Advancing teaching and learning of mathematics through transformative technology

  • Jennifer Suh (Mathematics Education, College of Education and Human Development, George Mason University) ;
  • Sheunghyun Yeo (Department of Mathematics Education, Daegu National University of Education) ;
  • Yujin Lee (Department of Mathematics Education, College of Education, Kangwon National University)
  • Published : 2024.09.30


This editorial explores the transformative potential of technology in advancing equitable teaching and learning in mathematics education. The COVID-19 pandemic has underscored the need for innovative approaches to education, particularly in leveraging technology to create more inclusive and effective learning environments. This special issue focuses on how emerging technologies can deepen students' mathematical proficiencies, shape students' identities, and promote equitable teaching practices. The EqT-tech framework is introduced, highlighting six key dimensions that enhance equitable mathematics education through technology: inquiry-based learning, mathematical identity and agency, formative assessment, collaborative learning, amplification of cognitive processes, and insights into social justice issues. Through a review of seven manuscripts, three recurring themes are identified: the use of technology to develop students' mathematical identity and agency, the role of collaborative platforms in enhancing collective learning, and the expanding nature of emergent technology to increase mathematical rigor as well as awareness for teaching mathematics for social justice exploring inequities within our communities. These studies imply an emphasis on the importance of task design and teacher knowledge in implementing equitable teaching practices, suggesting that technology, when used thoughtfully, can significantly advance equity in mathematics education.



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