Smart Tourism Destinations: Governance and Resilience The Use of ICTs in Destination Governance and its Impact on Resilience

  • Received : 2024.05.13
  • Accepted : 2024.07.01
  • Published : 2024.06.30


This study explores the nexus between governance, technology, and resilience in smart tourism destinations, elucidating how smart governance can bolster destination adaptability and resilience. Through a quantitative approach and an extensive questionnaire survey, governance and resilience dynamics, along with ICT roles, are scrutinized across Spanish tourism destinations. Results highlight the pivotal role of adaptable governance structures and strategic planning in driving successful smart initiatives. Diverse adoption patterns and varying effectiveness levels underscore the necessity for tailored approaches. By providing actionable insights, this research empowers policymakers and destination managers to enhance destination resilience and competitiveness through ICT-driven governance strategies.



Special thanks are extended to the managing entities and managers of Spanish tourism destinations for their invaluable contributions to this study. Appreciation goes to the city halls, city councils, tourism boards, associations, foundations, and tourism offices across Spain for providing crucial information and insights through the questionnaire. Their support has been essential to this research.


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