단골에 관한 외식서비스의 연구 주제 분석

Theme Analysis of Foodservice Research on Dangol

  • Sunhwa Shin (Department of Foodservice & Culinary Management, College of Tourism & Culture, Kyonggi University) ;
  • Kyungsoo Han (Department of Foodservice & Culinary Management, College of Tourism & Culture, Kyonggi University)
  • 투고 : 2024.06.25
  • 심사 : 2024.06.28
  • 발행 : 2024.06.30


"Dangol" is a native Korean word originating from 18 century folklore. Dangol is often used as a keyword and term in consumer marketing and foodservice industry research. However, a variety of other terms have also been used to express the concept of Dangol, including loyalty, brand loyalty, Choongsung, Choongsung level, loyal customer, Dangol customer, Dangol intention, and store loyalty. Due to a lack of clear conceptualizations of Dangol, terms such as Dangol, Choongsung, and loyalty are often mixed in their use, even in a single study. This study confirmed whether Dangol is being used interchangeably with loyalty in domestic literature by applying an integrated literature review of studies found on Google Scholar. Of the studies that have been published since 1990, 219 studies were analyzed. The first analysis yielded eight research keywords related to Dangol. Dangol intention, Dangol doctor, and Dangol faith were the most commonly used at 18.2%, followed by Dangol customer and Dangol relationship at 13.6%. The second analysis yielded nine research keywords related to loyalty. Out of the 99 cases, loyalty program occurred most frequently at 46%, followed by loyalty at 20%. The third analysis yielded 22 research keywords related to Choongsung in total. Customer Choongsung was most frequent at 28%, followed by trademark Choongsung at 14%. Finally, the results of the content analysis on Dangol was summarized as "designated relationship for business transaction and the relationship between the seller", "the customer when a single transactional relationship is established continuously".



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