Moment-Curvature behavior of steel and GFRP reinforced beam using AE and DIC Techniques

  • Sharma, Gaurav (Civil Engineering Department, Amity University) ;
  • Sharma, Shruti (Civil Engineering Department, Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology) ;
  • Sharma, Sandeep K. (Mechanical Engineering Department, Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology)
  • Received : 2021.10.25
  • Accepted : 2022.09.15
  • Published : 2022.10.25


Using non-destructive Acoustic Emission (AE) and optical Digital Image Correlation (DIC) methods, the moment-curvature behavior of steel and GFRP bars reinforced concrete beams under flexure was explored in this study. In the tension zone, laboratory studies were carried out on steel-RC and GFRP-RC beams with varying percentages of longitudinal reinforcement ratios of 0.33 %, 0.52%, and 1.11%. The distinct mechanism of cracking initiation and fracture progression of failure in steel-RC and GFRP-RC beams were effectively correlated and picked up using AE waveform characteristics of the number of AE hits and their amplitudes, AE energy as well as average frequency and duration. AE XY event plots and longitudinal strain profiles using DIC gives an online and real-time visual display of progressive AE activity and strains respectively to efficaciously depict the crack evolution and their advancement in steel-RC and GFRP-RC beams. They display a close matching with the micro and macro-cracks visually observed in the actual beams at various stages of loading.



The authors would like to thank the Thapar Institution of Engineering and Technology (T.I.E.T) Civil Engineering Department for their cooperation in conducting the experiments at the institute laboratory. The support from the Department of Science and Technology, Government of India, ECR Grant No: SERB/F/1265/2017-2018, is gratefully acknowledged.


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