2050 탄소중립 시나리오를 적용한 창원시 에너지부문 온실가스 배출산정 및 시나리오 분석

An Estimation of Greenhouse Gases (GHGs) Emissions from Energy Sector in Changwon City and Scenario Analysis Based on the Application of Carbon Neutral by 2050 in Korea

  • 김하늘 (창원시정연구원 도시공간연구실) ;
  • 정재형 (창원시정연구원 도시공간연구실)
  • Ha-Neul Kim (Urban Research Office, Changwon Research Institute) ;
  • Jae-Hyung Jung (Urban Research Office, Changwon Research Institute)
  • 투고 : 2023.03.21
  • 심사 : 2023.05.10
  • 발행 : 2023.06.30


This study estimates the greenhouse gases (GHGs) emissions from energy sector of Changwon city from 2012 to 2020 and scenario analysis of GHGs reductions pathways in the context of the goal of 2030 NDC and 2050 carbon neutral scenario in Korea. As a result, the GHG emissions as a reference year of carbon neutral in 2018 were estimated as 8,872,641 tonCO2eq accounting for 3,851,786 tonCO2eq (43.6%) of direct source (scope 1) and 4,975,855 tonCO2eq (56.4%) of indirect source (scope 2). Especially, among indirect sources as purchased electricity, manufacturing sector emitted the largest GHG accounting for 33.0%(2,915 thousands tonCO2eq) of the total emissions from all energy sectors, scenario analysis of GHG reductions potential from the energy was analyzed 8,473,614 tonCO2eq and the residual emissions were 354,027 tonCO2eq. Purchased electricity and industry sector reducted the largest GHG accounting for 58.7%(4,976 thousands tonCO2eq) and 42.1%(3,565 thousands tonCO2eq) of the total emissions from all energy sectors, respectively.



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