In this study, satisfaction with salary of the clerical saff in health care organization was analyzed with a view to provide data contributive to efficient wage management for the clerical staff of hospitals. For the analysis, it was investigated if there is any difference in satisfaction with wage depending on the individual and environmental characters as well as comparative factors perceived by self or by others in-and outside the working place. The findings of the analysis may be summed up as follows: First, in support of the hypothesis that the satisfaction with wage of the clerical staff in hospitals will individual factors, statistically significant difference were found in the satisfaction with wage depending on age and career, but there was little significant difference depending on gender and education. Thus, the hypothesis I in this study can be partly adopted. Second, with regard to the hypothesis that the satisfaction with wage of the clerical staff in hospitals will vary with environmental variables, significant differences were found in terms of comparative factors perceived by self or by others inside the working place and those perceived by others outside the working place, and significant difference was also shown in the comparative factors perceived by others outside the working place. Whereas, however, there was no significant difference in the satisfaction with wage depending on the position, which led to the partial adoption of the hypothesis II. This study has following limits in search of difference in satisfaction with wage of clerical staff in hospital depending on individual and environmental variables: the sample is too small to represent the general wage level satisfaction of the whole health care organizations, since the survey hasn't covered the wage level and management of the employees in all hospitals; the professional attitude and rate of fluctuation that are closely connected with the wage level are not considered.