사이트 특성 하중해석을 위한 기상탑 바람 데이터 분석 및 풍력터빈 작용 하중 비교 평가

Load Comparison Evaluation and Meteorological Mast Wind Data Analysis for Wind Turbine Site-specific Load Analysis

  • 김성건 (제주대학교, 대학원 풍력특성화협동과정) ;
  • 김범석 (제주대학교, 대학원 풍력공학부 )
  • 투고 : 2022.05.30
  • 심사 : 2022.08.30
  • 발행 : 2022.09.30


Although wind turbines have obtained type certification according to international standards and are released to the market, they cannot be regarded as design evaluations that consider site characteristics. Therefore, it is necessary to study the site-specific load analysis method based on the meteorological data measured at the candidate site. In this study, site-specific load calculation was performed based on the meteorological data from the Jeju Haengwon mast. Analysis results were compared and analyzed with the results calculated by IEC design Class (IIA). For the fatigue loads at the blade root and tower base, the site-specific condition was lower than the IEC IIA, but in the case of the ultimate load, the site-specific condition showed higher results in some design load cases (DLCs). Selecting a wind turbine suitable for a site through load evaluation considering site conditions can prevent the reduction of operation and maintenance (O&M) costs and the power loss caused by downtime. Finally, it is expected to contribute to the project's levelized cost of energy (LCOE) reduction.



본 연구는 산업통상자원부(MOTIE)와 한국에너지기술평가원(KETEP)의 지원을 받아 수행한 연구과제입니다. (No. 20203030020340)


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