Determination of escape rate coefficients of fission products from the defective fuel rod with large defects in PWR

  • Pengtao Fu (China Nuclear Power Technology Research Institute Co., Ltd.)
  • Received : 2022.10.07
  • Accepted : 2023.05.01
  • Published : 2023.08.25


During normal operation, some parts of the fission product in the defective fuel rods can release into the primary loops in PWR and the escape rate coefficients are widely used to assess quantitatively the release behaviors of fission products in the industry. The escape rate coefficients have been standardized and have been validated by some drilling experiments before the 1970s. In the paper, the model to determine the escape rate coefficients of fission products has been established and the typical escape rate coefficients of noble gas and iodine have been deduced based on the measured radiochemical data in one operating PWR. The result shows that the apparent escape rate coefficients vary with the release-to-birth and decay constants for different fission products of the same element. In addition, it is found that the escape rate coefficients from the defective rod with large defects are much higher than the standard escape rate coefficients, i.e., averagely 4.4 times and 1.8 times for noble gas and iodine respectively. The enhanced release of fission products from the severe secondary hydriding of several defective fuel rods in one cycle may lead to the potential risk of the temporary shutdown of the operating reactors.



Thanks to Lan Fang and Zhaowen Zhu in Nuclear and Radiation Safety Center (MEE) for the suggestions on the formula used in the analysis, and Zhijun Li and Huaibin Li in China Nuclear Power Technology Research Institute Co. Ltd for their discussions several years ago.


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