Morphological Variations in Tetrapleura tetraptera Taub. (Fabaceae) Fruits and Seed Traits from Lowland Rainforest Zones of Nigeria: A Keystone Non Timber Forest Tree Species in the Tropics

  • Aishat Adeola Olaniyi (Multipurpose Tree Species Multiplication and Improvement Unit, Forestry Research Institute of Nigeria (FRIN)) ;
  • Samuel Olalekan Olajuyigbe (Department of Forest Production and Products, Faculty of Renewable Resources Management, University of Ibadan) ;
  • Musbau Bayo Olaniyi (Biomedicinal Research Centre, Forestry Research Institute of Nigeria (FRIN))
  • Received : 2023.10.29
  • Accepted : 2024.03.28
  • Published : 2024.06.30


An evaluation was carried out on variability in morphology of fruits and seeds (number and weight) of Tetrapleura tetraptera (Schumach. and Thonn.) Taub. from different populations across its distribution range in Nigeria. Bulk fruit samples were collected and examined for variations in morphological characters. Differences in morphological character of fruits and seeds among the populations were determined using analysis of variance at 5% level of probability. The relationships among morphological characters were determined using Pearson correlation coefficient (r). Significant variations (p<0.05) existed among T. tetraptera populations for all the evaluated characters: fruit length, fruit width, number of seeds per fruit and seed weight. A positive significant strong correlation (r=0.96) was found between seed weight and number of seeds per fruit, while no correlation existed between fruit length, width and number of seeds. Seed weight was positively correlated with minimum altitude (r=0.97) and maximum altitude (r=0.99) of seed populations. Number of seeds was also significantly correlated with maximum altitude (r=0.965). There was no significant correlation between geo-climatic variables and fruit dimensions (length and width). Observed variations in morphological traits within and across populations of T. tetraptera may be used as proxy to estimate genetic diversity and selection of superior trees for improved productivity.



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