Credible Sales Messages in a Retail Context: Theory and Evidence

  • Hyun Chul MAENG (Asia Center, Seoul National University)
  • 투고 : 2024.09.02
  • 심사 : 2024.09.15
  • 발행 : 2024.09.26


Purpose: his study examines the effect of message valence on consumer perceptions of sales messages and salesperson evaluations in retail contexts. In contrast to previous studies on the negativity effect, it examines the positivity effect, which implies that the effect of positive information may outweigh that of negative information in certain situations. In addition, the current research examines how the content of the sales message influences consumers' perceptions of salespeople. Research design and methodology: The study presents an analytical model in which a potentially altruistic salesperson transmits quality information as a form of cheap talk. Several predictions were derived from the model and then empirically tested in two experiments. Results: When the sales message is about relatively less expensive products, positive information can be more credible and diagnostic than negative information. In addition, positive sales messages about the less expensive products signal the salesperson's benevolence. Conclusion: This paper is one of the few studies to predict and empirically test the positivity effect. It also contributes to the literature on trust in salespeople by showing that message valence influences buyers' perceptions of salespeople.



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