Endoscopic Diagnosis and Treatment of Benign Small Bowel Stricture

양성 소장협착의 내시경적 진단과 치료

  • Jinsu Kim (Division of Gastroenterology, Department of Internal Medicine, Eunpyeong St. Mary's Hospital, College of Medicine, The Catholic University of Korea)
  • 김진수 (가톨릭대학교 의과대학 은평성모병원 소화기내과)
  • Received : 2024.07.14
  • Accepted : 2024.07.17
  • Published : 2024.08.01


Benign small bowel strictures can occur in association with various conditions, including small bowel Crohn's disease, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug-induced enteritis, ischemic enteritis, intestinal tuberculosis, radiation enteritis, postoperative adhesions, and anastomotic strictures. Benign small bowel strictures are classified into two categories, low-grade and high-grade. Low-grade small bowel strictures involve a partial reduction of the internal diameter of the small intestine, causing slight obstruction of the passage of food and digestive fluids without significant bowel obstruction symptoms. By contrast, high-grade small bowel strictures involve a severe narrowing of the intestinal lumen, leading to marked obstruction of the passage of food and digestive fluids and pronounced bowel obstruction symptoms. Small bowel strictures can be diagnosed using various methods, including abdominal plain radiography, abdominal computed tomography, computed tomography enterography, magnetic resonance enterography, balloon-assisted enteroscopy, and abdominal ultrasound. Each diagnostic method has unique advantages and disadvantages as well as differences in diagnostic specificity and sensitivity. Therefore, even if small bowel strictures are not observed using a single imaging technique, their presence cannot be completely excluded. A comprehensive diagnosis that combines clinical information from multiple diagnostic modalities is necessary. Therapeutic approaches for managing small bowel strictures include medical therapy, endoscopic balloon dilation using balloon-assisted enteroscopy, and surgical methods such as strictureplasty and segmental resection. Endoscopic balloon dilation, in particular, can help reduce complications associated with repeated surgeries for strictures.



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