A Study on Improvement of the Thermal Deformation Robustness of Brake Disc for Braking Quietness of Eco-Friendly Vehicles

친환경 차량의 제동 정숙성을 위한 브레이크 디스크의 열변형 강건성 향상에 관한 연구

  • Received : 2024.03.29
  • Accepted : 2024.08.02
  • Published : 2024.09.30


Braking judder vibration caused by thermal deformation of disc has been a major problem in brake system for a long time and many researchers have analyzed its mechanisms and developed solutions. However, judder vibration still occurs due to harsher vehicle driving conditions like increased power of EV (Electric Vehicle) and various environmental characteristics. In particular, in the case of eco-friendly vehicles such as EV, it is predicted that judder vibration will become a bigger problem due to the quiet driving condition compared to ICE (Internal Combustion Engine) vehicles. In addition, existing studies on judder vibration have been focused on the capacity and thermal deformation of the braking friction surface. So, the influence analysis of thermal deformation on the non-friction surface of the brake disc is relatively insufficient. In this study, we attempt to secure braking characteristics that are insensitive to thermal deformation in terms of the non-friction surface of the disc, focusing on the coning characteristic that occurs during braking thermal deformation. For this purpose, various factors of the non-friction surface of the disc are analyzed using robust design. The design standard for the robustness of the brake disc against judder vibration is proposed through the research results.



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