Analysis of Carbonation Mineral Phase and Compressive Strength according to CO2 Curing of Calcium Silicate Cement

칼슘 실리케이트 시멘트의 CO2 양생에 따른 탄산화 광물상 및 압축강도 분석

  • Lee, Hyang-Sun (Carbon Neutral Materials Center, Korea Institute of Ceramic Engineering and Technology) ;
  • Song, Hun (Carbon Neutral Materials Center, Korea Institute of Ceramic Engineering and Technology)
  • 이향선 (한국세라믹기술원 탄소중립소재센터) ;
  • 송훈 (한국세라믹기술원 탄소중립소재센터)
  • Received : 2023.03.20
  • Accepted : 2023.09.13
  • Published : 2023.10.30


The cement industry is responsible for approximately 10% of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the industrial sector, with most emissions occurring during the cement clinker production process. To address this issue, the cement industry is making efforts to reduce GHG emissions by developing technologies such as raw material substitution, improving process efficiency using new low-carbon heat sources, and employing CO2 capture and utilization techniques. This study conducted foundational experiments to contribute to the reduction of CO2 emissions in the cement industry by utilizing a CO2 recycling technology called mineral carbonation. In this study, calcium silicate cement(CSC) was manufactured at the laboratory scale to convert CO2 into a mineral form, and analysis was performed on the carbonate mineral phase and strength development. The manufacturing and analysis results of CSC clinker confirmed the formation of key minerals, namely wollastonite and rankinite. Furthermore, through CO2 curing of CSC, carbonate minerals including calcite and aragonite were formed. The compressive strength measurements of carbonated CSC paste specimens confirmed the development of strength. In conclusion, this study demonstrates the feasibility of CSC production and the manifestation of compressive strength through CO2 generation, contributing to the potential reduction of CO2 emissions in the cement industry.



이 연구는 2023년도 정부(산업자원통상부)의 지원으로 수행되었음(과제번호 RS-2022-00155521).


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