• Title/Summary/Keyword: $^{99m}Tc-MDP$

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Synthesis of $^{99m} Tc$-tricarbonyl Precursors for Labeling of Bioactive Molecules

  • Jang, Beom-Su;Kim, Yong-Mi;Cho, Sang-Mu;Shin, Byung-Chul;Park, Sun-Ju;Hong, Young-Don;Gwon, Hui-Jeong;Park, Kyung-Bae;Yun, Hyo-In
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.146-153
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    • 2002
  • To radiolabel bioactive molecules, we synthesized $^{99m}$Tc-tricarbonyl precursor, [$^{99m}$Tc(CO)$_3$($H_2O$)$_3$]$^{+}$ with a low oxidation state ( I ). The [$^{99m}$Tc(CO)$_3$($H_2O$)$_3$]$^{+}$ was prepared by low pressure carbonylation (1 atm of CO) of [$^{99m}$Tc $O_4$)]$^{[-10]}$ in the presence of NaB $H_4$ resulting in higher than 98% of labeling yield and stability up to 8 hrs. We evaluated the characteristics of $^{99m}$Tc- tricarbonyl labeled bioactive molecules by carrying out in vitro and in vitro study. Prepared [$^{99m}$Tc(CO)$_3$($H_2O$)$_3$]$^{+}$ was then reacted with some ligands of significance in modem diagnostic nuclear medicine and some amino acids. Labeling yields were checked by HPLC and found to be usually high, excluding $^{99m}$Tc-tricarbonyl-MDP, -EDTMP and -mIBG. And the biodistribution properties of $^{99m}$Tc-tricarbonyl complexes applied in rabbit showed different appearance comparing with that of the $^{99m}$Tc-labeling by conventional means. From these results, we conclude that [$^{99m}$Tc(CO)$_3$($H_2O$)$_3$]$^{+}$ is a potential precursor for development of radiopharmaceuticals, especially for labeling of biomolecules.

Bone Scintigraphic Findings in Leukemic Patients (백혈병 환자의 골스캔 소견)

  • Choi, Hyo-Sun;Park, Jeong-Mi;Sohn, Hyeong-Seon;Chung, Soo-Kyo;Kim, Choon-Yul;Bahk, Yong-Whee;Shinn, Byung-Sub
    • The Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.101-105
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    • 1992
  • The leukemias represent diffuse lesions of the bone marrow and significant bony abnormalities are associated with the more aggressive varieties of leukemias and with the younger age groups. On plain film, several roentgenographic findings are observed such as diffuse osteopenia, radiolucent metaphyseal bands, osteolytic lesions and periostitis. We evaluated bone scintigraphic findings using $^{99m}Tc-methylene$ diphosphonate $(^{99m}Tc-MDP)$ in ten patients with proven leukemia. The scan is abnormal in 90%. We classified abnormal scintigraphic findings to 3 types and these are increased diffuse juxta-articular uptake, focal increase of uptake and combined type. The common sites of focal uptake were femur, humerus, tibia, spine, ribs, calvarium, scapula and mandible. We concluded that $(^{99m}Tc-MDP)$ bone scintigraphy is sensitive imaging modality in leukemic patients with bone pain.

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Biparietal Thinning Showing Typical Bilateral Photon Defects on Bone Scintigraphy and SPECT (골 신티그래피와 SPECT상 양측성 광자결손으로 나타난 Biparietal Thinning)

  • Sohn, Myung-Hee;Jeong, Hwan-Jeong;Lim, Seok-Tae;Yim, Chang-Yeol
    • Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging
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    • v.41 no.3
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    • pp.260-262
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    • 2007
  • A 68-year-old man with small cell carcinoma of the lung and adenocarcinoma of the prostate underwent Tc-99m MDP bone scintigraphy for the evaluation of skeletal metastases. Bilateral symmetrical photon defects in both parietal bones of the skull were observed. The radiographs of the skull demonstrates biparietal thinning in the same area of the abnormality identified on bone scintigraphy. Although these findings in cancer patients can be mistaken for skeletal metastases, the symmetry and location of the photon defects are generally indicative of biparietal thinning.

$^{99m}Tc-MDP$ Scan in Rhabdomyolysis (횡문근융해증의 골스캔)

  • Zeon, Seok-Kil;Lee, Hee-Jung;Lee, Jae-Tae;Lee, Kyu-Bo
    • The Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.106-110
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    • 1992
  • 외상, 만성간질환, 화상 및 전신성경련등의 원인으로 발생한 횡문근융해증 9예의 $^{99m}Tc-MDP$ 골스캔을 분석하여 다음과 같은 성적을 얻었다. 동통부위보다 넓은 전신성 병변이 44%에서 확인되었으며 나머지 56%는 국소 동통부위의 근육에만 Bone-seeking agent가 침착되는 것이 확인되있고, 골스캔만으로도 44%에서 신부전증이 동반되었음을 확인할 수 있었다. 전신성 병변은 원인과는 관계없이 출현하였고, 신부전증도 원인질환에는 관계없이 발생하였다. 1예에서 실시한 CT는 국소성 병변만을 보여 주었으나골스캔은 전신성 병변을 나타내어 주었다. 따라서 횡문근융해증의 진단에는 골스캔이 중요함을 확인해주었다.

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Scintigraphic Detection of Mammary Tumor in a Bitch (암캐에서 유전 종양의 핵의학적 진단)

  • 강성수;김명환;배춘식;최석화
    • Journal of Veterinary Clinics
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.469-473
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    • 2001
  • A 12-year-old bitch, Yorkshire terrier, was admitted to the Chungbuk National University animal hospital with draining from mammary masses in the left and right mammary glands. She was involved in the mammary masses, suffering bilateral inguinal hernia. Physical examination during the hospitalization demonstrated the masses in right (3 cm) and left (1.5 cm) mammary glands. Blood pool images didn\`t show the subtle increase in blood flow to the inguinal hernia, and the increase of radionuclide distribution to the mammary gland on the soft tissue phase. However, delayed bone images showed a very focal lesion in the right mammary gland. These findings were confirmed on a subsequent biopsy, which also revealed adenocarcinoma with areas of malignant new bone formation. We present a case of primary mammary adenocarcinoma with $^{99m}Tc-MDP$ activity relative to normal bone. Tumor in the bitch demonstrates malignant new bone formation as the likely mechanism for the marked radiotracer avidity.

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