Success rate of all-ceramic FPDs depending on the time of restoration between 2011 and 2023

  • Philipp-Cornelius Pott (Department of Prosthetic Dentistry and Biomedical Materials Research, Hannover Medical School) ;
  • Michael Eisenburger (Department of Prosthetic Dentistry and Biomedical Materials Research, Hannover Medical School) ;
  • Meike Stiesch (Department of Prosthetic Dentistry and Biomedical Materials Research, Hannover Medical School)
  • 투고 : 2024.05.02
  • 심사 : 2024.10.11
  • 발행 : 2024.10.31


PURPOSE. Studies about success of FPDs (fixed partial dentures) mostly include restorations built by different clinicians. This results in limited comparability of the data. The aim of this study was to evaluate complications of all-ceramic FPDs built by 1 dentist between 2011 to 2023. MATERIALS AND METHODS. 342 all-ceramic FPDs were observed during follow-up care. 48 patients received 262 single crowns, 59 bridges and 21 veneers. Because of the different lengths of the bridges, units were defined as restored or replaced tooth. 465 units performed by the same dentist from Nov 2011 to Nov 2022 were included. Influencing factors "restoration", "construction", "abutment", "localization", "vitality" and "application period" were evaluated using Kaplan-Meier Analysis and Log-Rank Tests. RESULTS. 406 units (87.3 %) showed no complication. 7 correctable chippings (1.5 %) and 10 recementable decementations (2.1 %) occurred. Six decemented units got lost (1.3 %). 21 units failed due to fatal fracture (4.5 %). Crown margin complications, such as secondary caries, occurred in 15 units (3.2 %). Comparing the influencing factors resulted in higher complication rates of veneers (P < .001), of monolithic ceramics (P ≤ .050) and of molar-restorations (P = .047). The application period had no influence on the success and survival rate. CONCLUSION. Overall, all-ceramic FPDs showed good clinical results. Although less complications were observed with modern restorations, these more often led to complete failure. To generate evidence-based recommendations, further studies are needed to evaluate the mid- and short-term success and survival of current all-ceramic restorations.



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