A Comparative Analysis of Ward Attributes and Floor Plan Configurations in Korean and Chinese Infectious Disease Response Medical Facilities

한·중 감염병 대응 의료시설의 병동 특징 및 평면 구성 비교 분석

  • Shen, Ruoqi (Dept. of Architecture and Architectural Engineering, Seoul National University) ;
  • Yeo, Myung Eun (Dept. of Architecture and Architectural Engineering, Seoul National University) ;
  • Lee, Sang Won (Dept. of Architecture and Architectural Engineering, Seoul National University) ;
  • Kim, Jin Young (Dept. of Architecture and Architectural Engineering, Seoul National University) ;
  • Zo, Hangman (Dept. of Architecture and Architectural Engineering, Seoul National University)
  • Received : 2023.12.22
  • Accepted : 2024.03.18
  • Published : 2024.04.30


This study examines the facility attributes and spatial distribution of four specialized infectious disease response medical facilities in Korea and China. Highlighting the importance of understanding their spatial accessibility and unique characteristics for effective infectious disease management, the study unfolds across four main chapters. Chapter 1 establishes the research framework, outlining the study's context, scope, objectives, and significance. Chapter 2 delves into an extensive exploration of infectious diseases, critically reviewing existing literature and defining essential components for specialized infectious disease response facilities. Chapter 3 meticulously examines selected response facilities in Korea and China, evaluating factors such as bed capacity, area, and layout to analyze operational challenges. Chapter 4 extends the analysis by conducting a comparative study, emphasizing differences in spatial distribution, location, bed capacity, program configuration, and floor plan design. This study provides valuable insights to enhance healthcare readiness during infectious disease outbreaks in Korea and China. Its findings inform resource optimization, improve response mechanisms, and suggest informed policy directives. Furthermore, this research serves as a valuable reference for global public health strategies within similar healthcare landscapes.



이 연구는 2022~2023년도 국가연구개발사업의 일환으로 보건복지부 재원 범부처방역연계감염병연구개발재단 감염병의료안전강화기술개발사업 지원에 의한 결과임. 과제번호:HG22C0020


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