In this study, by using the natural language processing of the field of artificial intelligence, automated index was performed. And then, the Natural Language Processing Interface for knowledge representation(NALPI) has been developed. Furthermore, the DEsign KnOwledge DataBase(DEKODB) has been also developed, which is designed to interlock the knowledge base. The DEKODB processes both the documented design-data, like a concrete standard specification, and the design knowledge from an expert. The DEKODB is also simulates the design space of structures accordance with the production rule, and thus it is determined that DEKODB can be used as a engine to retrieve new knowledge and to implement knowledge base that is necessary to the development of automatic design system. The application field of the system, which has been developed in this study, can be expanded by supplement of the design knowledge at DEKODB and developing dictionaries for foreign languages. Furthermore, the perfect automation at the data accumulation and development of the automatic rule generator should benefit the unified design automation.