IPA 분석을 활용한 초등 수학과 교육과정에 대한 예비교사의 인식 조사 연구

A study on prospective elementary teachers' perception of elementary mathematics curriculum using IPA analysis

  • Kim Yunmin (Chinju National University of Education) ;
  • Ryu Hyunah (Chinju National University of Education) ;
  • Kim Chan-Gyun (Chinju National University of Education)
  • 투고 : 2024.02.07
  • 심사 : 2024.02.29
  • 발행 : 2024.02.29


This study investigates the perceptions toward prospective elementary teachers regarding the revised 2015 elementary mathematics curriculum. The aim is to understand the importance and implementation of the revised curriculum and provide implications for curriculum improvement in elementary teacher education institutions, using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA). The research findings are as follows: Firstly, prospective elementary teachers perceived that the areas of the revised 2015 elementary mathematics curriculum that require particular focus are number and operations and data and probability. Secondly, they identified the specific elements within these areas that demand dedicated attention as follows: numbers up to four digits in number and operations, mixed calculations with natural numbers, shapes of solid figures, spatial sense of solid figures, comparison of quantities in measurement, etc. These findings can inform the improvement of the curriculum in elementary teacher education institutions.



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