Efficacy and Safety of Thermal Ablation for Solitary Low-Risk T2N0M0 Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma

  • Yu-Lin Fei (Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences & Peking Union Medical College) ;
  • Ying Wei (Department of Interventional Medicine, China–Japan Friendship Hospital) ;
  • Zhen-Long Zhao (Department of Interventional Medicine, China–Japan Friendship Hospital) ;
  • Li-Li Peng (Department of Interventional Medicine, China–Japan Friendship Hospital) ;
  • Yan Li (Department of Interventional Medicine, China–Japan Friendship Hospital) ;
  • Shi-Liang Cao (Department of Interventional Medicine, China–Japan Friendship Hospital) ;
  • Jie Wu (Department of Interventional Medicine, China–Japan Friendship Hospital) ;
  • Hui-Di Zhou (Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences & Peking Union Medical College) ;
  • Ming-An Yu (Department of Interventional Medicine, China–Japan Friendship Hospital)
  • Received : 2023.10.16
  • Accepted : 2024.05.27
  • Published : 2024.08.01


Objective: To evaluate the efficacy and safety of thermal ablation in treating solitary low-risk T2N0M0 papillary thyroid cancer (PTC) and compare the outcomes of microwave ablation (MWA) and radiofrequency ablation (RFA). Materials and Methods: This retrospective, single center study involved 34 patients (age: 40.0 ± 13.9 years; 28 female) who had low-risk T2N0M0 PTC with a maximum diameter >2 cm and ≤4 cm and underwent MWA (n = 15) or RFA (n = 19) from November 2016 to April 2023. The primary outcomes were the cumulative rate of disease progression and delayed surgery rates. In contrast, the secondary outcomes included changes in tumor size, cumulative rate of complete tumor disappearance, and complication rates. Results: The median follow-up period was 18.0 months (interquartile range [IQR]: 9.0-40.0 months). At 12 months, the median volume reduction rate of the ablation zone was 74.2% (IQR: 53.7%-86.0%). Disease progression was noted in two patients within 1 year, including one patient with local tumor progression post-RFA and one with a new tumor post-MWA, resulting in a constant cumulative disease progression rate of 8.8% (95% confidence interval [CI]: 0%-19.8%) throughout the remaining follow-up period. Both patients were subsequently treated with additional ablation and did not require surgery. The cumulative rates of complete tumor disappearance at 1, 3, and 5 years were 4.0% (95% CI: 0%-11.4%), 26.8% (95% CI: 2.7%-44.9%), and 51.2% (95% CI: 0%-79.1%), respectively. No significant differences were observed in the disease progression (P = 0.829) or complete tumor disappearance (P = 0.633) rates between the MWA and RFA groups. Complications occurred in 14.7% (5/34) of patients presenting with transient hoarseness. RFA had a higher but not statistically significant complication rate than MWA did (21.1% [4/19] vs. 6.7% [1/15]; P = 0.355). Conclusion: Both MWA and RFA demonstrated promising short-term outcomes in terms of efficacy and safety in treating solitary low-risk T2N0M0 PTC, with no significant differences.



We would like to thank all participants for their support in this study.


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