• VUK STOJILJKOVIC (Faculty of Science, University of Novi Sad, Mathematical Grammar School) ;
  • MEHMET GURDAL (Department of Mathematics, Suleyman Demirel University)
  • 투고 : 2024.04.30
  • 심사 : 2024.06.07
  • 발행 : 2024.07.30


Motivated by the previously reported results, this work attempts to provide fresh refinements to both vector and numerical radius inequalities by providing a refinement to the well known Buzano's inequality which as a consequence yielded another refinement of the Cauchy-Schwartz (CS) inequality. Utilizing the new refinements of the Buzano's and Cauchy-Schwartz inequalities, we proceed to obtain various vector and numerical radius type inequalities. Methods used in the paper are standard for the operator theory inequality topics.



The authors would like to thank the Editor-in-Chief and the anonymous reviewers for their insightful suggestions and careful reading of the manuscript.


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