한국감성과학회:학술대회논문집 (Proceedings of the Korean Society for Emotion and Sensibility Conference) (Proceedings of the Korean Society for Emotion and Sensibility Conference)
한국감성과학회 (Korean Society for Emotion and Sensibility)
- 반년간
- 인지/감성과학 > 감성과학
한국감성과학회 2000년도 춘계 학술대회 및 국제 감성공학 심포지움 논문집 Proceeding of the 2000 Spring Conference of KOSES and International Sensibility Ergonomics Symposium
Cardiac, respiratory, electrodermal and frontal (F3, F4) EEG responses were analyzed and compared during to slides of International Affective Picture System (IAPS) in the study on 42 students. Physiological responses during 20s of exposure to slides intended to elicit happiness (nurturant and erotic), sadness, disgust, surprise, fear or anger emotions were quite similar and were expressed in heart rate (HR) deceleration, decreased HR variability (HRV), specific SCR, increased non-specific SCR frequency (N-SCR), and EEG changes exhibited in theta increase, alpha-blocking and increased beta activity, and frontal asymmetry. However, some emotions demonstrated variations of the response magnitudes, enabling to differentiate some paris of emotions by several physiological parameters. The profiles showed higher magnitudes of HRV and EEG responses in exciting (i.e., erotic) and higher cardiac and respiratory responses in surprise. The most different pairs were exciting-surprise (by HR, HRV, theta, and alpha asymmetry), exciting-sadness (by theta, alpha, and alpha asymmetry), and exciting-fear (by HRV, theta, F3 alpha, and alpha asymmetry). Nurturant happiness yielded the least differentiation. Differences were found as well within negative emotions, e.g., anger-sadness were differentiated by HRV and theta asymmetry, while disgust-fear by N-SCR and beta asymmetry. Obtained results suggest that magnitudes of profiles of physiological variables differentiate emotions evoked by affective pictures, despite that the patterns of most responses were featured by qualitative similarity in given passive viewing context.
This study would review how important to define emotional intelligence could be in measuring individual differences in emotional experience. For this purpose, the definitions of emotion, built by psychological theorists, would first reviewed, in connection to the newly developed techniques in the area of emotional engineering. Comparing peripheral theories of emotion and cognitive appraisal theories, the multi-facets of emotional experience would be illustrated and it would discussed what these facets mean to predict emotional health of individuals.
인간의 능력은 유전과 환경에 의해 결정되며, 정보는 인지와 감성의 긴밀한 상호작용을 통하여 처리된다. 이런 관점에서 보면, 정보처리모델에서는 유전과 환경, 인지와 감성 작용이 모두 고려되어야 한다. 본 논문에서는 감성이론과 정보처리모델을 바탕으로 감성필터모델을 제시하였다. 이 모델에서는 감성필터가 입력을 선별적으로 수용하며, 수용된 입력은 자신의 현재 능력과 함께 상호작용을 하며 정보를 처리하게 된다. 정보를 처리하는 과정에서 인간은 지식과 경험을 재구성하거나 잠재력을 계발할 수 있다. 이 모델을 통하여, 새로운 관전에서 유전과 환경의 의미 그리고 감성과 인지의 역할을 살펴보았다. 또한 교육적인 관점에서 감성교육과 감성공학의 의미에 대하여 살펴보았다.
Conventional atom model must be criticized on the following four points.(1) natural motions between positive and negative entities are not circular motions but linear going and returning ones, for examples sexual motion, tidal motion, day and night etc.(2) Potential energy generation was neglected when electron changes its orbit from outer one to inner one. The hv is the kinetic energy of the photo-electron. The total energy difference between orbits comprises kinetic and potential energies. (3) The structure of the space must be taken into consideration because the properties of the electron do not changed during the transition from outer orbit to inner one even though it produces photon. (4) Total energy conservation law applies to the energy flow between mind and matter because we daily experiences a interconnection between mind and body.New atomic model 9the crystallizing
$\pi$ -bonding) was proposed in the journal of material processing technology since 1997 for the explanation of the mechanical behaviors in terms of physics.$\prod$ -ray physics proved that the electrons can come out from in the nucleus and modern chemistry corresponds to the$\pi$ -bonding by the nuclear electrons. The$\pi$ -bonding structure of the protons outside the nucleus is that electrons move between protons of the different atoms. The perception step and the characteristic frequency in signal transduction is due to the accumulation of the$\pi$ -rays outside of the proton before their absorption to the nucleus. -
The imploded open
$\pi$ -rays comprise of the space and their diameters are distributed from nearly zero to infinite. The change of the potential energy in the open$\pi$ -ray produces an attraction force between them and it is sensible to the geometric shape factor and its frequency. The equivalent principle of general relativity means that in the wave equation its velocity of the force wave is infinite. The change of the state in a open$\pi$ -ray(or any force wave) can be transferred to any sensible open$\pi$ -ray via space at a finite velocity. Many properties of the light wave can be deduce from the motions of open$\pi$ -rays.The nonsteady and steady Schr dinger equations include the dynamics of open$\pi$ -rays and closed$\pi$ -rays.$\prod$ -ray is a tool of entity for constructing physics and metaphysics at the same time. -
단기기억 작업시 집중도를 평가하기 위하여 평가용 task를 설계하고 5단계의 난이도에 대하여 실험을 실시하였다. 난이도에 따른 집중도의 변화를 측정하기 위하여 주관평가를 실시하고 행동지표와 생리신호를 측정하였다. 측정된 생리신호 중 전두엽(Ep1, Ep2)에서 측정한 뇌전도 신호의
$\alpha$ -band와$\beta$ -band의 전력의 비와, 심박변화율의 전력 스펙트럼의 MF/(LF+MF+HF)비를 구하였다. 실험 결과 집중도 높게 보고된 단계에서 task를 수행함에 따라 뇌전도 신호의$\alpha$ /$\beta$ 비와 심박변화율의 MF/(LF+MF+HF) 비도 점차로 증가하였다. -
본 연구는 일반 컴퓨터 게임과 뇌파를 이용한 바이오피드백 게임의 수행에 따른 뇌파의 변화를 비교하고자 하였다. 두 가지 게임을 수행하는 동안 수행 전반기와 후반기로 나누어 뇌파를 측정한 결과, 전반적으로 뇌파 게임은 수행 전반기에 비해 후반기에 slow alpha파가 증가하였고, 이와는 반대로 컴퓨터 게임은 전반기에 비해 후반기로 갈수록 fast beta파가 증가하였다. 특히 이러한 변화는 F3, F2, 그리고 T4 부위에서 두드러지게 관찰되었다. 후속 연구는 다양한 컴퓨터 게임들을 비교할 필요가 있다.
