Application of Flight Teaching Methods through Research on Learning Attitudes and Tendencies of Helicopter Pilot Trainees

헬리콥터 조종교육생의 학습태도·성향 연구를 통한 비행교수법 적용

  • 박철 (한서대학교 헬리콥터조종학과) ;
  • 조영진 (한서대학교 헬리콥터조종학과) ;
  • 임세훈 (한서대학교 헬리콥터조종학과)
  • Received : 2024.08.16
  • Accepted : 2024.08.23
  • Published : 2024.09.30


This study aims to study the learning attitudes and tendencies of learners in helicopter pilot training, examine their influence on flight training performance, and apply them to flight teaching methods. To this end, exploratory factor analysis was conducted based on the questionnaire results to measure the learning attitudes and tendencies of learners, and major learning-related factors were derived. Then, regression analysis on educational performance was performed to analyze their influence on flight training performance. As a result, it was found that the higher the learner's resilience and mastery goal-oriented learning attitude, the more positively they had an influence on flight training performance. This reconfirmed the fact that the role of the flight instructor and a high level of personal motivation or effort in the limited space of the cockpit affect flight training performance.



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