Purpose: This study identifies how twelve key success factors of distribution strategies for community enterprises in Thailand achieve higher performances. Research design, data, and methodology: The samples in this study were 400 entrepreneurs throughout the country. The instrument for data elicitation was a questionnaire. The descriptive and inferential statistics for data analysis were percentage, mean, standard deviation, T-Test, F-Test, multiple regression, and multiple correlations. Results: The results revealed that, overall, the samples showed high opinions on online distribution strategies in all aspects. In detail, the three highest factors were as follows: 1) electronic satisfaction, 2) product characteristics and electronic trust, and 3) the quality and success in online distribution. In detail, the three highest aspects of online distribution success were customer loyalty, financial performance, and work management, respectively. The online distribution strategies influencing community enterprises' success were electronic trust, electronic loyalty, social information, electronic satisfaction, and online distribution tools, which had a statistical significance of 71. Conclusions: This research has made an essential contribution to community enterprise entrepreneurs should focus on and adopt these 8P+4ODS concepts to increase sales, maintain brand loyalty of existing customers, get new customers, develop learning, and improve the working potentials of community enterprise entrepreneurs.