The purpose of this study is to investigate the characteristics of electroencephalogram (EEG) during emotional occurrence of likes and dislikes in humans subjected to visual stimuli. Fifteen healthy male subjects participated in the study. Portrayals of females and cars on a visual screen, one photographic display at a time. were used as the stimulus. The subjects, with their EEGs concomitantly monitored, were asked to record their likes and dislikes for each portrayal of a total of 50 sequential displays. The results indicated that beta (
$\beta$ )=wave was more prevalent with dislikes than likes, and the arousal level was higher when dislikes predominated over likes, implying that more cerebral information processing activity was involved in answering dislikes than likes. In the case of cars, the difference between likes and dislikes was focused within a frequency band of 15-20 Hz in the right cerebral hemisphere. Our findings suggest that the activity in the right brain predominates with increases in negative emotion. -
This study investigated the effects of certain specific wavelengths of lighting on the autonomic nervous system (ANS) using the heart rate variability (HRV) as an index. Six subjects with normal color vision participated n this study between 15:00 and 17:00 hr to neutralize any visual differences arising from circadian rhythm. The environmental conditions of the laboratory were maintained in complete darkness and the temperature was equilibrated at 24
$\Box$ with a relative humidity of 60%. Subjects were only subjected to light stimulation when the pupil of dyes attained a minimum size of 2 mm by projecting illumination equalized with the same spectral radiance of 500-700 nm with 50-nm internal radiance. HRV was calculated from electrocardiogram (ECG) with systematic respiratory control at 0.35 Hz. The results suggest that illumination with certain wavelengths may induce ANS activation. -
본 논문은 음악 리듬의 속도의 변화가 작업자에게 미치는 영향을 평가하기 위하여 음악의 리듬의 속도를 다섯 단계로 변화시키면서 평가하였다. 평가를 위하여 미리 제작된 MIDI 음악을 들려주면서 피험자가 연산작업을 수행하는 동안의 오답 발생률과 연산반응시간과 뇌파 등 5종류의 생리신호를 측정하였다. 측정 데이터를 분석한 결과 자극음의 속도가 증가할수록 작업자의 오답률이 높아지고 연산 반응 시간이 길어져 작업능률이 저하됨을 관찰할 수가 있었다. 특히 리듬의 특정 속도 ♩=160(160/min)에서 ♩=200(200/min)보다 오답률이 높고 반응시간이 길어지므로 작업에 적합한 리듬의 속도가 존재함을 알 수 있었다.
국내 동적 환경에 대한 감성 연구는 아직 미흡한 상태다. 본 연구는 자동차의 운전자세에 관해 연구하였다. 왼발을 사용하지 않는 A/T(Automatic Transmission) 차량과 두 발을 모두 사용하는 M/T(Manual Transmission) 차량의 운전자세 차이를 Position tracking sensor를 통해 측정하였으며, 각 차량에 따른 운전자들의 감성을 비교 및 분석하였다. 본 연구에 참여한 피험자들은 운전면허 소지자로 운전 경험이 있는 남자 대학생 및 대학원생이 참여하였으며, 운전자세를 분석해 본 결과 A/T 차량이 M/T 차량의 경우보다 Seat가 더 뒤로 위치하였고, 두 차량의 운전자세에서 무릎관절의 각도에 많은 차이가 났다. 또, 신체 각 부위 관절의 위치나 모양도 조금씩 다르게 측정되었다. A/T 차량과 M/T 차량의 운전자세에 따른 감성 평가는 동적 환경의 감성 연구에 도움이 될 것이다.
본 논문은 입체 음상 정위 시스템에 있어서 청취자의 머리 크기와 음상 정위를 원하는 위치와의 거리에 따른 머리전달함수 (HRTF; Head Related Transfer Function)의 보정 방법에 관한 것이다. 제안된 방법은 먼저 표준 반경에서 표준 머리 크기의 더미 헤드를 이용해 측정된 표준 머리전달함수 데이터베이스로부터 실제의 왼쪽 또는 오른쪽 귀를 기준으로 한 방위각과 고도각을 산출한다. 이렇게 산출된 방위각과 고도각을 기준으로 머리전달함수 데이터베이스의 인덱스를 보정한다. 음상 정위하고자 하는 3차원 공간상의 위치를 입력받게 되면, 입력받은 위치로부터 청취자의 왼쪽 또는 오른쪽 귀를 기준으로 한 방위각과 고도각을 산출한 후에 보정된 머리전달함수 데이터베이스로부터 머리전달함수를 가져와서 입력 모노 신호를 보정된 머리전달함수와 콘볼루션하여 입체음향을 생성하게 된다.제안된 방법에 의해 청취자의 머리 크기 및 거리에 따라 보정된 머리전달함수를 사용함으로써 청취자에게 보다 실감나는 3차원 음상 정위 효과를 제공할 수 있다.
The present study investigated the processes of selecting and modeling of design variables based on HIEs for developing the evaluational model on the physical suitability of office chairs. Evaluational model can be used for development of the new products or improvement of the old products. For the best utilization of the evaluational model, the process of scrutinizing the variables and the complex interactions among the variables is indispensible. Also, for this, it is necessary to select only the right HIEs which influence the physical suitability of products greatly.The present study suggested analytical processes for making the evaluational model on the physical suitability (Comfortability, Suitability, Stability, Adjustability, Clearance) of office chairs.
The effects of the timing of daily bathing on sleep in winter were studied. Eight healthy male subjects were assigned to three sleep conditions: bathing just before sleeping (Condition J), bathing 2 h before sleeping (Condition T0 and no bathing before sleeping (Control). We can found that slow wave sleep and REM sleep were increased, and sleep onset latency and wake after sleep onset were shortened in Condition T compared with Condition J. Rectal and mean skin temperatures n both bathing conditions were the same levels after the first half of sleep. Furthermore, subjective sleep sensation was the highest value in Condition T. These results suggest that bathing done before going to bed in winter was good for sleep; moreover, bathing 2 h before going to bed was more effective than bathing immediately before going to bed.
본 연구는 이러한 뇌파 바이오피드백 원리를 적용하여 뇌파를 유도하고 유도된 상태에 대한 피드백을 제공함으로써 사용자 스스로 자신의 뇌파 상태를 조절하도록 하는 장치로 개발된 Q0jump 시스템의 효과성을 밝히고자 하였다. 연구 방법에 있어서 뇌파 측정 장비와 Q-jump를 동시에 측정함으로써 Q-jump 시스템의 타당성을 검증하였으며, 또한 뇌파유도 프로그램을 사용하여 그 효과성을 입증하려 했다. 그 결과 Q-jump 시스템과 뇌파 측정장비에서 얻어진 결과가 유의한 상관을 가짐을 보았다. 상대적 출현량에 있어서 뇌파 유도프로그램을 사용했을 때, 전두엽 부분에서 slow alpha 는 유의한 증가를, fast beta는 유의한 감소를 나타냈다. 후속 연구에 있어서는 통제집단을 이용한 보다 면밀한 검증 연구가 필요하다.
