Exploring Public Opinion to Analyze the Consequences of Social Media on Students' Behaviors

  • Asif Nawaz (University Institute of Information Technology, PMAS Arid Agriculture University) ;
  • Tariq Ali (University Institute of Information Technology, PMAS Arid Agriculture University) ;
  • Saif Ur Rehman (University Institute of Information Technology, PMAS Arid Agriculture University) ;
  • Yaser Hafeez (University Institute of Information Technology, PMAS Arid Agriculture University)
  • Received : 2024.08.05
  • Published : 2024.08.30


Social media sites like as twitter, Facebook and flicker widely used by people, not only as a source of distributing information but also as for communication purpose, with the advancement of technology today. Now a day's one of the most frequently used communication methods are social networks. In various research studies, their use in different fields and the effects of social media on student's behaviors, chat sites and blogs caused by Facebook has been analyzed. In order to obtain the basic data, a general scanning model that is public opinion and views of parents and comments that are openly available across social media sites, used to perceive attitude of graduate students, instead of traditional methods like questionnaires and survey's conduction. A dataset of nearly 20000 reviews of parents was collected from different social media networks about their children's, while in another dataset in which 362 graduate school teachers who observe the students to use social media during classes, labs and in campus during free times, their comments about those students were chosen. As per this study, through different positive and negative factors the detailed analysis has been performed to show effect of social media on student's behavior.



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