Comparison between Isokinetic Peak Torque and Isotonic 1RM on the Knee Joint

  • Jaehyun Yoo (Laboratory of Health & Exercise Science, Department of Health & Human Performance, College of Health & Welfare, Sahmyook University)
  • Received : 2023.06.21
  • Accepted : 2023.06.28
  • Published : 2023.06.30


Objective: Resistance exercise is a necessary element to improve quality of life, and measurement and evaluation of muscle strength provide important information for prescription and management of rehabilitation and exercise programs. This study analyzed the correlation between direct and indirect 1RM for isokinetic maximum torque of the knee joint in order to provide useful information in the field of exercise programs. In addition, the flexion-extension ratio and the difference in left-right deviation were verified. Design: A cross-sectional study Methods: The subjects of this study were 33 healthy adult men and women without medical problems who participated in the health exercise class program at S University in Seoul. The correlation between isokinetic maximum torque and direct and indirect 1RM was analyzed, and a dependent t-test was performed to analyze the flexion-extension ratio and left-right deviation. Results: There was a high correlation between the isokinetic maximum torque and direct and indirect 1RM, and no statistically significant difference was shown between the test methods in the analysis of the flexion-extension ratio and left-right deviation. Conclusions: Isokinetic muscle function measuring equipment is expensive, so it is difficult to use it in local exercise rehabilitation and training sites. Through this study, it was found that direct and indirect 1RM isokinetic maximum torque showed a high correlation, and there was no difference in evaluating muscle function such as flexion-extension ratio and left-right deviation. Therefore, it is considered that the muscle function evaluation using 1RM in general field can be usefully utilized.



이 논문은 2021년도 삼육대학교 홍명기학술연구기금에 의하여 수행된 연구임.


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