There are two approaches in the study of emotion in the physiological psychology. The first is to clarify the brain mechanism of emotion, and the second is to evaluate objectively emotions using physiological responses along with our feeling experience. The method presented here belongs to the second one. Our method is based on the "level-crossing point detection" method. which involves the analysis of frequency fluctuations of EEG and is characterized by estimation of emotionality using coefficients of slopes in the log-power spectra of frequency fluctuation in alpha waves on both the left and right frontal lobe. In this paper we introduce a new theory of estimation on an individual's emotional state by using our non-invasive and easy measurement apparatus.
The paper sets the goal as understanding relationship between usability and subjective preference with the cross- cultural comparison between korea and Japan. Total 42 Korean and japanese housewives participated in the experiment where subjects evaluated their subjective preferences on 16 different variations of computer-simulated microwave ovens. In additions, subjects also performed usability testing over 9 different microwave ovens with 6 different tasks given to users. Subjective preferences and usability were analyzed by Conjoint analysis to identify relative importance of features. The results showed that, in case of Korean subjects, subjective preference has positive relationship with usability (i.e. aesthetically good product also showed better performance in usability testing).However, Japanese subjects showed the tendency that subjectively preferred products are not necessarily evaluated good in usability testing (i.e. god aesthetic is one thing and high usability is another). this difference leads the speculation that culture plays a role in balancing the relationship between aesthetic and functionality.
The purpose of the present study is to evaluate the basic upper-limb involved in products manipulation. Upper-limb muscular deformations and electromyography (EMG) measurements are used as indexes for estimated motion: hand opening and closing, wrist extending and flexing, pronation and supination, grasping conditions. Measured values are analyzed by multivariate analysis and a regression equation is obtained for estimating the characteristics of upper-limb performance. Muscular deformation is defined as a change in shape, such as a pressure changes when the hand or wrist moves. hand opening and closing can be discriminated at a higher percentage of accuracy by muscular deformation data than by EMG data. Muscular deformation measurements using air-pack pressure sensors were verified to be effective in motion estimation applications.
Kim, Yun-Hee;Kim, Hyun-Gi;Kim, Seong-Yong;Kim, Hyoung-Ihl;Todd. B. Parrish;Hong, In-Ki;Sohn, Jin-Hun 113
The Pansori is a Korean traditional vocal music that has a unique story and melody which converts deep emotion into art. It has both verbal and emotional components. which can be coordinated by large-scale neural network. The purpose of this study is to illustrate the cortical network activated by a Korean traditional opera, Pansori, with different emotional valence using functional MRI (fMRI).Nine right-handed volunteers participated. Their mean age was 25.3 and the mean modified Edinburgh score was +90.1. Activation tasks were designed for the subjects to passively listen to the two parts of Pansories with sad or hilarious emotional valence. White noise was introduced during the control periods. Imaging was conducted on a 1.5T Siemens Vision Vision scanner. Single-shot echoplanar fMRI scans (TR/TE 3840/40 ms, flip angle 90, FOV 220, 64 x 64 matrix, 6mm thickness) were acquired in 20 contiguous slices. Imaging data were motion-corrected, coregistered, normalized, and smoothed using SPM-96 software.Bilateral posterior temporal regions were activated in both of Pansori tasks, but different asymmetry between the tasks was found. The Pansori with sad emotion showed more activation in the light superior temporal regions as well as the right inferior frontal and the orbitofrontal areas than in the right superior temporal regions as well as the right inferior frontal and the orbitofrontal areas than in the left side. In the Pansori with hilarious emotion, there was a remarkable activation in the left hemisphere especially at the posterior temporal and the temporooccipital regions as well as in the left inferior and the prefrontal areas. After subtraction between two tasks, the sad Pansori showed more activation in the right temporoparietal and the orbitofrontal areas, in contrast, the one with hilarious emotion showed more activation in the left temporal and the prefrontal areas. These results suggested that different hemispheric asymmetry and cortical areas are subserved for the processing of different emotional valences carried by the Pansories. -
We propose a semi-automatic and dynamic indexing algorithm for multi-media database(e.g. movie files, audio files), which are difficult to create indexes expressing their emotional or abstract contents, according to user's sensitivity by using user's histories of access to database. In this algorithm, we simply categorize data at first, create a vector space of each user's interest(user model) from the history of which categories the data belong to, and create vector space of each data(title model) from the history of which users the data had been accessed from. By continuing the above method, we could create suitable indexes, which show emotional content of each data. In this paper, we define the recurrence formulas based on the proposed algorithm. We also show the effectiveness of the algorithm by simulation result.
This paper presents a facial expression recognition based on Gabor wavelets that uses a fuzzy C-means(FCM) clustering algorithm and neural network. Features of facial expressions are extracted to two steps. In the first step, Gabor wavelet representation can provide edges extraction of major face components using the average value of the image's 2-D Gabor wavelet coefficient histogram. In the next step, we extract sparse features of facial expressions from the extracted edge information using FCM clustering algorithm. The result of facial expression recognition is compared with dimensional values of internal stated derived from semantic ratings of words related to emotion. The dimensional model can recognize not only six facial expressions related to Ekman's basic emotions, but also expressions of various internal states.
Form-ratio means the ratio of Height/Width/Depth in 3-dimensions. The golden ratio or golden section is included as one of the form-ratio. Kansei Engineering System has some basic design databases. Form-ratio and color are basic design elements and they are very important for designing various products in viewpoint of Kansei Engineering. The subjects evaluate the form-ratios of 3-dimensional cubes and virtual products (refrigerator) with SD-scale kansei words(feelings and images). The golden ration was evaluated as "not beautiful" in refrigerator. We compared with the kansei of cube model and virtual product, and obtained databases of the relationship between the form-ratio and kansei.
