Diagnosis of Facilities Vulnerable to Coronavirus-19 Infection - Analysis of Spatial and Socio-Cultural Behavioral Perspectives -

코로나바이러스감염증-19 감염 취약시설의 진단 - 공간과 사회문화, 행태적 관점의 분석 -

  • Shon, Donghwa (Dept. of Architecture, Chungbuk National University) ;
  • Lee, Yejin (Dept. of Architecture, Chungbuk National University)
  • Received : 2022.10.24
  • Accepted : 2023.03.13
  • Published : 2023.04.30


The COVID-19 virus has undergone several mutations, and the disease has continued to affect people's daily lives since the outbreak in December 2019. Korea has been globally acknowledged as an exemplary country for its general response to pandemics, with immediate and effective quarantine conditions, such as preemptive diagnostic tests and social distancing. However, reflecting on the COVID-19 quarantine experience over the past two years, there have been problems such as unexpected outbreaks involving large number of confirmed cases. In addition to the limitations of the physical environment, vulnerabilities have arisen in the sociocultural relationships of these spaces with quarantine policies and issues. Therefore, this study aims to examine the vulnerable infectious spaces during the COVID-19 pandemic for the two-year period of the outbreak and examine the causes and countermeasures of vulnerabilities based on a sociocultural relationship review. After collecting daily data on COVID-19 infections in Seoul for two years, the number of confirmed cases according to major facilities and sociocultural issues are presented. We attempt to diagnose space vulnerabilities through sociocultural relationships. This study examines their relationship by addressing quarantine policies, behavioral and psychological problems, and social issues. Sociocultural factors are reviewed considering the government's COVID-19 quarantine policy, media information collection, and keyword analyses. Based on the analysis results, the physical characteristics of vulnerable COVID-19 spaces are closely related to the density and overlap owing to various programs and spaces in the facility. With respect to sociocultural characteristics, changes from old customs to short-term popular cultures might develop unpredictable situations, resulting in greater or fewer confirmed cases than expected. The study concludes that vulnerable COVID-19 spaces are affected by physical characteristics and sociocultural influences. Therefore, social and cultural characteristics should be considered in the event of a similar epidemic.



이 논문은 충북대학교 국립대학육성사업(2021)지원을 받아 작성 되었음.


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