but did not match the names with the six meridians of the meridian theory, and this has something in common with the research based on the confucianism of Song(宋儒). In clinical treatment he was positive toward old and new methods and also the experience of civilians, but was negative toward western medicine. 6) The ancestor of the Taki family Tanbano Yasuyori(丹波康賴 $912{\sim}955$) became a Yi Bo Shi(醫博士) by his medical skills and compiled the "Yi Xin Fang"("醫心方"). His first son Tanbano Shigeaki(丹波重明) inherited the Shi Yao Yuan(施藥院) and the third son Tanbano Masatada(丹波雅忠) inherited the Dian You Tou(典藥頭). Masatada's descendents succeeded him for 25 generations until the family name was changed to Jin Bao(金保) and five generations later it was changed again to Duo Ji(多紀). The research scholar Taki Motohiro was in the third generation after the last name was changed to Taki, and his family kept an important part in the line of medical officers in Japan. Taki Motohiro(多紀元簡 $1755{\sim}1810$) was a teacher in the Yi Xue Guan where his father was residing, and became the physician for the general Jia Qi(家齊). He had a short temper and was not good at getting on in the world, and went against the will of the king and was banished from Ao Yi Shi(奧醫師). His most famous works, the "Shang Han Lun Ji Yi"("傷寒論輯義") and "Jin Qui Yao Lue Ji Yi"("金匱要略輯義") are the work of 20 years of collecting the theories of many schools and discussing, and is one of the most famous books on the "Shang Han Lun" in Japan. "Yi Sheng"("醫勝") is a collection of essays on research. Also there are the "Su Wen Shi"(素問識), "Ling Shu Shi"("靈樞識"), and the "Guan Ju Fang Yao Bu"("觀聚方要補"). Taki Motohiro(多紀元簡)'s position was succeeded by his third son Yuan Yin(元胤 $1789{\sim}1827$), and his works include works of research such as "Nan Jing Shu Jeng"(難經疏證), "Ti Ya"("體雅"), "Yao Ya"("藥雅"), "Ji Ya"(疾雅), "Ming Yi Gong An"(名醫公案), and "Yi Ji Kao"(醫籍考). The "Yi Ji Kao" is 80 volumes in length and lists about 3000 books on medicine in China before the Qing Dao Guang(道光), and under each title are the origin, number of volumes, state of existence, and, if possible, the preface, Ba Yu(跋語) and biography of the author. The younger sibling of Yuan Yin(元胤 $1789{\sim}1827$), Yuan Jian(元堅 $1795{\sim}1857$) expounded ancient writings at the Yi Xue Guan only after he reached middle age, was chosen for the Ao Yi Shi(奧醫師) and later became a Fa Yan(法眼), Fa Yin(法印) and Yu Chi(禦匙). He left about 15 texts, including "Su Wen Shao Shi"("素問紹識"), "Yi Xin Fang"("醫心方"), published in school, "Za Bing Guang Yao"("雜病廣要"), "Shang Han Guang Yao"("傷寒廣要"), and "Zhen Fu Yao Jue"("診腹要訣"). On the Taki family's founding and working of the Yi Xue Guan Yasuka Doumei(矢數道明) said they were "the people who took the initiative in Edo era kampo medicine" and evaluated their deeds in the fields of 'research of ancient text', the founding of Ji Shou Guan(躋壽館) and medical education', 'publication business', 'writing of medical text'. 5. The doctors of the 'Kao Zheng Pai' based their operations on the Edo Yi Xue Guan, and made groups with people with similar ideas to them, making a relationship 'net'. For example the three families of Duo Ji(多紀), Tang Chuan(湯川) and Xi Duo Cun(喜多村) married and adopted with and from each other and made prefaces and epitaphs for each other. Thus, the Taki family, the state science of the Makufu, the tendency of thinking, one's own interests and glory, one's own knowledge, the need of the society all played a role in the development of kampo medicine in the 18th and 19th century.

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