In order to investigate the relationship between fabric sound parameters and subjective sensation, each sound from 60 fabrics was recorded and analyzed by Fast Fourier transform. Level pressure of total sound (LPT), three coefficients (ARC, ARF, ARE) of auto regressive models, loudness (Z), and sharpness (Z) by Zwickers model were estimated as sound parameters. For subjective evaluation, seven sensation (softness, loudness, sharpness, clearness, roughness, highness, and pleasantness) was rated by both semantic differential scale (SDS) and free modulus magnitude estimation (FMME). As the results, the ARC values were positively proportional to both LPT and loudness (Z) values. In both of SDS and FMME, softness, clearness, and pleasantness were negatively correlated with loudness, sharpness, roughness, and highness. In regression models, softness and clearness by FMME were negatively affected by LPT뭉 ARC, while loudness, sharpness, roughness, and highness were positively expected. Regression models for pleasantness showed low values for R2.
A new paradigm is urgently needed to create the textile product that appeal to human Kansei or Gosei. A future of textiles depends heavily on this new paradigm. In order to create new paradigm Kansei color designs by pleasant sound are tried. These computing color designs are treated by the method of Fast fourier Transformation. As several result good color designs are given in forms of ring color patterns and band. But these judgments depend finally on human kansei. These new technology give us good hints in order to create new paradigm that appeal to Kansei goods. This new concept should be developed to higher level by additional improvements.
Analyzing and Comparing the Effect on Lightsources and Colours in the Residences and Office InteriorThe aim of this study is to propose the predictive index and analyze the effect of lightsources and colour image types in the residence and office interior.This study was consisted of four steps, and was carried out as follows. 1) The condition of experiment was set up by optical characteristic of lightsources and colours. 2) The scaled model space was manufactured for the evaluation of the same condition by each space. And, some piece of furniture was manufactured for the representation of each space. 3) The emotivity response of lightsources and colours was measured. 4) Results of the evaluation of lightsources and colours were compared and analyzed by conditions, and the predictive index was proposed by image types.
Discriminant analysis is a method to relate whether the objects have a specific characteristic or not with their 'continuous' attribute values and, for given objects, to estimate whether they have a specific characteristic or not by their values of discriminant scores gotten from their attribute values. The author developed the new 'computational' method of discriminant analysis without specific hypotheses or assumptions and, by this new method, we can find 'feasible' solutions under the conditions required by our actual problems. In this paper, the author tried to apply this new method to the discrimination of logical relations. If this trial could be a success, we can apply this new method of discriminant analysis to the problems about relating the specific characteristic of the objects with their 'discrete' attribute values. The result was successful and the applicability of discriminant analysis could be expanded as a method for constructing the models for "estimating impressions".
In order to explore pathological characteristics of emotional regulation, the differences of affective primacy effects have been observed between schizophrenics and normal subjects. The transference of priming effect on rating tasks has been found for normal subjects only at suboptimal conditions, yet schizophrenics presented the transference of priming effect at optimal as well as suboptimal conditions. Finally, the effects this malfunction of emotional regulation would make on emotional pathology of schizophrenics is discussed.
Subjective correspondence among visual variables, auditory variables and vibratory feedback to a hand was experimentally examined to improve usability of a remote controller. First, we studied the correspondence among visual variables represented on a screen or auditory variables and the duration of vibratory stimulus to the subjects' hand by subjective evaluation. Subjective rating method was used in ten items; suitability, comprehensibility, ease-to-use, naturalness, variety, activity, usualness, interest, wish-to-use and feeling of pleasure. Second, to show the effects of multi-modal interface using visual sense, the sense of auditory and vibratory sense, we combined positive stereotype of visual variables and auditory variables provided with the first experiment. The results showed some stereotype between visual variables or auditory variables and duration of vibratory stimulus. Some of the variables such as size, direction of motion, hue, brightness of color and volume of sound had high correspondence with the duration of vibration.
By spread of Internet, we become to use several of communication such as email, ICQ, VoIP etc. But as become convenient to use, user must be aware of variety of information regarding the media and partner user. The forecast is that this problem grows larger and larger as new media are brought in the expanding communications network. In this research, we suggest an agent MIA (Media Integration Agent) that manages the information instead of user. The MIA is an agent that obtains situation of user, and dynamically exchanged addresses and tendency of using medias in form of vCard. By use of this, user can choose better communication media. Accordingly seamless communication environment that user doesn't have to be aware of various information is formed.
본 연구의 목표는 감성평가를 위한 실험에서 생성되는 생리신호 및 분석결과와 실험에 관한 각종 정보를 데이터베이스화 하는 것이다. 이를 통해 각종 반복되는 실험 결과의 수집과 분석에 확장성을 도모할 수 있고 실험결과를 지표화 함으로 감성지표를 구축하는데 이용할 수 있다. 그리고 실험정보 또한 데이터베이스화 함으로 실험에 따른 표준화 및 실험의 능률을 높일 수 있고, 감성평가를 위한 모든 기반데이타 및 실험데이타를 구축함으로써 분석시스템 및 측정 시스템의 개발에 적용할 수 있을 것이다.
The purpose of this study is to estimate of design and ambience of goods by using 5 Kansei design items (shape, color, sense of material, fit, functionality/convenience). This paper describe that effectiveness of 5 Kansei design items. selecting image words and correspondence of 5 Kansei design items with image words. Kansei design items, selecting image words and correspondence of 5 Kansei design items with image words. (image words: the word describing about item image)
This study's purpose of estimate of design and ambiance of goods by using 5 Kansei design items. 5 Kansei design items are shape, color, sense of material, fit and functionality/convenience.
This paper deals with human nursing and milking. We have made clear the principle of milking of human babies that consists of biting force, sucking pressure and movement of tongue. Base on this observation, the tongue mechanism was proposed. Then new type milking machine was developed and helpful milking was realized by controlling it with reference to human babies behavior. The experimental result of milking from nursing bottles and breast of mothers are shown in this paper. According to the result, the machine has almost same ability as babies.
A product consists of some parts. The integrity of a product might not be explained from individual parts. The fishery processed goods can be used as a model. The characteristics which derives from a product as a whole is more important than right or wrong of individual parts. All commodities to appeal for consumers have much in common. I explain the process of producing a new tasteful commodity by observing the fishery processing goods business. This is a part of data acquired from a research at a fishery port in Japan. (1) A project manager should be a person in charge of marketing, which makes success easier. (2) A product and process design should be done concurrently. (3) As for a synthetic architectural commodity, a strong leader is a must. (4) To understand material and sensibility information, we can use the above-mentioned.
