To date many kinds of compounds have been obtained from plants kingdom as antineoplastic and anti-cancerous agents. However, there is no special type of compounds for ncancer therapy. Various types of substances are effective for various types of cancers and tumors: for instance, alkaloids, lignans, terpenes and steroids etc. Curcumol obtained from Curcuma aromatica was tested and noticed to be effective against cancer of the uterine cervix clinically Oridonin isolated from Rabdosia now investigated for clinical trials in China. Moreover, camptothecine isolated from Camptotheca acuminata is also antineoplastic alkaloid, but is very toxic. Chemical modification has been tried to decrease its toxicity. This compound is now using as clinical agent. Harringtonin was investigated as an anticancerous drug in China. Taxol, a compound with a taxane ring isolated from the bark of Taxus brevifolia, has been demonstrated to have substantial anticancer activity in patients with solid tumors refractory standard chemotherapy. Supply of this drug has severely limited full exploration of its antineoplastic potential. Some efforts are continued in National Cancer Institute NCI) Washington for surveying various Taxus species for optimal taxol content, improvement in semi-synthesis from baccatin III, improvement in method of extraction, and development of alternative renewable resources. Further, there are many compounds which have been reported as antineoplastic agents. On the other hand, we have screened on higher plants collected in Japan, China, Korea, Southeast Asia and South America for antineoplastic activity, which has been done using Sarcoma 180 ascites in mice, P388 Iymphocytic leukemia in mice, Chinese hamster lung V-79 cells, P388 cells and nasopharynx carcinoma (KB) cells in our laboratory, as primary screening. In this meeting, I will present on antitumor and cytotoxic substances of the higher plants (Rubia cordifolia, Ailanfhus Vilmoriniana, Aster tataricus, Taxus cuspidata var. nana, Cephalotaxus harringtonia var drupacea, etc.) selected from above screening tests.