김포공항 주변의 주택지 변화 고찰

A Study on Changes in Residential Areas Around Kimpo Airport

  • 투고 : 2024.07.10
  • 심사 : 2024.10.15
  • 발행 : 2024.11.25


This study examines the changes in residential areas and housing patterns around Gimpo Airport, focusing on the impacts of its construction and expansion, from the establishment of a military airfield during the Japanese colonial period to its transformation into a logistics hub during the U.S. military period, and ultimately becoming Gimpo International Airport. The rural society, which had engaged in agriculture as a family and kinship-based community in the expansive Gimpo Plain since the Joseon Dynasty, gradually urbanized through repeated migrations. The changes in housing near Gimpo Airport reflect the convergence of factors such as the construction of national infrastructure, rapid industrialization, and urbanization. As a key case study, this paper traces Mr. Jeong's residential movement, offering a detailed account of how local residents adapted to evolving housing policies over time. Mr. Jeong's journey, from a hanok to a single-family home, a multi-family home, and finally to an apartment, exemplifies the broader transformation in the living environments of Gonghang-dong.



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