The purpose of this study was to develop a design process for a functional and sensible brassiere for muddle - aged women. As a methodology, an engineering design process QFD (Quality Function Deployment) was adopted to translate the consumer's needs into product design parameters. the customer needs for the wear comfort of brassieres were extracted from a survey of 100 women aged 30 - 40. To select which items were critical and which could be traded off for other attributed or benefits. the importance ratings for the customer needs were determined. Customer needs were translated into technical language by various physical test methods and wear tests. The customer competitive assessment was generated by wear tests of 10 commercial brassieres under controlled environmental conditions of 28
${\pm}$ 1$^{\circ}C$ , 65${\pm}$ 3% RH. The relationship matrix between the customer needs and the means of delivering the needs was developed. Using the QFD methodology, design elements for developing a brassiere for middle-aged women could be analyzed and organized efficiently. -
In the last years by the recognition and social capital maintenance of join local people of importance of bridge scenery and design we have get new business, and we have real understood the reflection which be given to the users sensitivity engineering science. We make as object the bridge and subject the design and with questionnaire we make an examine. we made verification of each different judgment. we applied the social capital maintenance into the sensitivity engineering science and discuss about how we can tie the design.
본 연구의 목적은 Graphic Simulator를 이용한 감성자극제시 및 측정연구에서 큰 변수로 작용하는 Simulator Sickness(SS)가 시간, 성별 그리고 Sick와 Non-sick 그룹에 따라 어떻게 변화하는지를 알아보고자 한다. 피험자는 신체 건강한 남녀 10명(남자 5명, 여자 5명)을 대상으로 하였다. Simulator Sickness Questionnaire(SSQ)를 이용하여 16가지 SS증상을 측정하고, 메스꺼움, 안구운동불편, 방향감각사실, Total Simulator Sickness 점수를 계산하였다. 실험 결과, Simulator Sickness는 남녀 모두 시간에 따라 계속 증가하는 경향을 나타내었고, 성별에 따른 차이는 나타나지 않았다. 또한 Sick와 Non-sick 그룹사이에 통계적 유의차(p<0.05)를 발견할 수 있었으며, Sick 그룹의 평균 점수가 더 높게 나타났다.
Kamijo, Masayoshi;Horiba, Yosuke;Hosoya, Satoshi;Takatera, Masayuki;Sadoyama, Tsugutake;Shimizu, YosiHo 230
Thermal comfort by wearing clothes is the important element which gives influence to a clothing comfort. The thermal comfort of clothes have been evaluated by sensory test and physical property of clothes material. To evaluate a thermophysiological comfort. a new evaluation method which measures the physiological response such as electroencephalogram(EEG) is attracting the attention of many people. In the chilly environment, the EEGs in t재 kinds of thermal conditions : with and without clothes were measured. By utilizing the chaos analysis, the behavior of the obtained EEGs were quantiatively expressed in the correlation dimension. As a result, the correlation dimension of the EEGs in being thermal comfortable feeling by putting on clothes, was bigger than the correlation dimension of the EEGs in being cold and discomfort. These results suggest that chaotic analysis of EEG is effective to the quantitative evaluation of thermal esthesis. -
본 연구는 화상 시뮬레이터 상에서 고속 주행(160km/h)으로 긴장감을 유발시킨 후, 향이 긴장감의 증감에 미치는 영향을 알아보고자 한다. 실험에 사용된 향은 100%의 Jasmineabs, Lavender oil france(KIMEX co. Ltd)이다. 10명의 신체 건강한 피험자를 대상으로 하여 Simulator sickness와 생리 반응을 측정하였다. 측정된 생리 신호는 심전도, 피부온도, 피부저항, 맥파와 같은 자율신경계 반응을 측정하였다. 또한 Simulator Sickness가 실험에 미치는 영향을 분석하였다. 실험 결과, 고속 주행 시 향을 제시하지 않았을 때보다 2가지 향을 제시하였을 때 긴장감이 모두 이완되는 경향을 나타내었다. 따라서 고속 주행으로 유발되는 신체의 긴장감이 향 자극으로 인해 감소된다는 사실을 자율신경계의 반응을 통해 관찰할 수 있었다.
An apparel products retrieval system was proposed in which users can refer to products using Kansei evaluation values. The system adopts relevance feedback using history of the retrieval to learn the tendency of user evaluation. The system is based on a vector space retrieval model using products images expression as semantic scales. The system makes a query from user inputting information and retrieves closest products from the database. Revising algorithms of the difference method. linear multiple regression performed to investigate the effectiveness and criteria of the search. As a result of evaluation of the accuracy, it was found that the linear multiple regression and the neural network models are effective for the retrieval considering the individual Kansei.
웹은 정보화시태의 새로운 커뮤니케이션 매체로서 실제세계(real world)를 그대로 옮겨 놓은 가상세계(virtual world, cyber space)라 할 수 있으며 또 다른 한의 생활공간이기도 하다. 이런 가상공간 안에서 사용되는 가상제품(cyber product)들은 실제세계에서의 물리적인 제품과는 달리 형태의 파괴, 무제한적인 색상과 재질감, 유니크한 작동메카니즘과 인터렉티브한 요소에 의해 기계가 아닌 하나의 생명체로서 감성을 지닌 제품 디자인이 가능하다. 이에 본 연구에서는 이런 특성에 따라 실제세계의 오디오에서 느낄 수 없는 새로운 즐거움을 주는 사이버공간상에서의 시청각오디오를 디자인하였다.
Form-ratio means the ratio of height/Width/Depth in 3-dimensions. The golden ratio or golden section is included as one of the form-ratio. We conducted two kinds of kansei experiments of cubic model and refrigerator varied from 1:1:1 to 1:1:3.66 on the scale of x:y:z. The subjects evaluate the form-ratios of 3-dimensional cubes and virtual products with SD-scale Kansei words(feelings and images). We applied the factor analysis to identify semantic space in cube model and virtual products. Finally, we compared with kansei structure of cube model and virtual product.
the objective of this study is to design and evaluate a methodology for diagnosing the appendicitis in a fuzzy neural network that integrates the partition of input space by fuzzy entropy and the generation of fuzzy control rules and learning algorithm. In particular the diagnosis of appendicitis depends on the rule of thumb of the experts such that it associates with the region, the characteristics, the degree of the ache and the potential symptoms. In this scheme the basic idea is to realize the fuzzy rle base and the process of reasoning by neural network and to make the corresponding parameters of the fuzzy control rules be adapted by back propagation learning rule. To eliminate the number of the parameters of the rules, the output of the consequences of the control rules is expressed by the network's connection weights. As a result we obtain a method for reducing the system's complexities. Through computer simulations the effectiveness of the proposed strategy is verified for the diagnosis of appendicitis.
A database was constructed for customers to find and choose and apparel product. The product information was collected from words on several kinds of advertisement, which purchasers meet in their ordinary life. The information was sorted and categorized in 8 basic mother categories (Target group, Color, Apparel type, Fabric, Size, Price, Manufacturer) to build a suitable database structure. Each mother category was arranged into subcategories. Also this study showed a demonstration version of the retrieval system. the research resulted can be used for more intensive retrieval system.
