Research on construction simulation technology of civil building structure engineering based on artificial intelligence

  • Zhongkuo Zhang (School of Civil Engineering, Yancheng Institute of Technology) ;
  • Jie Ren (School of Architecture, Inner Mongolia University of Technology)
  • 투고 : 2022.12.04
  • 심사 : 2023.11.30
  • 발행 : 2024.01.25


Nanotechnology is the latest technology developed by humanity, trying to use the molecular properties of materials found in nature to create devices that solve the problems plaguing humanity and their efficiency. Man is also trying to change the meaning of molecules to nano so that a body made up of these particles has all the properties of these particles. Nanotechnology is not a new field but a new approach in all areas. A new perspective in concrete technology has been created by the use of nanoparticles in recent years. Adding silica nanoparticles to concrete mixes improves its properties and increases its strength. However, different results and reported mechanisms explain the behavior of nanoparticles in the mixture; Therefore, it took much work to generalize the results and predict the behavior of nano concretes. This article is about the construction simulation technology of civil engineering based on artificial intelligence, which deals with the effect of nanoparticles on improving concrete properties. This was demonstrated by analyzing laboratory samples in various mixture configurations and observing how silica nanoparticles affected their microstructure with scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Based on SEM measurements, silica nanoparticles have a powerful effect because of their specific surface area. Their increase and decrease must be sought in interacting with the filling and nucleation mechanism and the pozzolanic activity. Each of these mechanisms dominates at different ages of hydration and affects the microstructure and mechanical properties of concrete.



This study was supported by Horizontal Project of Yancheng Institute of Technology (2022112110): Development and Research of Remote Monitoring System for HVAC Energy Consumption in High Rise Residential Buildings under the Background of Dual Carbon.


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