Integrated urban resilience framework: A comprehensive approach to pre- and post-disaster assessment for earthquake risk reduction

  • Ayse E. Ozsoy Ozbay (Department of Civil Engineering, Maltepe University) ;
  • Isil Sanri Karapinar (Department of Civil Engineering, Maltepe University) ;
  • Huseyin C. Unen (Yer Cizenler Mapping for Everyone Association)
  • Received : 2024.07.29
  • Accepted : 2024.10.05
  • Published : 2024.10.25


In this study, a unified framework that integrates pre- and post-earthquake assessments of buildings was proposed to enhance urban disaster preparedness through the coordination of pre- and post- earthquake efforts. Within this framework, a case study based on the 2023 Kahramanmaraş Earthquake was performed comparing the distribution of seismic risk prioritization for 117 reinforced concrete buildings with their actual damage states observed during post-earthquake field inspections. In order to conduct pre-earthquake evaluation process, street-level images were employed using two different rapid visual screening methods. With the use of generated geospatial database enabling the efficient and reliable transmission of the data between both stages of the assessment procedures, the alignment and validation of pre- and post-earthquake evaluations of the buildings were achieved enhancing the coordination of seismic risk management strategies. By implementing the proposed joint framework in this study, an extensive seismic vulnerability evaluation on an urban scale could be achieved by optimizing the computational demands, cost and time required for the strategic planning activities.



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