본 연구에서는 EEG 반응을 통하여 향이 인간에 미치는 영향을 평가하였다. 24-26세의 8명의 남성 피험자를 대상으로 국제 기준 전극법에 따라 19 부위에서 EEG를 기록하여 분석하였다. 실험에 사용한 향은 Rose oil bulgarian, Lemon oil misitano, Jasmin abs, Laverder iol france (KIMEX co. Ltd) 등 4가지의 천연오일을 사용하였다. 향에 대한 선입견을 배제하고 각 피실험자별로 주관적 평가를 통하여 가장 쾌하게 느낀 향이 제시되었을 때의 뇌파와 무향 상태 뇌파에서
$\alpha$ /$\beta$ 대역의 power spectrum 비를 구하여 비교하였다. 무향 상태에 비해 각 피실험자별로 가장 쾌하게 느낀 향을 제시했을 때 F3, Fz, F4, T4 부분에서$\alpha$ /$\beta$ 대역의 power spectrum 비의 통계적으로 유의한 증가를 관찰할 수 있었으며 이는$\alpha$ /$\beta$ 대역의 power spectrum 비가 향의 쾌도를 측정하는 하나의 새로운 척도가 될 수 있음을 시사한다. -
A railway station forecourt is the first place in a city that may make an impression on first time visitors. Their first impression is influenced by the view of the city from the station. This study had two objectives: one was to clarify the evaluation structure of a station forecourt landscape and the other was to clarify the effect of landscape elements on public preference using multivariate analysis, and to discuss the problems of designing a station forecourt. In order to accomplish these objectives, psychological experiments based on photos of station forecourts were carried out, and the relationship between public preference and landscape elements was analyzed. A significant relationship between public preference and elements of a station forecourt landscape was quantitatively observed and several problems inherent to station forecourt design were identified.
This paper deals with the construction of database system for the human sensibility evaluation.Recently, although a great deal of research efforts have been made to find out the relationships between products and emotion, the main focus of studies have been on visual and auditory sense and less on human sensibility evaluation. Therefore, we think that continuous and systematic studies on odors and the construction of database system are strongly needed in order to enhance the competitive power of products related to them.In this paper, we developed a human sensibility evaluation database system fitted with the characteristics of our country. 쏜 design procedures of database system are presented. According to these procudures, a new database system is implemented on personal computer using MS Access and Visual and is validated.
This paper describes the basic concept and processes underlying human design technology, and outlines Kansei design base on this logical approach.
One of the most important topics in attentional and emotional modulation of cardiac responses is time course of cardiac chronotropic response. The reason lies in dual innervation of heart, which leads to occurrence of several phases of cardiac response during exposure to affective stimuli, determined by the balance of sympathetic and parasympathetic influences. Cardiac chronotropic reactivity thus represents quite effective measure capable to trace the moment when attending and orienting processes (i.e., sensory intake of stimulus) prime relevant behavioral response (ile., emotion with approach or avoidance tendencies). The aim of this study was to find the time course of heart rate (HR) responses typical for negative (disgust, surprise, fear, anger) and positive (happiness, pleasant erotic) affective pictures and to identify cardiac response dissociation for emotions with different action tendencies such as "approach" (surprise, anger, happiness) and "avoidance" (fear, sadness, disgust). Forty college students participated in this study where cardiac responses to slides from IAPS intended to evoke basic emotions (surprise, fear, anger, sadness, disgust, happiness, pleasant-erotic). Inter-beat intervals of HR were analyzed on every 10 sec basis during 60 sec long exposure to affective visual stimuli. Obtained results demonstrated that differentiation was observed at the very first 10s of exposure (anger-fear, surprise-sad, surprise-erotic, surprise-happiness paris), reaching the peak of dissociation at 30s (same pairs plus surprise-disgust and surprise-fear) and was still effective for some pairs (surprise-erotic, surprise-sad) even at 50s and 60s. discussed are potential cardiac autonomic mechanisms underlying attention and emotion processes evoked by affective stimulation and theoretical considerations implicated to understand the role of differential cardiac reactivity in the behavioral context (e.g., approach-avoidance tendencies, orienting-defense responses).
The present study is part of the Special Research Project for the Construction of a Kansei Sensory Evaluation Model that is currently underway at the University of Tsukuba. In this study, a robot was operated by remote control at an actual art museum as part of a preliminary experiment. The results obtained therefrom were used to consider how people might view exhibits. In a previous study, a standard lens and s wide-angle lens were used to analyze differences in sensory-based movements, while VRML was used to analyze differences in these movements between a virtual and an actual museum. In the present study, the time delay in remote operation, which is currently unavoidable, placed some restrictions on the degree of freedom with which exhibits could be viewed, but it was apparent that sensory evaluation could be possible depending on the search behavior and viewing time. Furthermore specific viewing behaviors using the robot were observed, suggesting that new Kansei sensory perceptions were derived from these behaviors.
We, Human beings, use both powers of reason and emotion simultaneously, which surely help us to obtain flexible adaptability against the dynamic environment. We assert that this principle can be applied into the general system. That is, it would be possible to improve the adaptability by covering a digital oriented information processing system with analog oriented emotion layer. In this paper, we proposed a vertical slicing model with an emotion layer in it. And we showed that the emotion-based control allows us to improve the adaptability of a system at least under some conditions.
Kubo, Mitsunori;Terauchi, Fumio;Aoki, Hiroyuki;Suzuki, Tsutomu;Isobe, Masahiro;Okubo, Kazuhiko 312
The relationship between riding comfort and the properties of flexible polyurethane foam used in car seats was quantitatively illustrated through vibration experiments with humans sitting in car seats, which were vertically shaken by vibrator. Riding comfort was estimated according to SD (Semantic Differential)-method using questionnaire, and was analyzed with a factor analysis which demonstrated the principal factors of riding comfort. At the same time, riding comfort was related to the properties of the flexible polyurethane foam with coefficients of correlation. It was also related to the behaviour of its vibration of humans sitting in the seats. As a result, it was demonstrated that the relationship between riding comfort and the flexible polyurethane foam properties varies according to the frequency of the vibration shaking the human sitting in the seat. and it was demonstrated that the frequency dependence of the relationship is strongly affected by the physical changes of the vibration modes of the human-seat vibration system. -
Managerial intuition is a well-recognized cognitive ability but still poorly understood for the purpose of developing effective decision support systems. this research investigates whether the differences in accuracy of "time series forecasting" are related to the differences in one's cognitive style, using statistical test The hypotheses established in the research model did not have positive correlation The lack of correlation between "cognitive style and physiological measures" and accuracy in forecasting may be caused by uncontrolled external variable. Thus, further analyses on physiological characteristics and brainwaves are needed. The approaches such as neural network and data mining are proposed.
