A Housing Plan and Cases Analysis Applying a Naturopathy Environment in the COVID-19

위드코로나 시대 자연치유환경을 적용한 주택구조와 사례분석

  • 이해욱 (중부대학교 일반대학원 자연치유학전공) ;
  • 남윤철 (중부대학교 건축토목공학부 건축학전공) ;
  • 유호종 (중부대학교 대학원 자연치유학과)
  • Received : 2024.09.04
  • Accepted : 2024.10.28
  • Published : 2024.11.25


Due to the influence of Corona, the house has been changed to various spaces such as self-treatment, home work, and home training in addition to living. The purpose of this study was to examine housing trends after COVID-19. And we investigated examples of houses that considered a natural healing environment. The conclusion is summarized as follows: In the field of architecture, 'Naturopathy environment' is a specialized design of a physical, psychological, and social space where residents can defend themselves from the dangers of viruses and diseases and heal naturally. After COVID-19, people demand various activity spaces such as hobbies, rest, and exercise in their houses. And there is a tendency to demand safer residential spaces such as quarantine, disinfection, and ventilation. There are five types of cases. ① The front door has added a for quarantine functions(basin, bathroom, sterilizing equipment) to prevent the virus. ② There is a work space in the house where you can work from home and also a self-isolation space. ③ The variable walls inside the house can expand two spaces, allowing for various activities. ④ Houses can be largely divided into private life areas and work areas. ⑤ In order to reduce contact with others, this type expands the balcony and specially designs the landscaping space of the apartment complex.



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