Preliminary Design Evaluation of Auxiliary Equipment for Transportation and Storage of Multi-purpose Canister

사용후핵연료 다목적 캐니스터의 운반 및 저장 보조 설비에 대한 예비설계 평가

  • 신창민 (한국원자력환경공단 고준위기술개발원) ;
  • 이상환 (한국원자력환경공단 고준위기술개발원) ;
  • 이연오 ((주)세아베스틸) ;
  • 정인수 ((주)코네스코퍼레이션 기술연구소) ;
  • 차길용 (주)래드코어)
  • Received : 2023.08.25
  • Accepted : 2023.09.21
  • Published : 2023.09.30


A multi-purpose canister (MPC) was developed for the purpose of transportation, storage and disposal of spent nuclear fuel (SNF) and has the advantage of minimizing repackaging between management stages of SNF. Considering the typical rock characteristics in Korea, a disposal canister is expected to contain 4 assemblies of Pressurized water reactor (PWR) SNF. The capacity of the MPC should be similarly designed with the disposal canister. However, the MPC with four SNF assemblies is expected to be less efficient in transporting and storing compared to a large-capacity canister. Therefore, a preliminary concept was derived for an auxiliary equipment that can transport and store multiple MPCs in a large overpack. A previously derived concept from US was thoroughly reviewed, and the preliminary concept was revised considering domestic situations including crane capacity and others. In addition, the safety of the normal transportation and storage of the MPC placed in transportation and storage overpack was evaluated with the auxiliary equipment.



본 연구는 산업통상자원부 에너지기술평가원 기술개발과제(No. 20211710200010B)의 연구비를 지원받아 수행되었습니다.


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