본 논문은 2023학년도 조선대학교 학술연구비 지원을 받아 작성되었음
- S.H.Hong and M.Kim, "A Study on Communication Methods According to the Characteristics of MZ Generation," The Treatiese on the Plastic Media, Vol.24, No.1, pp.113-120, 2021.
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- J.H.Shon, C.S.Kim and H.S.Lee, "A Study on the Response of Each Generation to the Communication Characteristics of the MZ Generation: Focusing on Generation MZ, Generation X, and Baby Boomers," Journal of Communication Design, Vol.77, pp.202-215, 2015.
- B.J.Pine and J.H.Gilmore, "Welcome to the Experience Economy," Harvard Business Review, Vol.76, No.4, pp.97-105, 1998.
- M.Jeong, A.M.Fiore, L.S.Niehm and F.O.Lorenz, "The Role of Experiential Value in Online Shopping: The Impacts of Product Presentation on Consumer Responses Towards an Apparel Web Site," Internet Research, Vol.26, No.3, pp.524-544, 2016.
- H.Oh, A.M.Fiore and M.Jeoung, "Measuring Experience Economy Concepts: Tourism Applications," Journal of Travel Research, Vol.46, No.2, pp.119-132, 2007.
- S.Y.Bae, "Exploring the Experiential Dimensions of Dance Performance: A Qualitative Study," Journal of Dance Education, Vol.22, No.1, pp.45-59, 2022.
- H.Lim, "The Impact of Experiential Marketing on Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty in the Performing Arts," Journal of Arts Management, Law, and Society, Vol.48, No.4, pp.255-270, 2018.
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- C.Gentile, N.Spiller and G.Noci, "How to Sustain the Customer Experience: An Overview of Experience Components that Co-create Value With the Customer," European Management Journal, Vol.25, No.5, pp.395-410, 2007.
- P.C.Verhoef, K.N.Lemon, A.Parasuraman, A.Roggeveen, M.Tsiros and L.A.Schlesinger, "Customer Experience Creation: Determinants, Dynamics and Management Strategies," Journal of Retailing, Vol.85, No.1, pp.31-41, 2009.
- C.Tynan and S.McKechnie, "Experience Marketing: A Review and Reassessment," Journal of Marketing Management, Vol.25, No.5-6, pp.501-517, 2009.
- J.H.Kim and J.S.Chen, "The Memorable Travel Experience and Its Reminiscence Functions," Tourism Management, Vol.69, pp.46-54, 2018.
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- J.H.Kim, J.R.B.Ritchie and B.McCormick, "Development of a Scale to Measure Memorable Tourism Experiences," Journal of Travel Research, Vol.51, No.1, pp.12-25, 2012.
- C.Mathwick, N.Malhotra and E.Rigdon, "Experiential Value: Conceptualization, Measurement and Application in the Catalog and Internet Shopping Environment," Journal of Retailing, Vol.77, No.1, pp.39-56, 2001.
- M.Csikszentmihalyi, Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience, Harper & Row, 1990.
- S.K.Kang, "The Influence of Virtual Experiential Marketing on Customer Attitude and Purchase Intention," Gachon University Graduate School, Doctoral Thesis, 2014
- E.J.Bae, "The Effect of Virtual world Metaverse Experience Factors on Behavioral Intention through Presence and Satisfaction: Focused on the Generation Z Metaverse Users," Sungkyunkwan University Graduate School, Master's Thesis, 2022.
- P.T.Chen and H.H.Hu, "How Determinant Attributes of Service Quality Influence Customer-perceived Value: an Empirical Investigation of the Australian Coffee Outlet Industry," International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, Vol.22, No.4, pp.535-551, 2014.
- B.G.Park, "Study on Structural Relations among Five-star Hotel Customer's Cultural Capital, Brand Identification, Perceived Value, Customer Satisfaction and Long-term Orientation," Honam University Graduate School, Doctoral Thesis, 2015.
- C.S.Jung, "A Source of Enjoy and Worry in University P. E. Course," Journal of Sport and Leisure Studies, Vol.0, No.22, pp.129-142, 2004.
- J.M.Son, "The Consideration on the Amusement Element and Participation Recognition and Lesson Satisfaction of a University Culture Dancesport Lesson," Konkuk University Graduate School, Doctoral Thesis, 2008.