A viscosity resistance control method of the intelligent prosthetic legs is studied using an optimal control theory. The simulated results suggests that it is important to control the viscosity of the prosthetic knee joint in one period of walking to improve the usability. In this paper we describe modeling of the thigh prosthetic legs, optimal control and simulated results.
A color is the most important of all factors that have influence on interior spaces, and plays an visually and psychologically important role in making interior environment. Thus, the aim of this study is to propose predictable color models by image types specially for color design in living room.This study was composed of three steps, and was carried out as follows.1) The evaluation experiment was carried out by color simulation using Color Image Processor. 2) Image types were extracted by factor analysis. 3) The characteristics of colors by image types were analysed by the multi regression and as a result the predictable color models by image types was determined.
In recent years, electronic commerce (EC) business has shown a tremendous growth, which put additional cognitive and time-consuming loads on the human users. Intelligent software agents are one key technology to support users doing real EC-business.We propose an Agent-based Business-to-Business(B2B) Marketplace on Internet, where constituent members cooperate or compete in order to get the best possible deals, with the aim of reducing user loads.In case of B2B deals, the good itself shows a complicated behaviour, e.g.price discounts depending o the lot, discounts for cross-buying and so on. It is impractical to concentrate all the knowledge about the goods and the trading strategies at the buyer/seller side. Instead, we include such information in the good itself, which allow us to model the goods as being agents.
The paper is concerned about the discovery of new physics of the old oriental philosophy of the yin-Yang '||'&'||' five elements. the physical properties of Five Elements are defined, similarly as in thermodynamics, as five different characteristic state in a cyclic system of nature or a human body. Wood is defined as "warm and soft", Fire as "hot and dispersive", Earth as "agglomerating and sticky", Metal as "tensile and crystallizing", and Water as "cool and slippery" state, respectively. Based on the physics of Five Elements and Qi channel theory, five different constitution classification s are made according to the shape of human face, such as long, inverse triangle, circle, square, and triangle geometry, respectively.Since the constitution implies the relative size or strength of 5 major organs, this theory can be applies successfully to the prediction of the susceptibility to specific diseases as well as the analyses of personal character such as emotion and sensibility. The specific character is analyzed with four different aspects; that is, the first and second are caused by the positive and negative side of the strongest organ, the third character by determined the weakest organ, and finally the fourth by the abnormal psychology due to serious illness.bnormal psychology due to serious illness.
A full-scale driving simulator is being developed as an effective test-bed for reproducing realistic driving situation in a safe and tightly controlled environment and conducting various human sensibility ergonomics studies. The simulator will be equipped with a 6 degree-of-freedom, high frequency motion base and a 4 channel, wide field-of-view visual system. The simulator will be fully interactive, highly realistic, and yet economical, taking advantages of the fast growing PC technology.
Sheet를 이용한 주관적 평가 방법은 자극제시 후 과거의 자극에 대한 감성을 상황을 기억하여 평가하는 것으로 자극제시 순간의 감성을 정확히 대변한다고는 보기 어렵다. 본 논문에서는 디지타이저를 이용한 실시간 주관적 감성평가 시스템의 개발에 대하여 논의하였다. 본 시스템은 입력 부분, 감성평가 및 디스플레이 부분의 2부분으로 구성되어 있다. 입력 부분은 A4 size의 펜마우스 입력 방식을 가진 디지타이저를 이용하여 피험자가 직접 자신의 감성을 실시간으로 입력하게 하였고, 괘/불쾌, 긴장/이완의 2차원 감성 평가가 실시간으로 가능하도록 하였다. 감성평가 및 디스플레이부분은 1차원적인 감성 측정 결과와 2차원적인 감성 측정 결과를 모두 실시간으로 제시할 수 있도록 하였다. 특히 본 논문에서는 피험자가 편하고 쉽게 자신의 감성을 표현할 수 있는 입력 board 선택에 관한 연구를 수행하였다. 피험자가 자신의 감성을 정확히 인식하였다고 가정을 하고, 여러 가지 입력 board들을 피험자에게 제시했을 때 가장 빠르고 정확하게 자신의 감성을 표현할 수 있는 입력 board를 선택하였고 향후 감성 평가 연구에 적용하고자 한다.
This paper examines three algorithms to recognize speaker's emotion using the speech signals. Target emotions are happiness, sadness, anger, fear, boredom and neutral state. MLB(Maximum-Likeligood Bayes), NN(Nearest Neighbor) and HMM (Hidden Markov Model) algorithms are used as the pattern matching techniques. In all cases, pitch and energy are used as the features. The feature vectors for MLB and NN are composed of pitch mean, pitch standard deviation, energy mean, energy standard deviation, etc. For HMM, vectors of delta pitch with delta-delta pitch and delta energy with delta-delta energy are used. We recorded a corpus of emotional speech data and performed the subjective evaluation for the data. The subjective recognition result was 56% and was compared with the classifiers' recognition rates. MLB, NN, and HMM classifiers achieved recognition rates of 68.9%, 69.3% and 89.1% respectively, for the speaker dependent, and context-independent classification.
Autonomic responses were analyzed in 323 college students exposed to visual stimulation with Korean Affective Picture System (KAPS). Cardiac, vascular and electrodermal variables were recorded during 30 sec of viewing affective pictures. The same slides intended to elicit basic emotions (fear, anger, surprise, disgust, sadness, happiness) were presented to subjects in 2 trials with different experimental context. The first time slides were shown without any instructions (passive viewing), while during the second with instruction to exert efforts to magnify experienced emotion induced by pictures (active viewing). The aim of the study was to differentiate autonomic manifestations of emotions elicited by KAPS stimulation and to identify the role of instructed emotional engagement on physiological response profiles. The obtained results demonstrated reproducibility of responses in both trials with different contexts. Pairwise comparison of physiological responses in emotion conditions revealed the most pronounced differentiation for "ear-anger" and "fear-sadness" pairs (in electrodermal and HR variability parameters). "Fear-surprise" pair was also well differentiable. The typical response profile for all emotions included HR acceleration (except happiness and surprise), an increase of electrodermal activity, and a decrease of pulse volume. Higher cardiovascular and electrodermal reactivity to fear observed in this study, e.g., as compared to data with IAPS as stimuli, can be explained by cultural relevance and higher effectiveness of KAPS as stimuli, can be explained by cultural relevance and higher effectiveness of KAPS in producing certain emotions such as fear in Koreans.
