The effect of Virtual CSR Co-Create on Users' Gameful Pleasure

  • Fei Zhou (College of Business Administration, Huaqiao University) ;
  • Songling Xu (College of Business Administration, Huaqiao University) ;
  • Yuanxi Ding (College of Business Administration, Huaqiao University)
  • 투고 : 2023.03.13
  • 심사 : 2023.04.12
  • 발행 : 2023.08.31


With the progress of information technology and the rapid development of the gamification marketing, corporate marketing through virtual CSR co-create as customer acquisition, customer retention strategy has become the hot topic, but the reality results show that the effect of virtual CSR co-create fails to reach an enterprise's marketing purposes. Based on the success model of D&M information system, from the perspective of customer engagement, this study analyzes how enterprises achieve customer engagement and bring gameful experience to customers through gamification marketing in the context of virtual CSR co-create. The empirical results show that the quality of game information -- social interaction and sense of achievement in the context of virtual CSR co-create have a significant positive impact on consumers' gameful experience, and customer engagement plays a partial mediating role between social interaction, sense of achievement and consumers' gameful experience.



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