Objective: This study introduces exposure concentrations of time-weighted average standard (TWA) evaluation and short-time exposure standard (STEL) evaluation for trichloroethylene in the cleaning process. Methods: Trichloroethylene measurement was conducted according to the KOSHA Guide (A-24-2019) method. It was carried out twice. Results: As a result of the first measurement, TWA concentration exceeded 4 times the exposure standard and STEL concentration exceeded 16 times, but the inaccuracy and breakthrough of the collection time could not be considered, so the second measurement was conducted. The second measurement result was lower than the first measurement result, but exceeded the exposure standards (TWA, STEL). Conclusions: We were able to confirm that the exposure level of workers in the cleaning process using trichloroethylene exceeded the exposure standard. And it is also considered necessary to grasp the approximate concentration using a detector tube in the preliminary survey.