1. CONTENTS 1) RESEARCH OBJECTIVES The purpose of the study was to propose a future oriented urban space production strategy to offer diverse useful services to citizens to improve international competitiveness of cities in the times of competition that competitive subjects were changed from competition among countries to competition among cities. 2) RESEARCH METHOD In the proposed future-oriented urban space production strategy, the study compared/analyzed main plans related to development of urban space by selecting CBD(Jung-gu) of Busan out of local metropolises in South Korea. 3) RESEARCH FINDINGS In the proposed future-oriented urban space production strategy, the study largely sorted city's function into four scopes function of industrial support, function of social support, function of living support and function of urban infrastructure. 2. RESULTS It is expected that the proposed future oriented urban space production strategy will be utilized as a useful reference model when a lot of local governments, planning a ubiquitous urban space, establish a plan for constructing a ubiquitous urban space.