A Study on the Justification of Inspection through Analysis of Periodic Test Inspection Results of a Two-wheeled Vehicle

이륜자동차 정기검사 결과분석을 통한 검사제도 개선연구

  • 이준석 (한국교통안전공단 자동차검사본부) ;
  • 한성길 (한국교통안전공단 자동차검사본부) ;
  • 조홍재 (한국교통안전공단 자동차검사본부) ;
  • 김호경 (한국교통안전공단 자동차검사본부) ;
  • 석광진 (한국교통안전공단 자동차검사본부) ;
  • 김용달 (한국교통안전공단 자동차검사본부) ;
  • 오태석 (한국교통안전공단)
  • Received : 2023.11.02
  • Accepted : 2024.02.12
  • Published : 2024.03.31


With a sustained increase in the number of reported registrations for two-wheeled vehicles and the simultaneous growth of the domestic two-wheeled vehicle market, fueled by the activation of contactless industries and a rising population engaging in recreational two-wheeled vehicles during the COVID-19 era, concerns regarding safety incidents and environmental issues have come to the forefront. While the regular inspection methods and environmental standards for four-wheeled vehicles are becoming more stringent for safety and environmental management, the same cannot be said for two-wheeled vehicles. As the market for two-wheeled vehicles continues to expand, there is a pressing need for improvements in the management and inspection of these vehicles. In this study, we analyze cases of non-compliance from the results of periodic inspections over the past five years, specifically focusing on illegal customizations, exhaust emissions testing, and exhaust noise results. Through this analysis, we elucidate the necessity for enhancing the inspection system for two-wheeled vehicles, drawing parallels with the inspection systems applied to conventional automobiles. The findings of this research contribute to advocating for improvements in the inspection regime for two-wheeled vehicles, addressing the growing concerns related to safety and environmental impact.



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