Recently interests on raw-food diets are rapidly increasing in relation to chronic diseases prevention in Korea, but studies on raw-food diets have been hardly performed by nutritionists. This study was performed to investigate the effects of low-calorie diets using a raw-food formula in the form of freeze-dried powder on obesity and its complications in the obese women (body mass index (BMI) $\geq$ 25kg/㎡) for eight weeks. Forty premenopausal women (mean BMI 28.04kg/㎡, mean age 28.33years old) participated in this diet intervention, and were controlled by eating 1 regular meal, 1-2 snacks and 2 raw-food formula (140kcal/pack) meals a day within the 1500-1300kcal ranges. Anthropo-mentric measurements, body compositions, physical exercise, and obesity-related risk factors were assessed before (the initial), during (the 4th week) and after (the 8th week) the study. All the data was analyzed by paired t-test, repeated measures ANOVA, and nonparametric rank test at p<0.05 level. Obesity was significantly increased during this study, and it was decreased in weight (-4.59%, p<0.000), BMI (-4.56%, p<0.000), body fat percent (-6.18%, p<0.000), fat mass (-10.19%, p<0.000), waist and hip circumferences(-5.69%, p<0.000 and -2.55%, p<0.000) and WHR (-3.24%, p<0.000). Energy expenditure of physical exercise was increased as much as 70kca1/day during the study (p=0.000), but it did not have any correlations with weight loss and changes of body compositions. Biochemical measurements including blood triglyceride(p <0.006) and leptin(p<0.000) levels were significantly decreased, LDL cholesterol level was increased(p<0.05), but all the blood lipid levels were in the normal ranges. Fatty liver echogenicity and menstrual irregularity were improved after the diet intervention(p<0.000 and p<0.034). In conclusion, this B-week low-calorie diet intervention using raw-food formula was effective for obese premenopausal women in reducing obesity and its risk factors so as not to proceed towards comorbidities. However, the variation of blood lipid levels should be observed for a longer Period.