Effectiveness of information conveyance in reading is affected by several factors such as line length, letter size, line spacing arrangement as well as typeface itself. This study examined relative importance of these factors by asking people to read the texts that was constituted with non-square form letter and rank the preference of texts through conjoint analysis. In the case of reading time, justification was the most important factor, followed by leading, line spacing, letter width, line length, font size, font type in their order of importance. And in the case of preference decision, letter width was the most important factor, followed by font size, justification, line spacing, leading, line length, font type. The result will be useful in understanding how to consider human preference in the hangul typography.
본 연구는 innerwear에 대한 한국인의 감성을 분석 비교한 내용으로서, 제1보에서는 중장년 남성을 중심으로 그들의 라이프 스타일, 체형에 대한 불만, 디자인 선호도, 착용감각에 대하여 분석하였다.
Ethnography, a major research method in Anthropology, has been recently applied in human-centered design research. Since ethnography has empirical, naturalistic, holistic and eclectic characteristics, it is needed a guideline to apply ethnography into design research in accordance with a characteristic of project. Design project in which ethnography is applied can be categorized by two criteria; degree of newness of project goal(existing user-potential user) and limitedness of worksite(site-oriented-work-oriented). Among work-site activities, technology in use, and user group culture, it should be decided which content to content to focus more than others and thus what kinds of research techniques to apply in the ethnographic research.Case study was to design an interior of a Korean express train. This project is site-oriented and has an existing-potential users. Therefore, video ethnography was effectively applied to obtain chronological data of activity potential users. Therefore, video ethnography was effectively applied to obtain chronological data of activity flow, and participant observation was applied to obtain statistical data of synchronous activities. Case study shows a concrete process example of how to apply ethnography into design research.
Composite materials are drawing attention as the leading fabrics for casual wear. One reason for this is the shift in fashion trend to more casual apparel. Espectations of further acceleration in this area are so high that woven fabric movement are taking more and more of a new turn away from conventional materials made of fine denier filament to wool-like fabrics by mellange effects.
인터넷 비즈니스의 가장 성공적인 모델로 평가받고 있는 경매사이트에 대한 감성적이고 정보디자인적인 평가를 통해 감성적 디자인 요소가 입찰 가격에 미치는 관계를 분석하였다. 이를 위하여 먼저 입찰가격에 디자인 요소가 영향을 미칠 수 있는 모델을 살펴보고 경매사이트에 대한 감성적 디자인 속성을 정의하여 정보디자인 속성 매트릭스를 제작하였다. 또한 여러 가지 평가속성을 선정하고 이를 평가하여 입찰가에 미치는 감성적 디자인 요소와의 관계를 밝혔다.
Color reproduction n CRT monitors needs colorimetric characterization concluding two stages with 3x3 matrix and three TRCs (Tone-Reproduction Characteristics). The 3x3 matrix is based on the additivity of RGB emissions, and the TRC represents the non-linearity between the input digital counts and the output luminance. The objective of this project is to evaluate the accuracy of color reproduction on LCD monitors using conventional CRT model(GOG model). For two different manufacturers, colorimetric characterizations of desktop LCDs have been performed. Because the transfer function for LCD is very differ from TRC of CRT, some researchers had reported that GOG model is inadequate for the colorimetric characterization of LCDs. However in our experiment, the degree of accuracy was dependent on the shape of electro-optical transfer functions of LCD. It has been founded that the GOG model could be applied for LCD monitors having monotonically increased Electro-optical transfer function.
본 연구는 TV 화질 설정치를 조절하여 제시된 실제 TV 화질에 대한 감성 평가를 실시하여, TV 화질에 대한 심리적 차원이 어떻게 구성되어 있는지를 알아보고, 또한 TV 최적 화질을 결정하는 감성요인을 규명하기 위해 수행되었다. 피험자들은 다섯가지 TV 화질 변인 (밝기, 명암, 선명도, 색상, 색농도) 각각을 각각 네 수준으로 조절하여 제시하는 네 종류의 자극 (인물, 실내, 정물, 풍경)을 본 후, 각 화질에 대한 감성을 평가하였다. 그 결과 TV 화질에 대한 감성 차원은 "깔끔함"과 "화려함" 두 주된 요인으로 구분되었다. 그리고 가장 만족스러운 TV 화질을 결정하는 감성 요인으로는 "자연스럽다", "침울하다-산뜻하다", "거칠다-매끄럽다" 순으로 나타났다. 네 자극중에서 TV 최적 화질을 결정하는 공통적인 요인은 "자연스럽다"였다.로 나타났다. 네 자극중에서 TV 최적 화질을 결정하는 공통적인 요인은 "자연스럽다"였다.다"였다.t;였다.
시각적 의미의 개발에 바탕을 둔 색채 디자인 연구는 인간의 감성을 중시하는 새로운 패러다임을 맞이하여, 보다 확장적이고 다양한 연구로 발전되고 있다. 특히 화장품 브랜드의 개발과정에서 색채연구의 기능과 역할은 보다 새로운 차원으로 확대, 발전될 수 있는 가능성이 많다. 본 연구의 목적은 허브 식물이 가진 치료 효과와 심신을 편안하게 해주는 감성적 요인을 이용하여, 다차원적 감성을 활용한 색채 연구 방법론을 개발하고 이를 통한 자연성 화장품 브랜드의 이미지 전략을 수립하는데 있다. 허브 식물과 사용자 간의 감성적 교류에 대한 다차원적 특성은 '프리메라'라는 자연성 화장품 브랜드를 위한 감성적 이미지 개발 전략의 사례연구를 통하여 연구되었다. 본 사례 연구에서는 여성의 피부 특성에 따른 세 종류의 시각적/촉각적 색채 이미지 접근 방법을 분석하고, 이를 통한 활용 색체 팔레트를 개발함으로써 프리메라가 갖고 있는 브랜드의 이미지를 확고히 전달할 수 있는 감성 언어 체계를 개발하였다.
This study is about the human sensibility measurement method. Researches on human sensibility measurement have been performed in many aspects. However, due to the subtlety and intricacy of human sensibility, it has been difficult to exactly measure human sensibility.At present, Semantic Differential(SD) method is most widely used to quantify human sensibility. In SD method, complicate human sensibility is represented on a scale with equal interval or equal ratio. However, this method has a critical problem in that human sensibility cannot be expressed with equal interval or equal ratio.In order to complement SD method and represent human sensibilities appropriately, we proposed an alternative method using the chroma-scale with saturation that had not equal interval or ratio. In experiment, proposed method shown that subjects understood a new scale easily and they could express their sensibilities on a new scale without any limitation. As a result, the chroma-scale can be used not only for measuring consumer's preference but also for evaluating or selecting sensibility words.