Needs Analysis of Regional, Industrial, Academic, and Research Experts on Curriculum in the New and Renewable Energy

신재생에너지 분야 교육과정에 대한 지・산・학・연 전문가의 요구분석

  • Choi, Jeehyun (New Energy Industry-Convergence Open Sharing Center, Korea University)
  • 최지현 (고려대학교 에너지신산업 혁신융합대학사업단)
  • Received : 2024.04.08
  • Accepted : 2024.05.27
  • Published : 2024.05.31


The purpose of this study was to conduct a needs analysis among experts regarding the curriculum in the field of new and renewable energy for the future experts. To achieve this goal, purposive sampling was employed to select 30 experts from the reginal, industrial, academic, and research sectors in the new and renewable energy field, who participated in needs surveys and expert Delphi surveys. Needs assessments for 53 courses and suitability evaluations for 6 curriculums were conducted, and comprehensive advisory opinions were gathered. Data were analyzed using t-tests, Brich's needs assessment, the locus for focus model, and content analysis methods, with the assistance of MS Office Excel 2018 and SPSS 25.0 software. The key findings include: (a) 18 courses should be given top priority for operation, while 4 courses should be considered secondarily; (b) All 6 curriculums received positive evaluations; (c) Improvements are needed in curriculum development to cater to both generalist and specialist training needs, incorporating the acquisition of new technology and project-based learning experiences. The results of this study provide implications for the development of customized curriculums in the new and renewable energy industry.



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