• JABA RANI NARZARY (Department of Mathematics, Central Institute of Technology Kokrajhar) ;
  • SAHALAD BORGOYARY (Department of Mathematics, Central Institute of Technology Kokrajhar)
  • Received : 2023.08.23
  • Accepted : 2024.03.13
  • Published : 2024.05.30


In this paper, using the notion of the imprecise set, the idea of an imprecise group is introduced including some examples. The two key rules of classical set theory are obeyed by this extended version of fuzzy sets, which the existing complement definition of a fuzzy set failed to do. With the support from general group theory, the paper also provides some fundamental properties of an imprecise group here. Additionally, it includes a few characteristics of imprecise subgroups, and abelian imprecise group.



The first author acknowledges the financial support received from the University Grant Commission, New Delhi under the Scheme of the National Fellowship for Higher Education (NFHE) vide award letter-number 202021-NFST-ASS-01210, Dated 20th September 2021 to carry out this research work.


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