Improvement Measures for Performance Monitoring in the Ecological Sector of the Agri-Environmental Conservation Program

농업환경보전프로그램 생태분야 성과 모니터링 개선 방안

  • Park, Ji Yeon (Department of Landscape Architecture Design, Kangwon University) ;
  • Choi, Yun Eui (Department of Landscape Architecture Design, Kangwon University)
  • 박지연 (강원대학교 생태조경디자인학과 ) ;
  • 최윤의 (강원대학교 생태조경디자인학과)
  • Received : 2024.07.17
  • Accepted : 2024.09.02
  • Published : 2024.08.31


This study aimed to resolve issues in performance monitoring of the ecological sector of the Agricultural Environment Conservation Program through a comparative study of domestic ecological monitoring cases and to identify suitable performance monitoring methods for the project. To achieve this objective, current performance monitoring of the Agricultural Environment Conservation Program was compared and analyzed with domestic ecological monitoring cases to examine their applicability. Research results indicate that domestic ecological monitoring covers a wide range, making it difficult to diagnose the ecological environment at the village level. Therefore, it seems challenging to use these data for evaluating the performance of residents' activities. To accurately assess performances of participating villages in the project, on-site monitoring of the target areas is essential. For this purpose, efforts should be focused on strengthening on-site monitoring through the establishment of collaborative systems. However, domestic ecological monitoring can be utilized for long-term performance monitoring in the Agricultural Environment Conservation Program. By extracting necessary data on agricultural areas through geographic information and particularly by utilizing survey results according to the 'cultivated land ecosystem' type, long-term performance of the project could be evaluated. Accordingly, this study can serve as foundational research for establishing an ecological performance monitoring plan and system suited to the project.



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