이 논문은 2023학년도 원광대학교 교비지원에 의해서 연구됨.
- Lee EJ, Kang JK, Kim KN. Physical and Mechanical Properties of Light-Cured Resin Temporary Restorative Materials. Korean J Dent Mater 2012;39:225-332.
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- Burns DR, Beck DA, Nelson SK; Committee on Research in Fixed Prosthodontics of the Academy of Fixed Prosthodontics. A review of selected dental literature on contemporary provisional fixed prosthodontic treatment: report of the Committee on Research in Fixed Prosthodontics of the Academy of Fixed Prosthodontics. J Prosthet Dent 2003;90:474-97.
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- Kim KB, Kim JH, Kim WC, Kim JH. Three-dimensional evaluation of gaps associated with fixed dental prostheses fabricated with new technologies. J Prosthet Dent 2014;112:1432-6.
- Rayyan MM, Aboushelib M, Sayed NM, Ibrahim A, Jimbo R. Comparison of interim restorations fabricated by CAD/CAM with those fabricated manually. J Prosthet Dent 2015;114:414-9.
- Shin MS. Effect of milling tool wear on the internal fit of PMMA implant interim prosthesis. J Tech Dent 2019;41:63-9.
- Digholkar S, Madhav VNV, Palaskar J. Evaluation of the flexural strength and microhardness of provisional crown and bridge materials fabricated by different methods. J Indian Prosthodont Soc 2016;16:328-34.
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- Park SJ, Lee HA, Lee SH, Seok S, Lim BS, Kwon JS, Kim KM. Comparison of physical properties of the various 3D printing temporary crown and bridge resin. Korean J Dent Mater 2019;46:139-52.
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- Koroglu A, Sahin O, Dede DO, Yilmaz B. Effect of different surface treatment methods on the surface roughness and color stability of interim prosthodontic materials. J Prosthet Dent 2016;115:447-55.
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- Augusto MG, de Andrade GS, Caneppele TMF, Borges AB, Torres CRG. Nanofilled bis-acryl composite resin materials: Is it necessary to polish? J Prosthet Dent 2020;124:494.e1-5.
- Shim JS, Kim HC, Park SI, Yun HJ, Ryu JJ. Comparison of Various Implant Provisional Resin Materials for Cytotoxicity and Attachment to Human Gingival Fibroblasts. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 2019;34:390-6.
- Koroglu A, Sahin O, Dede DO, Yilmaz B. Effect of different surface treatment methods on the surface roughness and color stability of interim prosthodontic materials. J Prosthet Dent 2016;115:447-55.
- Nassary Zadeh P, Lumkemann N, Eichberger M, Stawarczyk B, Kollmuss M. Differences in Radiopacity, Surface Properties, and Plaque Accumulation for CAD/CAM-Fabricated vs Conventionally Processed Polymer-based Temporary Materials. Oper Dent 2020;45:407-15.
- Giti R, Dabiri S, Motamedifar M, Derafshi R. Surface roughness, plaque accumulation, and cytotoxicity of provisional restorative materials fabricated by different methods. PLoS One 2021;16:e0249551.
- Simoneti DM, Pereira-Cenci T, Dos Santos MBF. Comparison of material properties and biofilm formation in interim single crowns obtained by 3D printing and conventional methods. J Prosthet Dent 2022;127:168-72.
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- Hao Y, Huang X, Zhou X, Li M, Ren B, Peng X, Cheng L. Influence of Dental Prosthesis and Restorative Materials Interface on Oral Biofilms. Int J Mol Sci 2018;19:3157.