This study on the elasto-plastic analysis of spherical shell by rigia element method is classified into two parts : (1) theoretical consideration on elasto-plastic analysis of spherical shell, (2) elastic and elasto-plastic analysis of spherical shell with the open stiff ring. In 1982, Y. Tsuboi proposed the new analytical method which is called the rigid element method, for analyzing the elasto-plastic behavior of wall-type precast concrete structures by applying the concepts of rigid bodies-sprins model (i.e., when structures reach their ultimate state of leading, they may be yield, collapsed ana crushed into pieces, and each part or piece of structures mar move like a rigid body.). In this paper, for improvement and expansion this rigid element method, it is proposed the adaptation equation of rectangular-shaped spherical element and rectangular-shaped spherical bending element developed by present authors, and the analytical procedure for the elastic and the elasto-plastic increment method of structures.