이 논문은 2024년도 광주대학교 대학 연구비 지원을 받아 수행되었음.
- Bae, Sang Hoon, Kwak, Eun Ju, Cho, Sung Bum, Cho, Eun Won, Hwang, Soo Jeong, & Han, Song Ie (2023). Development and validation of digital literacy scale for university students. Korean Journal of Educational Research, 61(6), 1-26. http://dx.doi.org/10.30916/KERA.61.6.1
- Choi, Jaeho & Jeon, Shinyoung (2023). Development and validation of an instrument to measure digital literacy. Journal of Teaching & Learning Research, 16(3), 95-122. http://dx.doi.org/10.23122/kactl.2023.16.3.004
- Choi, Sook Young (2018). A study on the digital competency for the fourth industrial revolution. The Journal of Korean Association of Computer Education, 21(5), 25-35. http://dx.doi.org/10.32431/kace.2018.21.5.003
- Hwang, Yongsuk, Lee, Sunmin, Kim, Yeolib, & Hwang, Hyunjeong (2022). Digital competence: conceptualization, scale development. Journal of Communication Research, 59(2), 5-48. http://dx.doi.org/10.22174/jcr.2022.59.2.5
- Kim, Soo Hwan, Kim, Joo Hun, Kim, Hae Young, Lee, Woon Jee, Park, Il Jun, Kim, Myo Eun, Lee, Eun Hwan, & Kye, Bo Kyeong (2017). Study on the Application of Digital Literacy Curriculum. Research report KR2017-4. Daegu: Korea Education and Research Information Service.
- Lee, Chul Hyun & Jeon, Jong-Ho (2020). Exploring digital competence for the era of the 4th industrial revolution. The Journal of Learner-Centered Curriculum and Instruction, 20(14), 311-338. http://dx.doi.org/10.22251/jlcci.2020.20.14.311
- Lee, Eun-Ju, Yoon, You Ra, & Kim, Minjung (2023). A study on the development and verification of digital literacy assessment tool for college students. Journal of Research Methodology, 8(2), 121-144. http://dx.doi.org/10.21487/jrm.2023.
- Lee, Woon Jee, Kim, Soohwan, & Lee, Eun-Hwan (2019). Developing a digital curriculum framework. Journal of Educational Studies, 40(3), 201-221. http://dx.doi.org/10.18612/cnujes.2019.40.3.201
- Shin, Soyoung & Lee, Seung-hee (2019). Development and validity verification of a measurement tool for digital literacy for university students. The Journal of Learner-Centered Curriculum and Instruction, 19(7), 749-768. http://dx.doi.org/10.22251/jlcci.2019.19.7.749
- Yang, Kilseok, Seo, Su Hyun, & Ok, Hyounjin (2020). Development of self assessment tool for digital literacy competence. Journal of Digital Convergence, 18(7), 1-8. http://dx.doi.org/10.14400/JDC.2020.18.7.001
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