본 연구는 2019년 상지대학교 교내연구비 지원을 받아 수행된 연구입니다.
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- Fahy JV. (2015). Type2 inflammation in ahstma-present in most, absent in many. Nature reviews immonolgy, 15, 57-65.
- Walsh ER, Sahu N, Kearley J, Benjamin E, Kang BH, Humbles A, et al. (2008). Strain-specific requirement for eosinophils in the recruitment of T cells to the lung during the development of allergic asthma. Journal of Experimental Medicine, 205(6), 1285-1292.
- Lee H, Myung WJ, Kim SE, Kim DK, Kim H. (2018). Ambient air pollution and completed suicide in 26 South Korean cities: Effect modification by demographic and socioeconomic factors. Science of The Total Environment, 639, 944-951.
- Basith S, Manavalan B, Shin TH, Park CB, Lee WS, Kim JT , et al. (2022). The Impact of Fine Particulate Matter 2.5 on the Cardiovascular System: A review of the Invisible Killer. Nanomaterials, 12, 1-28.
- Schraufnagel DE. (2020). The health effects of ultrafine particels. Experimental & Molecular Medicine, 52, 311-317.
- Lyu YR, Kim JH, Yang WK, Kim SH, Park YC. (2019). Clinical Research Trends in Respiratory Diseases Related to Particular Matter. Journal of Korean Internal Medicine, 40(3), 443-457.
- Kwon BI, Kim TW, Shin K, Kim YH, Yuk CM, Shin DM, et al. (2017). Enhanced Th2 cell differentiation and function in the absence of Nox2. Allergy, 72(2), 252-265.
- Seo YS, Kim HS, Lee AY, Chun JM, Kim SB, Moon BC, et al. (2019). Codonopsis lanceolata attenuates allergic lung inflamamtion by inhibiting Th2 cell activation and augmenting mitochonrial ROS dismutase(SOD2) expression. Scientific reports, 9:2312,
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- Ray A, Khare A, Krishnamoorthy N, Qi Z, Ray P. Wang CZ. (2010). Regulatory T cells in many flavors control asthma. Mucosal Immunology, 3(3), 216-229.
- Theofani E, Semitekilou M, Morianos I, Samitas K, Xanthou G. (2019). Targeting NLRP3 Inflammasome Activation in Severe Asthma. Journal of Clinical Medicine. 28, 1615, doi:10.3390/jcm8101615.
- Xie Y, Abel PW, Casale TB, Tu Y. (2022). TH17 cells and corticosteroid insensitivity in severe asthma. The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 149(2), 467-479.