김·미역 양식의 기후변화 피해비용 분석

Analysis of the Costs of Climate Change Damage to Laver and Sea Mustard Aquaculture in Korea

  • 윤유진 (에너지경제연구원 에너지정보통계센터) ;
  • 김봉태 (부경대학교 수산과학대학 해양수산경영경제학부)
  • Yu-Jin Yun (Korea Energy Economics Institute) ;
  • Bong-Tae Kim (Division of Marine & Fisheries Business and Economics, College of Fisheries Sciences, Pukyong National University)
  • 투고 : 2023.05.05
  • 심사 : 2023.06.22
  • 발행 : 2023.06.30


This study aims to analyze the cost of climate change damages to laver and sea mustard aquaculture, which are considered to be highly vulnerable to climate change in Korea. For this purpose, the correlation between aquaculture production and climate factors such as water temperature, salinity, air temperature, and precipitation was estimated using a panel regression model. The SSP scenario was applied to predict the changes in production and damage costs due to changes in future climate factors. As a result of the analysis, laver production is predicted to decrease by 18.0-27.2% in 2050 and 20.6-61.6% in 2100, and damage costs are predicted to increase from 29.7-50.8 billion KRW in 2050 to 35.7-116.1 billion KRW in 2100. Sea mustard production is projected to decrease by 24.5-37.2% in 2050 and 24.0-34.5% in 2100, with similar damage costs of 41.1-61.8 billion KRW and 41.1-58.6 billion KRW, respectively. These damage costs are expected to occur in the short term as damage caused by fishery disasters such as high temperatures, and in the long term as a decrease in production due to changes in aquaculture sites. Therefore, measures such as strengthening the forecasting system to prevent high-temperature damage, developing high-temperature-resistant varieties, and relocating fishing grounds in response to changes in aquaculture sites will be necessary.



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