Relationship between job stress and job satisfaction of dental hygienists

치과위생사의 직무스트레스와 직무만족도의 관련성

  • Received : 2024.04.18
  • Accepted : 2024.05.10
  • Published : 2024.06.30


Purpose: The purpose of this study was to identify Relationship between job stress and job satisfaction of dental hygienists Methods: The subjects of this study were to 173 dental hygienists who work in dental diseases and clinics in Busan, Ulsan, and Gyeongnam, and through the Internet link using web questionnaire from August 1 to October 30, 2023. Distributed and collected. The collected data were analyzed using an IBM SPSS ver. 26. Results: As for general characteristics, job stress was high in the 40s age group, work experience was high in the 1-4 year group, and job satisfaction was high in the 4-7 year or more group. As factors affecting job satisfaction, it was found that the lower the Self- determination of duties , the lower the Job insecurity, and the lower the Inadequate compensation, the higher the job satisfaction. Conclusions: From the above results, in order to increase the job satisfaction of dental hygienists, it is necessary to ensure stable employment and at the same time allow them to focus on tasks specific to dental hygiene, as job satisfaction decreases if a lot of chores unrelated to dental hygiene work are performed, and Self- determination of duties and an appropriate compensation system must be established. If an excessive workload is given or there is frequent overtime work, compensation should be made commensurate with experience or ability, and in the case of frequent overtime work, appropriate compensation should be provided through allowances or incentives.



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